Archive:Citizen/V1-N2: Difference between revisions

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imported>Robert W King
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|announcement=This page is reserved for issue two.
|announcement= Issue #2!  The Citizendium has reached [[CZ:Statistics|five thousand articles!!]]  Also remember, 2008 is a [[Leap Year]], and will have one extra day in [[February]]. 
<!-- <br/><br/><center><font color="red">Happy [[Valentine's Day|Saint Valentine's Day]]!</font></center><br/><br/> -->
<!-- <br/><br/><center><font color="green">Happy [[Saint Patrick's Day|St. Patrick's Day]]!</font></center><br/><br/> -->
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|colspan=2 valign="top"|'''[[CZ:Topics in the News]]'''
*'''[[2008 United States presidential election]] regularly updated''' as the primary election campaigns are in full swing.  See the following articles on the current presidential candidates
**[[Democratic Party|Democratic]]:
***[[Barack Obama]]
***[[Hillary Clinton]]
**[[Republican  Party (United States)|Republican]]:
***[[Mitt Romney]]
***[[John McCain]]
***[[Mike Huckabee]]
***[[Ron Paul]]
|colspan=2 valign="top"|'''Events'''
* '''[[CZ:Eduzendium|Eduzendium]]''' is in its second semester of operation, with these topics:
**[[CZ:Finance3101_101_TempleUniversity_Spring2008|Finance 101]] hosted by [[User:Daniel_Folkinshteyn|Daniel Folkinshteyn]] at Temple University
**[[Biol_201:_General_Microbiology|General Microbiology]] hosted by [[User:John J. Dennehy|Dr. John Dennehy]] at [ Queens College] in the City University of New York (CUNY)
**Anthropology 4110:Human Evolutionary Biology hosted by [[User:Matt_Sponheimer|Dr. Matt Sponheimer]]
*'''The [[CZ:Monthly_Write-a-Thon|Write-a-Thon!]]'''  A popular and successful initiative gained ground in January as focus was steered toward the Core articles, with the next one scheduled for February 6<sup>th</sup>
|colspan=2 valign="top"|'''Project Initiatives'''
* '''The [[CZ:CORE|Core Article Initiative]]''': The core article development initiative continues
*'''The [[Archive:New Draft of the Week|Draft of the Week]] and [[CZ:Article of the Week|Article of the Week]]''': both samplings of not only articles that have great beginnings but that are also well developed.
|colspan=2 valign="top"|'''Technical Initiatives'''
*'''A [[CZ:Userinfo_System|new organization template]]''' developed by [[User:Larry Sanger|Dr. Sanger]] to improve collaboration between citizens
*'''A site [,1481.0.html resdesign initative]''' to change our look and feel, including discussion of a [,1504.0.html mobile version].
|colspan=2 valign="top"|'''Help Wanted'''
''Community requests for assistance are posted below.  Contact [[User:Robert_W_King|The Editor]] to post enlistments.''
*An assistant to update [[CZ:TITN|Topics in the News]] and to update or create current news related articles.
*'''Exhaustive documentation initiative for both [[CZ:Templates|templates]] and extensions''', to create an easy reference guide for the user base.  Help is needed to document templates and their functionality.  See [[CZ:Templates/Guidelines]] for more information.
*'''The next Olympic Games are scheduled for 2008.'''  In preparation for the events [[User:James_F._Perry|James]] has requested some assistance, particularly with the following:
#The creation/development of articles based on the different events to an informative state.  A listing can be found at the [[Olympic Games/Related Articles|related articles subpage]], see section "[[Olympic_Games/Related_Articles#Summer_Olympic_sports|Summer Olympic sports]]"
#The creation/development of articles based on the committees surrounding the games, particularly the [[International Olympic Committee]], [[World Anti-Doping Agency]], and [[Court of Arbitration for Sport]].
*Items 1 and 2 are of particularly significant priority for the Sports Workgroup.  Still important, but of lesser priority are:
#Creation of articles for previous olympic games.  They are of the form "NNNN Summer Olympics" where NNNN represents a year.  James recommends that "Citizens might find several of these articles to be of exceptional interest as, for example, the 1936 Berlin Games, or any of the early Games."
#Also, the entire subpages cluster for the Olympics needs filling in (Bibliography, External links, etc.)
(''Ed: This sounds like an excellent opportunity for the next and future [[CZ:Monthly_Write-a-Thon|Write-a-Thon]]s, or perhaps an [[Olympic Article Challenge]] article creation event!'')
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==Meet our Citizens==
''A new feature in "The Citizen" is to spotlight one of our many contributors!  This issue, [[User:D._Matt_Innis|Matt Innis]], a member of our [[CZ:Moderator Group|Constabulary]] is profiled.''
Hey all, what an honor to get to be the first to 'expose' myself here on 'live wiki' with the Citizen.  I am happy to say that, because I am a constable, I feel like I know each of you pretty well, since I have read most of your bios and even edited a few to clean out personal information :-)  I suppose it's only fair that you should know who I am!
'''The Citizen''': A short introduction, if you please :).<br/>
'''D. Matt Innis''': I am your best friend and your worst nightmare.  (laughs) I know it sounds like a tough line to take, but really that is me.  Ask my kids, I am the best dad - amusement parks, beach trips and IPods, but you better tow your rope (get good grades), or face the consequences.  So far, nobody has actually challenged me to face my consequences; Mom gets there long before I do (Thank goodness for mom! - if they ever went that far they'd find out I really don't have the heart to levy he consequences).  But suffice it to say, I do have a temper, so even I don't know what happens if they crossed the line ;-)
'''TCZ''': What are your hobbies? / What do you do for fun?<br/>
'''Matt''': Well, I used to be an amateur photographer, you know, back in the day when film was film.  I even had my own darkroom and enlarger when I was a teen, but once the schooling started, then the kids, the house and work - hobbies became hard to come by, unless you count CZ.  I am really a jack of all trades, but I don't get paid for any of them.  The kids are now teens and young adults, so needless to say, I have a garage that I work on my cars, a yard full of half finished projects (thanks to CZ), and an office full of computer parts.  There is never enough time in a day.  The good news is that I did learn a long time ago that the honey-do list is really just an opportunity to relax and do something with my hands.  I stopped rushing to finish them for two reasons; first, why rush the fun part, and two, the sooner I finished, the faster the list grew!
'''TCZ''': What do you professionally?<br/>
'''Matt''': The hat that I wear during the day is that of a chiropractor.  I spend most of my time nursing people out of their pain and back to work.  Sometimes I even get one well ;-)  It really is rewarding to help people for a living, especially working with good people.
'''TCZ''': What is your favourite topic of discussion?<br/>
'''Matt''': No doubt about it, History is my favorite subject for discussion, especially with my kids.  I read all of Richard's articles and then spurt out all the details to my friends and family.  So far I have been right every time.  They have been picking up on Wikipedia and I have to set them straight, but you'll be glad to know that they are also learning good stuff in school that I am able to verify.  Did you know that Eisenhower was the one that put "under God' in the US pledge of allegiance?  Me neither!  (Well, of course Richard knew that.)
'''TCZ''': Does your profession relate to any of the contributions you have made?<br/>
'''Matt''': Yes, almost all of my edits have been to the Chiropractic and related articles.  In fact, that is why I was invited here in the first place as an author, from Wikipedia; to help get things started in the area of Healing arts.  Those first few months of collaboration with Gareth Leng and Nancy Sculerati were really exhilarating.  Day and night, we couldn't put it down, back and forth, give and take, and lots of scholarly interaction.  You all know what I mean, there's nothing better than a good learning experience and better yet, an opportunity to write about what you do.  I am looking forward to more healing arts editors joining the project, but I would also like see more science editors get some science articles approved so that our reputation in the hard sciences and healing arts (meant health sciences) is solid first.
'''TCZ''': What is your role in Citizendium?<br/>
'''Matt''': I think my most important role is just like everyone else's; to help others wherever I can.  I started from scratch like most of us and had to teach myself, with lots of error!  But that just made it easier for me to empathize with everyone when they first start to contribute.  There is a learning curve for the software that even the most intelligent of professors have to conquer in order to convey their knowledge.  My job is to help them get up to speed ASAP, so that they feel confident in saying what they need to say.  Oh, yeah, I'm a constable, too ;-)  And on the Editorial Council, but I see that as temporary until the healing arts field gets more qualified editors on board.
'''TCZ''': How do you see yourself fitting into the overall structure of CZ?<br/>
'''Matt''': Like I said before, my other job is a constable.  Growing up with 5 siblings required that I develop some social skills.  I chose the peacemaker.  It seems to fit in well wherever I go, whether as scoutmaster of 20 boys or wiki collaborator, there is always a need to see the good in everyone.  I think that no matter what my job duties, these are the characteristics that I always seem to fall back on.  Hopefully, they will be useful here.  When things take off, there will be less room for error and decisions will have to made quickly and efficiently in order to not lose good people.  Hopefully, I will play an important role there.
'''TCZ''': What motivates you to contribute?<br/>
'''Matt''': Contributions can be defined in many ways.  As far as editing, I am motivated by getting it right... but that requires that I know something about the subject, otherwise, I am a copyeditor.  In this crowd, though, there isn't much need for that!  There are other things to contribute to as well.  I feel that it is just as important to be here to put those 'approval' templates on, review and approve those new accounts, and help professors learn the ropes.  So I guess you can say that I want Larry's project to be successful, and anything I can do to help that along is what motivates me.  I see the chaos that is slowly infiltrating our consciousness from blogs, TV, and WP.  I dream of one day hearing a newscast citing Citzendium as the source.  Then I know my kids and their kids will be okay.  That motivates me, too.
'''TCZ''': What is your best experience on the wiki so far? Your worst? <br/>
'''Matt''': It's been awhile since either, but getting an article approved was certainly up there on each of those scales.  I suppose that your best experience is directly proportional to the worst experience that you had to go through to get there.
'''TCZ''': What do you look forward to the most?<br/>
'''Matt''': I love to learn anything new!  The older I get, the harder that is to do :-)  Though my kids let me know how little I do know :-(
'''TCZ''': What would you like to see happen in CZ's future?<br/>
'''Matt''': I know that if CZ is to grow rapidly, we'll need more authors and editors working simultaneously on many many articles, which I think is going to happen relatively soon.  If we could nail down the dispute resolution process (which I think we are well on our way to doing) to an efficient binding process that does not require too much time and resources we'll be okay.  I think it we have to find a way to collaborate that does not allow for the process to become overwhelmed into the anarchy that predominates at other wikis.
'''TCZ''': Do you have any specific goals for your involvement on the wiki?<br/>
'''Matt''': I plan to continue to work in the background to keep things running so that others can write, write, write.
'''TCZ''': What do you predict the future will be for wiki-based projects?<br/>
'''Matt''': The addictive nature of collaboration tells me that wikis are the way of the future....  I predict that one day there will be a wiki war and perhaps even a wiki world war (WWW I)...  A virtual catastrophe.  Whoever has the better computer geeks will survive!  Do we have any of those?? :-)
'''TCZ''': Who will you vote for president and why?<br/>
'''Matt''': Of the USA?  I haven't missed a vote, yet...  but I can tell you that I won't be voting for anyone that says that some country has weapons of mass destruction - even if they have pictures!  My prediction is that it will be McCain vs. Obama...  McCain wins, but it's going to be real close - again...  Congress will go predominately democratic everywhere. (Any takers :-)
''Thanks for the insight, Matt!  Next issue will feature David E. Volk!''
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==New artices created since January 1st, 2008==
|colspan=1 valign="top"|<small>
* [[1997 Indianapolis 500]]
* [[1998 Indianapolis 500]]
* [[1999 Indianapolis 500]]
* [[2000 Indianapolis 500]]
* [[2001 Indianapolis 500]]
* [[2002 Indianapolis 500]]
* [[2003 Indianapolis 500]]
* [[2004 Indianapolis 500]]
* [[2005 Indianapolis 500]]
* [[2006 Indianapolis 500]]
* [[2007 Indianapolis 500]]
* [[3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl CoA]]
* [[Abelian category]]
* [[Abraham]]
* [[Accounting]]
* [[Acetaldehyde]]
* [[Acetylcholine receptor]]
* [[Acyclovir]]
* [[Adrenal insufficiency]]
* [[Adrenergic receptor]]
* [[Aerostat]]
* [[Air pollution dispersion modeling]]
* [[Air pollution dispersion terminology]]
* [[Alanine]]
* [[Aldosterone]]
* [[Alexandre Dumas]]
* [[Algenib]]
* [[Alphard]]
* [[American College of Chest Physicians]]
* [[American Psychiatric Association]]
* [[Amprenavir]]
* [[Ancien Régime]]
* [[Ancient Greece]]
* [[Anglicanism]]
* [[Anonymity]]
* [[Antares]]
* [[Anthony Fokker]]
* [[Antidiuretic hormone]]
* [[Antisocial personality disorder]]
* [[Antiviral drug]]
* [[Arab]]
* [[Archipelago]]
* [[Arginine]]
* [[Art]]
* [[Arthur's Seat]]
* [[Ascites]]
* [[Asparagine]]
* [[Aspartic acid]]
* [[Aspirin]]
* [[Astrophysics]]
* [[Atazanavir]]
* [[Atlantic Ocean]]
* [[Atmosphere]]
* [[Atorvastatin]]
* [[Automatism]]
* [[Autonomic nervous system]]
* [[Avoidant personality disorder]]
* [[Axis & Allies]]
* [[Ayn Rand]]
* [[Azathioprine]]
* [[Bacterial meningitis]]
* [[Balance of payments]]
* [[Bankruptcy]]
* [[Barnardisation]]
* [[Basel tram]]
* [[Baselland Transport AG]]
* [[Battle of Pork Chop Hill]]
* [[Belgrade]]
* [[Benzene]]
* [[Big Bang]]
* [[Bill of Rights (United States)]]
* [[Biogenic amine receptor]]
* [[Biol 201: General Microbiology]]
* [[Blackjack]]
* [[Board of directors]]
* [[Boltzmann constant]]
* [[Borkum]]
* [[Burgess shale]]
* [[Buskaid]]
* [[Butylated hydroxytoluene]]
* [[Canada, history]]
* [[Canada, railways]]
* [[Canadian Football League]]
* [[Cape Coast]]
* [[Carinthia]]
* [[Carinthia (state)]]
* [[Carleton University]]
* [[Carnitine]]
* [[Casino game]]
* [[Castletown]]
* [[Catalytic reforming]]
* [[Category theory]]
* [[Celje]]
* [[Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]]
* [[Cerivastatin]]
* [[Chemical engineering]]
* [[Chess opening]]
* [[Chess strategy]]
* [[Chester A. Arthur]]
* [[Chinese Constellation]]
* [[Cholesterol]]
* [[Chorismate]]
* [[Christopher Dodd]]
* [[Chromatography]]
* [[Cirrhosis]]
* [[Climate]]
* [[Clofibrate]]
* [[Coagulation]]
* [[Cognition]]
* [[Cohort study]]
* [[Colestipol]]
* [[Combino]]
* [[Commutative algebra]]
* [[Competitive Swimming]]
* [[Compressible Flow Analysis]]
* [[Consciousness]]
* [[Constitution]]
* [[Constructivism]]
* [[Consumer's surplus]]
* [[Continent]]
* [[Cortisol]]
* [[Cortisone]]
* [[Cozumel]]
* [[Critical care]]
* [[Cycling]]
* [[Cyprus]]
* [[Cytochrome P-450]]
* [[Dark matter]]
* [[Debate on the norm for French in Canada]]
* [[DEET]]
* [[Delusion]]
* [[Dendrite]]
* [[Dependent personality disorder]]
* [[Detective]]
* [[Deuterium]]</small>
|colspan=1 valign="top"|<small>
* [[Diabetes insipidus]]
* [[Diabetes mellitus type 1]]
* [[Diazinon]]
* [[Dithmarschen]]
* [[Draft article content]]
* [[Dravinja River]]
* [[Dungeons & Dragons]]
* [[E]]
* [[Edmund Burke]]
* [[Elasticity]]
* [[Electricity]]
* [[Electron shell]]
* [[Electronic medical record]]
* [[Elevator]]
* [[Elizabeth I]]
* [[Elizabethan Religious Settlement]]
* [[Empress of Blandings]]
* [[Enantiomer]]
* [[Encephalisation quotient]]
* [[Encyclical]]
* [[Energy Conversion]]
* [[Energy conversion]]
* [[Eplerenone]]
* [[Equipartition theorem]]
* [[Erlang]]
* [[Ernst Jünger]]
* [[Ester]]
* [[Ether]]
* [[Euclid]]
* [[Euclid's elements]]
* [[European Convention on Human Rights]]
* [[Exchange Rate Determination]]
* [[Ezetimibe]]
* [[Fabians]]
* [[Fat utilization hypothesis]]
* [[Faust, Alberta, Canada]]
* [[Fenofibrate]]
* [[Fibonacci polynomials]]
* [[First-class cricket]]
* [[Fluconazole]]
* [[Fluvastatin]]
* [[Fokker]]
* [[Folic acid]]
* [[Formal group]]
* [[Fourier transform]]
* [[Fox Terrier]]
* [[Fractional excretion of sodium]]
* [[Franklin Pierce]]
* [[Friedrich Schleiermacher]]
* [[Fuming sulfuric acid]]
* [[Furlong]]
* [[Fury (television series)]]
* [[Game theory]]
* [[Gamma aminobutyric acid]]
* [[Garbage]]
* [[Gau-Odernheim]]
* [[Gemfibrozil]]
* [[Gene]]
* [[Genetic polymorphism]]
* [[Gentamicin]]
* [[Gestational diabetes]]
* [[Ginkgo]]
* [[Glanzman Thrombasthenia]]
* [[Glasses]]
* [[Glomerular filtration rate]]
* [[Glutamic acid]]
* [[Glutamine]]
* [[Glycine]]
* [[Graf Zeppelin (LZ-127)]]
* [[Grammatical number]]
* [[Grav-mass]]
* [[Greek mythology]]
* [[Greetings and salutations]]
* [[Greyfriars Bobby]]
* [[Guqin Structure Today]]
* [[Hakansson's Paradox]]
* [[Hans Küng]]
* [[Helium]]
* [[Hepatic encephalopathy]]
* [[Hindenburg (LZ-129)]]
* [[Histidine]]
* [[Hochelaga Archipelago]]
* [[Holon]]
* [[Hospitalist]]
* [[Huckabee]]
* [[Humanae Vitae]]
* [[Hund's rules]]
* [[Hybrid airship]]
* [[Hydrocortisone]]
* [[Hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase inhibitor]]
* [[Hypercholesterolemia]]
* [[Hypersensitivity]]
* [[Iceland]]
* [[Images:basic supply and demand.jpg]]
* [[Immediate hypersensitivity]]
* [[Immortality]]
* [[In God We Trust]]
* [[Incentive spirometry]]
* [[Inch]]
* [[Indianapolis 500]]
* [[Indinavir]]
* [[Inflammatory bowel disease]]
* [[Insecticide]]
* [[Intangible asset]]
* [[Integral theory]]
* [[International Astronomical Union]]
* [[International Monetary Fund]]
* [[International Normalized Ratio]]
* [[International Olympiad of Astronomy and Astrophysics]]
* [[Interstellar matter]]
* [[Intron]]
* [[Iowa Caucus]]
* [[Irish Troubles]]
* [[Iron Maiden]]
* [[Ironclad Oath]]
* [[Isoenzyme]]
* [[Isoleucine]]
* [[Joe Biden]]
* [[John Knox House]]
* [[John Locke]]
* [[John McCain]]
* [[Julius Evola]]
* [[Kalarippayattu]]
* [[Ken Wilber]]
* [[Kenya]]
* [[Koper]]
* [[Kranj]]
* [[Krka (disambiguation)]]
* [[Krka (Slovenia)]]
* [[Krugerrand]]
* [[Kuiper belt]]
* [[L.J. (Lyda Judson) Hanifan]]
* [[Lacrosse strategy]]</small>
|colspan=1 valign="top"|<small>
* [[Lamotrigine]]
* [[Laos]]
* [[Laozi]]
* [[Lawrence Lessig]]
* [[Leading actor]]
* [[Leading lady]]
* [[Leflunomide]]
* [[Leucine]]
* [[Leymen]]
* [[Library of Congress Classification]]
* [[Linked list]]
* [[List of Astronomical Observatories]]
* [[List of Astronomical Organisations]]
* [[List of fictional horses]]
* [[List of rivers by length]]
* [[Littré]]
* [[Ljubljanica River]]
* [[Lockheed-Martin high altitude airship]]
* [[Lord Emsworth]]
* [[Louis Pasteur]]
* [[Lovastatin]]
* [[Lucas number]]
* [[Lutheranism]]
* [[Lysine]]
* [[Madrid]]
* [[Malta]]
* [[Mammal]]
* [[Maribor]]
* [[Market (economics)|Market]]
* [[Martial arts (General)]]
* [[Martin Luther]]
* [[Martina Navratilova]]
* [[Mary I of England]]
* [[Matrix inverse]]
* [[Mausoleum]]
* [[Means-ends analysis]]
* [[Medline]]
* [[MELD Score]]
* [[Membership organization]]
* [[Mesalamine]]
* [[Methionine]]
* [[Methotrexate]]
* [[Mevalonate]]
* [[Mevastatin]]
* [[Mexico city]]
* [[Meža]]
* [[Midodrine]]
* [[Milton Keynes]]
* [[Minimal pair]]
* [[Minocycline]]
* [[Mislinja]]
* [[Mississippi River]]
* [[Mitochondrion]]
* [[Mitt Romney]]
* [[Molecular orbital theory]]
* [[Mona Lisa]]
* [[Montreal, Quebec]]
* [[Moored balloon]]
* [[Moscow]]
* [[Motivation]]
* [[Mozart]]
* [[Mumtaz Mahal]]
* [[NADPH]]
* [[Naranjo algorithm]]
* [[Natural gas processing]]
* [[Nelfinavir]]
* [[Neuropeptide]]
* [[Neutropenia]]
* [[New York Heart Association Functional Classification]]
* [[Niccolò Machiavelli]]
* [[Nihilism]]
* [[Nitromethane]]
* [[NMR spectroscopy]]
* [[Nominal group technique]]
* [[Nonprofit board]]
* [[Nonprofit management]]
* [[North America]]
* [[Not same half]]
* [[Nova Gorica]]
* [[Novo mesto]]
* [[Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder]]
* [[Ohio (U.S. state)|Ohio]]
* [[Olber's paradox]]
* [[Olympic Games]]
* [[Organizer]]
* [[Ottawa]]
* [[OUP]]
* [[P.G. Wodehouse]]
* [[Pacific Ocean]]
* [[Paisley]]
* [[Palau]]
* [[Palliative care]]
* [[Parable of the two watchmakers]]
* [[Parasympathetic nervous system]]
* [[Pe]]
* [[Peak expiratory flow rate]]
* [[Peerage]]
* [[Pentecostalism]]
* [[Perrin number]]
* [[Peter, Paul and Mary]]
* [[Petroleum refining processes]]
* [[Pharisee]]
* [[Pharmacogenomics]]
* [[Pharmacokinetics]]
* [[Phenylalanine]]
* [[Philip Reid]]
* [[Philipp Melanchthon]]
* [[Philomath, Oregon]]
* [[Plains of Abraham]]
* [[Platelet Glycoprotein GPIIb-IIIa Complex]]
* [[Plato]]
* [[PMID]]
* [[Podgorica]]
* [[Polar coordinates]]
* [[Polyuria]]
* [[Power Cycle Analysis]]
* [[Prague]]
* [[Pravastatin]]
* [[Prednisolone]]
* [[Prednisone]]
* [[Pressure ulcer]]
* [[Profit]]
* [[Progesterone]]
* [[Proline]]
* [[Protease inhibitor]]
* [[Protein C]]
* [[Protestantism]]
* [[Pseudoprime]]
* [[Pterygopalatine fossa]]
* [[PubMed]]
* [[Quantity]]
* [[Queen]]
* [[Random Access Memory]]
* [[Raúl González Blanco]]
* [[Rayleigh-Ritz method]]</small>
|colspan=1 width="25%" valign="top"|<small>
* [[Real estate investing]]
* [[Redshift]]
* [[Reed College]]
* [[Registry]]
* [[REO Speedwagon]]
* [[Request For Comment]]
* [[Rhabdomyolysis]]
* [[Richard Stallman]]
* [[Rio de Janeiro]]
* [[Ritonavir]]
* [[Robert Tarjan]]
* [[Rosa]]
* [[Rosuvastatin]]
* [[Royal Mile]]
* [[Royall Tyler (historian)]]
* [[Rush]]
* [[Russell-Saunders coupling]]
* [[Samuel de Champlain]]
* [[Saquinavir]]
* [[Sarajevo]]
* [[Sava]]
* [[Savinja]]
* [[Saxony (disambiguation)]]
* [[Scheme theory]]
* [[Scottish Parliament]]
* [[Self-medication]]
* [[Self-medication hypothesis]]
* [[Semantic primes]]
* [[Seoul]]
* [[Septic shock]]
* [[Serine]]
* [[Shahnameh]]
* [[Shaolin]]
* [[Shenyang Imperial Palace]]
* [[Signifer]]
* [[SimCity]]
* [[SimTower]]
* [[Simvastatin]]
* [[Single transferable vote]]
* [[Skin]]
* [[Skopje]]
* [[Slovenian language]]
* [[Small bowel bacterial overgrowth syndrome]]
* [[Snack]]
* [[Snowboarding]]
* [[Soča River]]
* [[Social capital]]
* [[Social enterprise]]
* [[Social policy]]
* [[Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia]]
* [[Sole proprietorship]]
* [[Solid angle]]
* [[Sora (disambiguation)]]
* [[Sora River]]
* [[South America]]
* [[South Korea]]
* [[Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem]]
* [[Spherical polar coordinates]]
* [[Spica]]
* [[Spironolactone]]
* [[Staphylococcus aureus]]
* [[Star]]
* [[Status epilepticus]]
* [[Steven Novella]]
* [[Sulfasalazine]]
* [[Sulfur dioxide]]
* [[Sulfuric acid]]
* [[Sumatra]]
* [[Susanna Kubelka]]
* [[Symbion]]
* [[Sympathetic nervous system]]
* [[Syncope]]
* [[Tea]]
* [[Term symbol]]
* [[Terms of trade]]
* [[Texel]]
* [[Texel (island)]]
* [[Text mining]]
* [[The Calgary Highlanders]]
* [[The George Hotel (Edinburgh)]]
* [[The Philosophes]]
* [[The Twelve Days of Christmas]]
* [[Thermal airship]]
* [[Threonine]]
* [[Thrombocytopenia]]
* [[Tidal force]]
* [[Tipranavir]]
* [[Tirana]]
* [[Tokyo]]
* [[Track cycling]]
* [[Treasurer of the United States]]
* [[Tremor]]
* [[Trinitarianism]]
* [[Tryptophan]]
* [[Twin study]]
* [[Two's complement]]
* [[Tyne and Wear Metro]]
* [[Tyrosine]]
* [[U.S. Department of the Treasury]]
* [[United States Environmental Protection Agency]]
* [[Unpopularity]]
* [[USS Los Angeles (ZR-3)]]
* [[USS Shenandoah (ZR-1)]]
* [[Vaccine]]
* [[Valine]]
* [[Van Halen]]
* [[Vancomycin]]
* [[Variations in First-Class Cricket Statistics]]
* [[Vatican City]]
* [[Vector coupling]]
* [[Vector product]]
* [[Vienna]]
* [[Virucide]]
* [[Vlieland]]
* [[Voltaire's Socrates (play)]]
* [[Voting system]]
* [[Wallis, Duchess of Windsor]]
* [[Warfarin]]
* [[Washing machine]]
* [[Washington Consensus]]
* [[Wernicke encephalopathy]]
* [[Whisky]]
* [[Whose Line is it Anyway?]]
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* [[Will Rogers]]
* [[William McGonagall]]
* [[World Bank]]
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*[[CZ:Press|Press Page]]
*[[CZ:PR|Future Press Initiatives]]
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==Thanks to:==
*The many contributors volunteering their efforts to build Citizendium into an excellent resource
*[[User:Larry Sanger|Larry Sanger]] for starting Citizendium
*Andrew Keen and Wikipedia, for inspiring us to achieve.
*Slashdot [ /.]
*[ The Society for New Communications Research]
*[ ArsTechnica]
*[ NewAssignment.Net] and Assignment Zero for getting me here!
--[[User:Robert W King|Robert W King]] 12:20, 25 January 2008 (CST)
--[[User:Robert W King|Robert W King]] 12:27, 25 January 2008 (CST)
[[Category:Archived Pages]]

Latest revision as of 12:57, 3 December 2024

:: The Citizen ::

Vol. 1, No. 2 -- 2 / 1 / 2008
Archives - Previous Issue - Current Issue - Next Issue
Issue #2! The Citizendium has reached five thousand articles!! Also remember, 2008 is a Leap Year, and will have one extra day in February.

The Citizen is always looking for contributions! If you have any contributions, news, updates, or interesting stuff, drop in at the talk page of the current issue.

Welcome to the The Citizen--a monthly report--hosted on a CC-by-sa-3.0 Unported licensed knowledge base. You can access the news at any time from CZ:Citizen or CZ:CZ.

The Citizen is an independant publication and the opinions or content expressed within do not reflect the positions or views of the Citizendium, unless there exists content contributed by the Editor-in-Chief of the Citizendium that expressely dictates said opinion or view. Its Editor is responsible for all its content, but does not claim authorship of content written by its contributors.
CZ:Topics in the News Events
Project Initiatives Technical Initiatives
Help Wanted

Community requests for assistance are posted below. Contact The Editor to post enlistments.

  • An assistant to update Topics in the News and to update or create current news related articles.
  • Exhaustive documentation initiative for both templates and extensions, to create an easy reference guide for the user base. Help is needed to document templates and their functionality. See CZ:Templates/Guidelines for more information.
  • The next Olympic Games are scheduled for 2008. In preparation for the events James has requested some assistance, particularly with the following:
  1. The creation/development of articles based on the different events to an informative state. A listing can be found at the related articles subpage, see section "Summer Olympic sports"
  2. The creation/development of articles based on the committees surrounding the games, particularly the International Olympic Committee, World Anti-Doping Agency, and Court of Arbitration for Sport.
  • Items 1 and 2 are of particularly significant priority for the Sports Workgroup. Still important, but of lesser priority are:
  1. Creation of articles for previous olympic games. They are of the form "NNNN Summer Olympics" where NNNN represents a year. James recommends that "Citizens might find several of these articles to be of exceptional interest as, for example, the 1936 Berlin Games, or any of the early Games."
  2. Also, the entire subpages cluster for the Olympics needs filling in (Bibliography, External links, etc.)

(Ed: This sounds like an excellent opportunity for the next and future Write-a-Thons, or perhaps an Olympic Article Challenge article creation event!)

Meet our Citizens

A new feature in "The Citizen" is to spotlight one of our many contributors! This issue, Matt Innis, a member of our Constabulary is profiled.

Hey all, what an honor to get to be the first to 'expose' myself here on 'live wiki' with the Citizen. I am happy to say that, because I am a constable, I feel like I know each of you pretty well, since I have read most of your bios and even edited a few to clean out personal information :-) I suppose it's only fair that you should know who I am!

The Citizen: A short introduction, if you please :).
D. Matt Innis: I am your best friend and your worst nightmare. (laughs) I know it sounds like a tough line to take, but really that is me. Ask my kids, I am the best dad - amusement parks, beach trips and IPods, but you better tow your rope (get good grades), or face the consequences. So far, nobody has actually challenged me to face my consequences; Mom gets there long before I do (Thank goodness for mom! - if they ever went that far they'd find out I really don't have the heart to levy he consequences). But suffice it to say, I do have a temper, so even I don't know what happens if they crossed the line ;-)

TCZ: What are your hobbies? / What do you do for fun?
Matt: Well, I used to be an amateur photographer, you know, back in the day when film was film. I even had my own darkroom and enlarger when I was a teen, but once the schooling started, then the kids, the house and work - hobbies became hard to come by, unless you count CZ. I am really a jack of all trades, but I don't get paid for any of them. The kids are now teens and young adults, so needless to say, I have a garage that I work on my cars, a yard full of half finished projects (thanks to CZ), and an office full of computer parts. There is never enough time in a day. The good news is that I did learn a long time ago that the honey-do list is really just an opportunity to relax and do something with my hands. I stopped rushing to finish them for two reasons; first, why rush the fun part, and two, the sooner I finished, the faster the list grew!

TCZ: What do you professionally?
Matt: The hat that I wear during the day is that of a chiropractor. I spend most of my time nursing people out of their pain and back to work. Sometimes I even get one well ;-) It really is rewarding to help people for a living, especially working with good people.

TCZ: What is your favourite topic of discussion?
Matt: No doubt about it, History is my favorite subject for discussion, especially with my kids. I read all of Richard's articles and then spurt out all the details to my friends and family. So far I have been right every time. They have been picking up on Wikipedia and I have to set them straight, but you'll be glad to know that they are also learning good stuff in school that I am able to verify. Did you know that Eisenhower was the one that put "under God' in the US pledge of allegiance? Me neither! (Well, of course Richard knew that.)

TCZ: Does your profession relate to any of the contributions you have made?
Matt: Yes, almost all of my edits have been to the Chiropractic and related articles. In fact, that is why I was invited here in the first place as an author, from Wikipedia; to help get things started in the area of Healing arts. Those first few months of collaboration with Gareth Leng and Nancy Sculerati were really exhilarating. Day and night, we couldn't put it down, back and forth, give and take, and lots of scholarly interaction. You all know what I mean, there's nothing better than a good learning experience and better yet, an opportunity to write about what you do. I am looking forward to more healing arts editors joining the project, but I would also like see more science editors get some science articles approved so that our reputation in the hard sciences and healing arts (meant health sciences) is solid first.

TCZ: What is your role in Citizendium?
Matt: I think my most important role is just like everyone else's; to help others wherever I can. I started from scratch like most of us and had to teach myself, with lots of error! But that just made it easier for me to empathize with everyone when they first start to contribute. There is a learning curve for the software that even the most intelligent of professors have to conquer in order to convey their knowledge. My job is to help them get up to speed ASAP, so that they feel confident in saying what they need to say. Oh, yeah, I'm a constable, too ;-) And on the Editorial Council, but I see that as temporary until the healing arts field gets more qualified editors on board.

TCZ: How do you see yourself fitting into the overall structure of CZ?
Matt: Like I said before, my other job is a constable. Growing up with 5 siblings required that I develop some social skills. I chose the peacemaker. It seems to fit in well wherever I go, whether as scoutmaster of 20 boys or wiki collaborator, there is always a need to see the good in everyone. I think that no matter what my job duties, these are the characteristics that I always seem to fall back on. Hopefully, they will be useful here. When things take off, there will be less room for error and decisions will have to made quickly and efficiently in order to not lose good people. Hopefully, I will play an important role there.

TCZ: What motivates you to contribute?
Matt: Contributions can be defined in many ways. As far as editing, I am motivated by getting it right... but that requires that I know something about the subject, otherwise, I am a copyeditor. In this crowd, though, there isn't much need for that! There are other things to contribute to as well. I feel that it is just as important to be here to put those 'approval' templates on, review and approve those new accounts, and help professors learn the ropes. So I guess you can say that I want Larry's project to be successful, and anything I can do to help that along is what motivates me. I see the chaos that is slowly infiltrating our consciousness from blogs, TV, and WP. I dream of one day hearing a newscast citing Citzendium as the source. Then I know my kids and their kids will be okay. That motivates me, too.

TCZ: What is your best experience on the wiki so far? Your worst?
Matt: It's been awhile since either, but getting an article approved was certainly up there on each of those scales. I suppose that your best experience is directly proportional to the worst experience that you had to go through to get there.

TCZ: What do you look forward to the most?
Matt: I love to learn anything new! The older I get, the harder that is to do :-) Though my kids let me know how little I do know :-(

TCZ: What would you like to see happen in CZ's future?
Matt: I know that if CZ is to grow rapidly, we'll need more authors and editors working simultaneously on many many articles, which I think is going to happen relatively soon. If we could nail down the dispute resolution process (which I think we are well on our way to doing) to an efficient binding process that does not require too much time and resources we'll be okay. I think it we have to find a way to collaborate that does not allow for the process to become overwhelmed into the anarchy that predominates at other wikis.

TCZ: Do you have any specific goals for your involvement on the wiki?
Matt: I plan to continue to work in the background to keep things running so that others can write, write, write.

TCZ: What do you predict the future will be for wiki-based projects?
Matt: The addictive nature of collaboration tells me that wikis are the way of the future.... I predict that one day there will be a wiki war and perhaps even a wiki world war (WWW I)... A virtual catastrophe. Whoever has the better computer geeks will survive! Do we have any of those?? :-)

TCZ: Who will you vote for president and why?
Matt: Of the USA? I haven't missed a vote, yet... but I can tell you that I won't be voting for anyone that says that some country has weapons of mass destruction - even if they have pictures! My prediction is that it will be McCain vs. Obama... McCain wins, but it's going to be real close - again... Congress will go predominately democratic everywhere. (Any takers :-)

Thanks for the insight, Matt! Next issue will feature David E. Volk!

New artices created since January 1st, 2008

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Thanks to:

--Robert W King 12:27, 25 January 2008 (CST)