English spellings/Catalogs/Common misspellings M: Difference between revisions
Pat Palmer (talk | contribs) m (Text replacement - "Massachusetts" to "Massachusetts") |
Pat Palmer (talk | contribs) |
Line 102: | Line 102: | ||
* metre (variant of meter) | * metre (variant of meter) | ||
* {{search link|Micheal||ns0|ns14|ns100}} ([[Michael]]) | * {{search link|Micheal||ns0|ns14|ns100}} ([[Michael]]) | ||
* {{search link|Michagan||ns0|ns14|ns100}} ([[Michigan]]) | * {{search link|Michagan||ns0|ns14|ns100}} ([[Michigan (U.S. state)|Michigan]]) | ||
* {{search link|Michgian||ns0|ns14|ns100}} (Michigan) | * {{search link|Michgian||ns0|ns14|ns100}} (Michigan) | ||
* {{search link|"midwifes"|midwifes|ns0|ns14|ns100}} (midwives) | * {{search link|"midwifes"|midwifes|ns0|ns14|ns100}} (midwives) |
Revision as of 09:18, 1 July 2023

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Use in English | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Alphabetical word list | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Retroalphabetical list | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Common misspellings |
This page lists misspellings and typos of English words that begin with M. To see a different letter navigate with the table above.
In this list, there are no asterisks or pronouncing accents. The misspelling is shown as a blue link on the left, for example, *abberant, and it is followed by its correct form in brackets, (aberrant). (In the alphabetical list, the order is usually reversed: áberrant *ábberant.)
To add an entry to the list, insert a new search entry using the {{search link}} template with the correct spelling in parentheses after the link. For example,
* {{search link|mispelling||ns0|ns14|ns100}} (misspelling)
* {{search link|"mispell"|mispell|ns0|ns14|ns100}} (misspell)
Please do not delete a misspelling from this page just because it generates false positives. A better way of getting rid of false positives is to "unlink" it by removing the {{search link}} template. For example,
* u (you) (huge number of false positives)
By leaving it on the list, it will remind other users why it has not been added, and it can be easily re-tested at a later date.[e]
- mabye (maybe)
- mackeral (mackerel)
- magent (magnet)
- magentic (magnetic)
- magestic (majestic)
- magicaly (magically)
- magnificient (magnificent)
- magolia (magnolia)
- mainfest (manifest)
- maintainance (maintenance)
- maintainence (maintenance)
- maintance (maintenance)
- maintence (maintenance)
- maintenence (maintenance)
- maintioned (mentioned)
- majiscule (majuscule)
- maked (marked, made)
- makeing (making)
- makse (makes)
- Malcom (Malcolm)
- Maltesian (Maltese)
- mamal (mammal)
- mamalian (mammalian)
- managable (manageable, manageably)
- managament (management)
- managerie (menagerie)
- managment (management)
- manditory (mandatory)
- mangement (management)
- Manhatten (Manhattan)
- manifestion (manifestation)
- manoeuverability (maneuverability [American], manoeuvrability)
- manouver (maneuver, manoeuvre)
- manouverability (maneuverability, manoeuvrability)
- manouverable (maneuverable, manoeuvrable)
- manouvers (maneuvers, manoeuvres)
- manuever (maneuver, manoeuvre)
- manuevers (maneuvers, manoeuvres)
- manufature (manufacture)
- manuver (maneuver)
- marchs (marches)
- margain (margin)
- margine (margin)
- Marixist (Marxist)
- marjority (majority)
- marketting (marketing)
- marrage (marriage)
- marraige (marriage)
- marrige (marriage)
- marryed (married)
- marryied (married)
- masonary (masonry)
- masonery (masonry)
- Massachussets (Massachusetts)
- Massachussetts (Massachusetts)
- massmedia (mass media)
- masterbation (masturbation)
- matchs (matches)
- mathamatics (mathematics)
- matheticians (mathematicians)
- mathmatician (mathematician)
- mathmatics (mathematics)
- maximam (maximum)
- maximom (maximum)
- mayorial (mayoral)
- meaned (meant)
- meaningfull (meaningful)
- mear (wear, mere, mare)
- mearly (merely)
- mecanical (mechanical)
- mechanisim (mechanism)
- medacine (medicine)
- medeival (medieval, mediaeval)
- medeval (medieval, mediaeval)
- mediciney (mediciny)
- medicore (mediocre)
- medievel (medieval, mediaeval)
- Mediteranean (Mediterranean)
- medival (medieval, mediaeval)
- meerkrat (meerkat)
- megaohm (megohm)
- megaohms (megohms)
- membranaphone (membranophone)
- memeber (member)
- memmory (memory)
- mens (menagerie)
- mens (men's)
- mens' (men's)
- meranda (veranda, Miranda)
- mercernary (mercenary)
- messanger (messenger)
- metalic (metallic)
- metalurgic (metallurgic)
- metalurgical (metallurgical)
- metalurgy (metallurgy)
- metamorphysis (metamorphosis)
- meter (variant of metre)
- meterology (meteorology)
- metorology (meteorology)
- metre (variant of meter)
- Micheal (Michael)
- Michagan (Michigan)
- Michgian (Michigan)
- midwifes (midwives)
- mileau (milieu)
- milennia (millennia)
- milennium (millennium)
- mileu (milieu)
- milion (million)
- millenia (millennia)
- millenium (millennium)
- millepede (millipede)
- millitary (military)
- miltary (military)
- minature (miniature)
- Minesota (Minnesota; Minesota Mine [in Michigan] is correct)
- miniscule (minuscule)
- ministery (ministry)
- miniture (miniature)
- minning (mining)
- mintues (minutes)
- miriad (myriad)
- miricle (miracle)
- miscelaneous (miscellaneous)
- miscellanious (miscellaneous)
- miscellanous (miscellaneous)
- mischeivous (mischievous)
- mischevious (mischievous)
- mischievious (mischievous)
- misdameanor (misdemeanor)
- misdameanors (misdemeanors)
- misdemenor (misdemeanor)
- misdemenors (misdemeanors)
- misile (missile)
- Misouri (Missouri)
- mispell (misspell)
- missen (mizzen)
- Missisipi (Mississippi)
- Missisippi (Mississippi)
- Mississipi (Mississippi)
- missle (missile)
- misterious (mysterious)
- mistery (mystery)
- misteryous (mysterious)
- mixted (mixed)
- mkae (make)
- mkaes (makes)
- mkaing (making)
- mkea (make)
- modelled (variant of modeled)
- modle (model)
- moent (moment)
- moeny (money)
- moil (mohel)
- mollest (molest)
- monastry (monastery)
- monestaries (monasteries)
- monestary (monastery, monetary)
- moniter (monitor)
- monolite (monolithic)
- Monserrat (Montserrat)
- montypic (monotypic)
- moreso (more so)
- morgage (mortgage)
- Morisette (Morissette)
- Morrisette (Morissette)
- motiliy (motility)
- motiviated (motivated)
- movei (movie)
- mroe (more)
- mucuous (mucous)
- muder (murder)
- muderer (murderer)
- mudering (murdering)
- muncipalities (municipalities)
- muncipality (municipality)
- municipalties (municipalities)
- municipalty (municipality)
- muscels (mussels, muscles)
- mutiple (multiple)
- mutiplication (multiplication)
- mutiply (multiply)
- myraid (myriad)
- mysef (myself)
- mysogynist (misogynist)
- mysogyny (misogyny)
- mysterous (mysterious)
- Mythraic (Mithraic)