English spellings/Catalogs/Common misspellings E

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Use in English | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Alphabetical word list | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Retroalphabetical list | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Common misspellings |
This page lists misspellings and typos of English words that begin with E. To see a different letter navigate with the table above.
In this list, there are no asterisks or pronouncing accents. The misspelling is shown as a blue link on the left, for example, *abberant, and it is followed by its correct form in brackets, (aberrant). (In the alphabetical list, the order is usually reversed: áberrant *ábberant.)
To add an entry to the list, insert a new search entry using the {{search link}} template with the correct spelling in parentheses after the link. For example,
* {{search link|mispelling||ns0|ns14|ns100}} (misspelling)
* {{search link|"mispell"|mispell|ns0|ns14|ns100}} (misspell)
Please do not delete a misspelling from this page just because it generates false positives. A better way of getting rid of false positives is to "unlink" it by removing the {{search link}} template. For example,
* u (you) (huge number of false positives)
By leaving it on the list, it will remind other users why it has not been added, and it can be easily re-tested at a later date.[e]
- eachother (each other)
- earing ([[earning, earring)
- earnt (variant of earned)
- easly (early, easily)
- Eastborne (Eastbourne)
- eccessive (excessive)
- ecclectic (eclectic)
- ecidious (deciduous)
- eclectric (eclectic)
- eclispe (eclipse)
- ecomony (economy)
- ect (etc.)
- eduction (education, eduction)
- eductional (educational)
- eeked (eked)
- eeking (eking)
- eeks (ekes)
- effeciency (efficiency)
- effecient (efficient)
- efficency (efficiency)
- efficent (efficient)
- effulence (effluence)
- efford (effort, afford)
- effords (efforts, affords)
- eg (e.g., egg; results in many false positives)
- eigth (eight, eighth)
- elaborite (elaborate)
- electic (eclectic, electric)
- electon (election, electron)
- electonic (electronic)
- electorial (electoral)
- electrial (electrical)
- electricly (electrically)
- electricty (electricity)
- eleged (alleged)
- elegedly (allegedly)
- eleminated (eliminated)
- eleminating (eliminating)
- eles (eels)
- eletronic (electronic)
- elicided (elicited)
- eligability (eligibility)
- eligable (eligible)
- elimentary (elementary)
- elphant (elephant)
- embarass (embarrass)
- embarassed (embarrassed)
- embarassing (embarrassing)
- embarassment (embarrassment)
- embarras (embarrass)
- embarrased (embarrassed)
- embarrasing (embarrassing)
- embarrasment (embarrassment)
- embezelled (embezzled)
- eminate (emanate)
- eminating (emanating)
- emision (emisión [Spanish], emission)
- emited (emitted)
- emiter (emitter)
- emiting (emitting)
- emition (emission, emotion)
- emitt (emit)
- emmediately (immediately)
- emmense (immense)
- emmigrant (emigrant)
- emmigrated (emigrated)
- emminent (eminent, imminent)
- emminently (eminently)
- emmisaries (emissaries)
- emmisarries (emissaries)
- emmisarry (emissary)
- emmisary (emissary)
- emmision (emission)
- emmission (emission)
- emmissions (emissions)
- emmited (emitted)
- emmiting (emitting)
- emmitted (emitted)
- emmitting (emitting)
- emnity (enmity)
- empahsis (emphasis)
- empahsize (emphasize)
- empede (impede)
- emperical (empirical)
- emphysyma (emphysema)
- empirial (empirical, imperial)
- employes (employees, employs)
- empound (impound)
- empoundment (impoundment)
- enamoured (acceptable variant of enamored)
- enbankment (embankment)
- enchance (enhance)
- enchancement (enhancement)
- encorperate (incorporate)
- encorporate (incorporate)
- encrease (increase)
- encryptiion (encryption)
- encyclopeadia (encyclopaedia, encyclopedia)
- encypher (encypher, encipher)
- endeaver (endeavor, endeavour)
- endevor (endeavor, endeavour)
- endevour (endeavor, endeavour)
- endolithes (endoliths)
- endurace (endurance)
- ened (need)
- engeneer (engineer)
- engeneering (engineering)
- engieneer (engineer)
- engieneers (engineers)
- engineeer (engineer)
- engineeering (engineering)
- enginer (engineer)
- ns0 (entities)
- enity (entity)
- enlargment (enlargement)
- Enlish (English, enlist)
- enought (enough)
- enourmous (enormous)
- enourmously (enormously)
- enrol (British alternative spelling of enroll)
- enrole (enroll)
- enroll (American alternative spelling of enrol)
- enrollment (American alternative spelling of enrolment)
- enrolment (British alternative spelling of enrollment)
- enroute (en route)
- entilted (entitled)
- entited (entitled)
- entites (entities, entitles)
- entrace (entrance)
- entrepeneur (entrepreneur)
- entrepeneurial (entrepreneurial)
- entrepeneurs (entrepreneurs)
- enivoriment (environment)
- enviorment (environment)
- enviormental (environmental)
- enviormentally (environmentally)
- enviorments (environments)
- enviornment (environment)
- enviornmental (environmental)
- enviornmentalist (environmentalist)
- enviornmentally (environmentally)
- enviornments (environments)
- enviroment (environment)
- enviromental (environmental)
- enviromentalist (environmentalist)
- enviromentalists (environmentalists)
- enviromentally (environmentally)
- enviroments (environments)
- envolve (involve)
- enxt (next)
- epicentre (variant of epicenter)
- epiode (episode)
- epitomy (epitome)
- epsiode (episode)
- equilavent (equivalent)
- equilibium (equilibrium)
- equilibrum (equilibrium)
- equiped (equipped)
- equippment (equipment)
- equiptment (equipment)
- equitorial (equatorial)
- equivalant (equivalent)
- equivelant (equivalent)
- equivelent (equivalent)
- equivilant (equivalent)
- equivilent (equivalent)
- erally (orally, really)
- eratic (erratic)
- eraticly (erratically)
- erested (arrested, erected)
- erradicate (eradicate)
- errect (erect)
- errode (erode)
- errosion (erosion)
- esctasy (ecstasy)
- esence (essence)
- esential (essential)
- esentially (essentially)
- esle (else)
- essencial (essential)
- essense (essence)
- essental (essential)
- essentual (essential)
- essesital (essential)
- estalbished (established)
- ethose (ethos, those)
- euology (eulogy)
- euphamism (euphemism)
- Europian (European)
- Europians (Europeans)
- Eurpean (European)
- Eurpoean (European)
- evalution (evaluation, evolution)
- eveyr (every)
- evidentally (evidently)
- exagerate (exaggerate)
- exagerated (exaggerated)
- exagerates (exaggerates)
- exagerating (exaggerating)
- exagerrate (exaggerate)
- exagerrates (exaggerates)
- exagerrating (exaggerating)
- exampt (exempt)
- exasparated (exasperated)
- excape (escape)
- excecute (execute)
- excecuted (executed)
- excecution (execution)
- excedded (exceeded)
- excede (exceed)
- exceding (exceeding)
- excelent (excellent)
- excell (excel)
- excellance (excellence)
- excellant (excellent)
- excells (excels)
- excercise (exercise)
- excrutiating (excruciating)
- exelent (excellent)
- exellent (excellent)
- exemple (example)
- exept (except)
- exeption (exception)
- exerbate (exacerbate)
- exerbated (exacerbated)
- exercice (exercise)
- exercices (exercises)
- exerpt (excerpt)
- exerternal (external)
- exhalt (exalt)
- exhorbitant (exorbitant)
- exibit (exhibit)
- exibition (exhibition)
- exisitance (existence)
- exisiting (existing)
- existance (existence)
- existant (existant [French], existent [English])
- exmaple (example)
- exoskelaton (exoskeleton)
- expalin (explain)
- expalined (explained)
- expantion (expansion)
- expecially (especially)
- expeled (expelled)
- expeling (expelling)
- expell (expel)
- expells (expels)
- expence (expense)
- expences (expenses)
- explaination (explanation)
- explane (explain)
- explination (explanation)
- exploitate (exploit)
- exploititive (exploitative)
- expresso (espresso)
- exsist (exist)
- exsistance (existence)
- exsistence (existence)
- exstensive (extensive)
- extention (extension)
- extered (exerted)
- extincted (extinguished)
- extint (extinct, extant)
- extraterrestial (extraterrestrial)
- extraterrestials (extraterrestrials)
- extravagent (extravagant)
- extremeophile (extremophile)
- extremly (extremely)
- extrordinarily (extraordinarily)
- extrordinary (extraordinary)
- eyar (year, eyas)
- eyars (years, eyas)
- eyasr (years, eyas)