English spellings/Catalogs/Common misspellings P

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Use in English | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Alphabetical word list | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Retroalphabetical list | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Common misspellings |
This page lists misspellings and typos of English words that begin with P. To see a different letter navigate with the table above.
In this list, there are no asterisks or pronouncing accents. The misspelling is shown as a blue link on the left, for example, *abberant, and it is followed by its correct form in brackets, (aberrant). (In the alphabetical list, the order is usually reversed: áberrant *ábberant.)
To add an entry to the list, insert a new search entry using the {{search link}} template with the correct spelling in parentheses after the link. For example,
* {{search link|mispelling||ns0|ns14|ns100}} (misspelling)
* {{search link|"mispell"|mispell|ns0|ns14|ns100}} (misspell)
Please do not delete a misspelling from this page just because it generates false positives. A better way of getting rid of false positives is to "unlink" it by removing the {{search link}} template. For example,
* u (you) (huge number of false positives)
By leaving it on the list, it will remind other users why it has not been added, and it can be easily re-tested at a later date.[e]
- paide (paid)
- palce (place, palace)
- paliamentarian (parliamentarian)
- Palistian (Palestinian)
- Palistinian (Palestinian)
- Palistinians (Palestinians)
- pallete (palette)
- pallour (variant of pallor)
- palyed (played)
- palyer (player)
- palying (playing)
- pamflet (pamphlet)
- pamplet (pamphlet)
- panal (panel)
- panarama (panorama)
- paneled (variant of panelled)
- paneling (variant of panelling)
- panelled (variant of paneled)
- panelling (variant of paneling)
- panicing (panicking)
- pantomine (pantomime)
- Papanicalou (Papanicolaou)
- paparazzis (paparazzi [plural])
- paralel (parallel)
- paralell (parallel)
- paralelly (parallelly)
- paralely (parallelly)
- parallell (parallel)
- parallely (parallelly)
- paranthesis (parenthesis)
- paraphenalia (paraphernalia)
- parituclar (particular)
- parliment (parliament)
- parlour (variant of parlor)
- parrakeets (parakeets)
- parralel (parallel)
- parrallel (parallel)
- parrallell (parallel)
- parrallelly (parallelly)
- parrallely (parallelly)
- parlour (British variant of parlor)
- parseable (parsable)
- partecipate (participate)
- partialy (partially)
- particpant (participant)
- particpated (participated)
- particularily (particularly)
- partion (partition, portion)
- pased (paced, passed)
- pasenger (passenger)
- passanger (passenger)
- passtime (pastime)
- pasted (passed, pasted [paste])
- pastorial (pastoral)
- pasttime (pastime)
- pastural (pastoral)
- pasturize (pasteurize)
- pattent (patent)
- pattented (patented)
- pavillion (pavilion)
- paviour (variant of pavior)
- payed (paid)
- payler (player)
- peachs (peaches)
- peculure (peculiar)
- peform (perform)
- peformance (performance)
- peice (piece)
- peleton (peloton)
- Peloponnes (Peloponnese, Peloponnesus)
- penatly (penalty)
- peninnsula (peninsula)
- penisula (peninsula)
- penisular (peninsular)
- penninsula (peninsula)
- penninsular (peninsular)
- pennisula (peninsula)
- Pennsilvania (Pennsylvania)
- pensinsula (peninsula)
- Pensylvania (Pennsylvania)
- peom (poem)
- peopel (people)
- peotry (poetry)
- perameter (parameter)
- percepted (perceived)
- percieve (perceive)
- perfom (perform)
- perfoming (performing)
- performence (performance)
- performes (performed, performs)
- perhasp (perhaps)
- perheaps (perhaps)
- perhpas (perhaps)
- peripathetic (peripatetic)
- perjery (perjury)
- perjorative (pejorative)
- permanant (permanent)
- permenant (permanent)
- permissable (permissible)
- permited (permitted)
- permiting (permitting)
- permitt (permit)
- perogative (prerogative)
- perpare (prepare)
- perphas (perhaps)
- perpindicular (perpendicular)
- persay (per se)
- perserverance (perseverance)
- perservere (persevere)
- perservered (persevered)
- perserverence (perseverance)
- perseverence (perseverance)
- perseverent (perseverant)
- persistance (persistence)
- persistant (persistent)
- personaly (personally)
- personel (personal, personnel)
- personell (personnel)
- personnell (personnel)
- persue (pursue)
- persuing (pursuing)
- persuit (pursuit)
- pertubation (perturbation)
- pertubations (perturbations)
- perview (purview)
- petetion (petition)
- pessiary (pessary)
- Pharoah (Pharaoh)
- phenomenonal (phenomenal)
- phenomenonly (phenomenally)
- phenominal (phenomenal)
- phenomonenon (phenomenon)
- phenonmena (phenomena)
- Pheonix (Phoenix)
- Philadephia (Philadelphia)
- Philedelphia (Philadelphia)
- Philipines (Philippines)
- philisopher (philosopher)
- philisophical (philosophical)
- philisophy (philosophy)
- Phillipine (Philippine)
- Phillipines (Philippines)
- Phillippine (Philippine)
- Phillippines (Philippines)
- philosphy (philosophy)
- Phonecian (Phoenician)
- phongraph (phonograph)
- pich (pitch)
- pidgeon (pigeon)
- pilgrimmage (pilgrimage)
- piligrim (pilgrim)
- pinapple (pineapple)
- pinnaple (pineapple)
- plagarism (plagiarism)
- plantiff (plaintiff)
- planed (planed [smoothed wood], planned [plan])
- playright (playwright)
- playwrite (playwright)
- playwrites (playwrights)
- plebicite (plebiscite)
- pleasnat (pleasant)
- plesant (pleasant)
- plethura (plethora)
- plough (variant of plow)
- plow (American variant of plough)
- plyed (played, plied)
- poinsetta (poinsettia)
- poisin (poison)
- pokemon (Pokémon)
- polination (pollination)
- polinator (pollinator)
- polinators (pollinators)
- polute (pollute)
- polution (pollution)
- polysaccharid (polysaccharide)
- polysaccaride (polysaccharide)
- pomegranite (pomegranate)
- poore (poor, Poore [surname])
- populaion (population)
- popularaty (popularity)
- Portugese (Portuguese)
- posess (possess)
- posessed (possessed)
- posesses (possesses)
- posessing (possessing)
- posession (possession)
- positve (positive)
- positon (position, positron)
- possable (possible)
- possably (possibly)
- posseses (possesses)
- possesing (possessing)
- possesion (possession)
- possibilty (possibility)
- possition (position)
- Postdam (Potsdam)
- postion (position)
- postive (positive)
- postivism (positivism)
- potatos (potatoes)
- powerfull (powerful)
- practial (practical)
- practially (practically)
- practicaly (practically)
- practicioner (practitioner)
- practicioners (practitioners)
- practicly (practically)
- practioner (practitioner)
- practioners (practitioners)
- prairy (prairie)
- prarie (prairie)
- pratice (practice)
- pre-Colombian (pre-Columbian)
- pre-existant (preexistent)
- preample (preamble)
- precedessor (predecessor)
- preceed (precede)
- preceeded (preceded)
- preceeding (preceding)
- preceeds (precedes)
- preceive (perceive)
- preception (perception)
- precidence (precedence)
- precident (precedent, president)
- precurser (precursor)
- predjudice (prejudice)
- predominately (predominantly)
- prefection (perfection)
- prefered (preferred)
- prefering (preferring)
- preferr (prefer)
- preferrable (preferable)
- preferrably (preferably)
- preffer (prefer)
- preffered (preferred)
- pregancies (pregnancies)
- pregancy (pregnancy)
- pregnacy (pregnancy)
- premeir (premier, premiere)
- premeire (premier, premiere)
- premeired (premiered)
- premillenial (premillennial)
- premission (permission)
- Premonasterians (Premonstratensians)
- prepair (prepare)
- prepartion (preparation)
- prepatory (preparatory)
- preperation (preparation)
- preperatory (preparatory)
- presense (presence)
- presidental (presidential)
- prestigeous (prestigious)
- prestigous (prestigious)
- presumeably (presumably)
- presumibly (presumably)
- presure (pressure)
- prevale (prevail)
- prevelance (prevalence)
- prevelant (prevalent)
- preventation (prevention)
- preventative (acceptable synonym for preventive)
- previvous (previous)
- Pricilla (Priscilla)
- pricipal (principal)
- priciple (principle)
- primarially (primarily)
- primarly (primarily)
- primative (primitive)
- primatively (primitively)
- primatives (primitives)
- Prime Minster (Prime Minister)
- primordal (primordial)
- principial (principal)
- prinicipal (principal)
- principaly (principally)
- principly (principally)
- Princton (Princeton)
- prision (prison)
- privatley (privately)
- privatly (privately)
- priveledge (privilege)
- priveledges (privileges)
- privelege (privilege)
- priveleged (privileged)
- priveleges (privileges)
- privelidge (privilege)
- privelige (privilege)
- priveliged (privileged)
- priveliges (privileges)
- privilage (privilege)
- priviledge (privilege)
- priviledges (privileges)
- privledge (privilege)
- probablly (probably)
- probalibity (probability)
- probaly (probably)
- probelm (problem)
- proccess (process)
- procede (proceed, precede)
- procedes (proceeds, precedes)
- procedger (procedure)
- proceding (proceeding, preceding)
- proceedure (procedure)
- proclame (proclaim)
- proclomation (proclamation)
- prodcution (production)
- profesion (profusion, profession)
- profesor (professor)
- proffesion (profession)
- proffesor (professor)
- profilic (prolific)
- programable (programmable)
- programe (program, programme)
- programer (programmer)
- programme (variant of program)
- progrom (pogrom, program, programme)
- prohabition (prohibition)
- prologomena (prolegomena)
- prominance (prominence)
- prominant (prominent)
- prominate (prominent)
- prominately (prominently, predominately)
- promiscous (promiscuous)
- pronomial (pronominal)
- pronounciation (pronunciation)
- propably (probably)
- propeled (propelled)
- propeling (propelling)
- propell (propel)
- prophacy (prophecy)
- propietary (proprietary)
- propoganda (propaganda)
- propogate (propagate)
- propogation (propagation)
- propogator (propagator)
- propotion (proportion)
- propotional (proportional)
- propper (proper, Propper [surname])
- proprietory (proprietary)
- proseletyzing (proselytizing)
- protaganist (protagonist)
- protem (pro tem, protein)
- protien (protein)
- protocal (protocol)
- protrait (portrait)
- protray (portray)
- protrayal (portrayal)
- protrayed (portrayed)
- protruberance (protuberance)
- protruberances (protuberances)
- provded (provided)
- providor (provider)
- pseudononymous (pseudonymous)
- pseudonyn (pseudonym)
- psuedo (pseudo)
- psychidelic (psychedelic)
- psychodelic (psychedelic)
- psycology (psychology)
- psyhic (psychic)
- publich (public, publish)
- Pucini (Puccini)
- Puertorrican (Puerto Rican)
- Puertorricans (Puerto Ricans)
- pumkin (pumpkin)
- purposedly (purposely)
- pursuade (persuade)
- puting (putting)
- pwn (own)
- pwoer (power)
- pyschedelic (psychedelic)
- pyschic (psychic)
- pyscho (psycho)
- pyschological (psychological)
- pyschology (psychology)
- pyschosomatic (psychosomatic)