United States of America/Catalogs/States and Territories

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The fifty states

No  Name  Year  col4  col5 
1 Alabama year col4 col5
2 Alaska State year col4 col5
3 Arizona year col4 col5
4 Arkansas year col4 col5
5 California year col4 col5
6 Colorado year col4 col5
7 Connecticut year col4 col5
8 Delaware year col4 col5
9 Florida year col4 col5
10 Georgia (U.S. state) year col4 col5
11 State of Hawaii year col4 col5
12 Idaho year col4 col5
13 Illinois year col4 col5
14 Indiana year col4 col5
15 Iowa year col4 col5
16 Kansas year col4 col5
17 Kentucky year col4 col5
18 Louisiana year col4 col5
19 Maine year col4 col5
20 Maryland year col4 col5
21 Massachusetts year col4 col5
22 Michigan year col4 col5
23 Minnesota year col4 col5
24 Mississippi year col4 col5
25 Missouri year col4 col5
26 Montana year col4 col5
27 name year col4 col5
28 name year col4 col5
29 name year col4 col5
30 name year col4 col5
num name year col4 col5
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num name year col4 col5
num name year col4 col5

This is a catalog of the constituent states of the USA, as well as territories and other subdivisions within or dependent on the USA.


Name Capital Date of Admission to the Union[1] Governor Senators Subdivisions History
Alabama Montgomery 14 December 1819 (22nd) Bob Riley (Republican) Jeff Sessions (Republican)
Richard Shelby (Republican)
67 counties History of Alabama
Alaska Juneau 3 January 1959 (49th) Sarah Palin (Republican) Lisa Murkowski (Republican)
Mark Begich (Democratic)
16 Boroughs (including Municipality of Anchorage) and Unorganized Borough, administered directly by the state) History of Alaska
Arizona Phoenix 14 February 1912 (48th) Jan Brewer (Republican) Jon Kyl (Republican)
John McCain (Republican)
15 counties History of Arizona
Arkansas Little Rock 15 June 1836 (25th) Mike Beebe (Democratic) Blanche Lincoln (Democratic)
Mark Pryor (Democratic)
75 counties History of Arkansas
California Sacramento 9 September 1850 (31st) Arnold Schwarzenegger (Republican) Barbara Boxer (Democratic)
Dianne Feinstein (Democratic)
58 counties History of California
Colorado Denver 1 August 1876 (38th) Bill Ritter (Democratic) Mark Udall (Democratic)
Michael Bennet (Democratic)
64 counties History of Colorado
Connecticut Hartford 9 January 1788 (5th) M. Jodi Rell (Republican) Christopher Dodd (Democrat)
Joseph Lieberman (Independent, caucuses with Democrats)
8 counties (no government powers since 1960), 169 towns History of Connecticut
Delaware Dover 7 December 1787 (1st) Ruth Ann Minner (Democratic) Edward E. Kaufman (Democratic)
Thomas Carper (Democratic)
3 counties History of Delaware
Florida Tallahassee 3 March 1845 (27th) Charlie Crist (Republican) Mel Martinez (Republican)
Bill Nelson (Democratic)
67 counties History of Florida
Georgia Atlanta 2 January 1788 (4th) Sonny Perdue (Republican) Saxby Chambliss (Republican)
Johnny Isakson (Republican)
159 counties History of Georgia
Hawaii Honolulu 21 August 1959 (50th) Linda Lingle (Republican) Daniel Akaka (Democratic)
Daniel Inouye (Democratic)
5 counties (one administered by the state Department of Health) History of Hawaii
Idaho Boise 3 July 1890 (43rd) Butch Otter (Republican) James Risch (Republican)
Mike Crapo (Republican)
44 counties History of Idaho
Illinois Springfield 3 December 1818 (21st) Rod Blagojevich (Democratic) Richard Durbin (Democratic)
Roland W. Burris (Democratic)
102 counties History of Illinois
Indiana Indianapolis 11 December 1816 (19th) Mitch Daniels (Republican) Evan Bayh (Democratic)
Richard Lugar (Republican)
92 counties History of Indiana
Iowa Des Moines 28 December 1846 (29th) Chet Culver (Democratic) Chuck Grassley (Republican)
Tom Harkin (Democratic)
99 counties History of Iowa
Kansas Topeka 29 January 1861 (34th) Kathleen Sebellius (Democratic) Sam Brownback (Republican)
Pat Roberts (Republican)
105 counties History of Kansas
Kentucky Frankfort 1 June 1792 (15th) Steve Beshear (Democratic, governor-elect) Jim Bunning (Republican)
Mitch McConnell (Republican)
120 counties History of Kentucky
Louisiana Baton Rouge 30 April 1812 (18th) Piyush "Bobby" Jindal (Republican) Mary Landrieu (Democratic)
David Vitter (Republican)
64 parishes History of Louisiana
Maine Augusta 15 March 1820 (23rd) John Baldacci (Democratic) Susan Collins (Republican)
Olympia Snowe (Republican)
16 counties History of Maine
Maryland Annapolis 28 April 1788 (7th) Martin O'Malley (Democratic) Benjamin Cardin (Democratic)
Barbara Mikulski (Democratic)
22 counties and independent city (Baltimore) History of Maryland
Massachusetts Boston 6 February 1788 (6th) Deval Patrick (Democratic) Scott Brown (Republican)
John Kerry (Democratic)
14 counties, with little government function, 50 cities and 301 towns History of Massachusetts
Michigan Lansing 26 January 1836 (25th) Jennifer Granholm (Democratic) Carl Levin (Democratic)
Debbie Stabenow (Democratic)
83 counties History of Michigan
Minnesota St. Paul 11 May 1858 (32nd) Tim Pawlenty (Republican) Amy Klobuchar (Democratic)
Al Franken (Democratic)
  History of Minnesota
Mississippi Jackson 10 December 1817 (20th) Haley Barbour (Republican) Thad Cochran (Republican)
Roger F. Wicker (Republican)
  History of Mississippi
Missouri Jefferson City 10 August 1821 (24th) Jay Nixon (Democratic) Christopher Bond (Republican)
Claire McCaskill (Democratic)
  History of Missouri
Montana Helena 8 November 1889 (41st) Brian Schweitzer (Democratic) Max Baucus (Democratic)
Jon Tester (Democratic)
  History of Montana
Nebraska Lincoln 1 March 1867 (37th) Dave Heineman (Republican) Mike Johanns (Republican)
Benjamin Nelson (Democratic)
  History of Nebraska
Nevada Carson City 31 October 1864 (36th) Jim Gibbons (Republican) John Ensign (Republican)
Harry Reid (Democratic)
  History of Nevada
New Hampshire Concord 21 June 1788 (9th) John Lynch (Democratic) Judd Gregg (Republican)
Jeanne Shaheen (Democratic)
  History of New Hampshire
New Jersey Trenton 18 December 1787 (3rd) Jon Corzine (Democratic) Frank Lautenberg (Democratic)
Robert Menendez (Democratic)
  History of New Jersey
New Mexico Santa Fe 6 January 1912 (47th) Bill Richardson (Democratic) Jeff Bingaman (Democratic)
Tom Udall (Democratic)
  History of New Mexico
New York Albany 26 July 1788 (11th) David Paterson (Democratic) Chuck Schumer (Democratic)
Kirsten Gillibrand (Democratic)
62 Counties History of New York
North Carolina Raleigh 21 November 1789 (12th) Beverly E. Perdue (Democratic) Richard Burr (Republican)
Kay Hagan (Democratic)
100 counties History of North Carolina
North Dakota Bismarck 2 November 1889 (39th) John Hoeven (Republican Kent Conrad (Democratic)
Byron Dorgan (Democratic)
  History of North Dakota
Ohio Columbus 1 March 1803 (17th) Ted Strickland (Democratic) Sherrod Brown (Democratic)
George Voinovich (Republican)
  History of Ohio
Oklahoma Oklahoma City 16 November 1907 (46th) Brad Henry (Democratic) Tom Coburn (Republican)
James Inhofe (Republican)
  History of Oklahoma
Oregon Salem 14 February 1859 (33rd) Ted Kulongoski (Democratic) Jeff Merkley (Democratic)
Ron Wyden (Democratic)
  History of Oregon
Pennsylvania Harrisburg 12 December 1787 (2nd) Edward G. Rendell (Democratic) Robert Casey (Democratic)
Arlen Specter (Democratic)
  History of Pennsylvania
Rhode Island Providence 29 May 1790 (13th) Donald E. Carcieri (Republican) Jack Reed (Democratic)
Sheldon Whitehouse (Democratic)
  History of Rhode Island
South Carolina Columbia 23 May 1788 (8th) Mark Sanford (Republican) Jim DeMint (Republican)
Lindsey Graham (Republican)
  History of South Carolina
South Dakota Pierre 2 November 1889 (40th)  Marion M. "Mike" Rounds (Republican) Tim Johnson (Democratic)
John Thune (Republican)
  History of South Dakota
Tennessee Nashville 1 June 1796 (16th) Phil Bredesen (Democratic) Lamar Alexander (Republican)
Bob Corker (Republican)
  History of Tennessee
Texas Austin 29 December 1845 (28th) Rick Perry (Republican) Kay Bailey Hutchison (Republican)
John Cornyn (Republican)
254 Counties History of Texas
Utah Salt Lake City 4 January 1896 (45th) Jon Huntsman, Jr. (Republican) Robert Bennett (Republican)
Orrin Hatch (Republican)
29 counties History of Utah
Vermont Montpelier 4 March 1791 (14th) Jim Douglas (Republican) Patrick Leahy (Democrat)
Bernard Sanders (Independent)
14 counties (with limited governmental powers) History of Vermont
Virginia Richmond 25 June 1788 (10th) Tim Kaine (Democratic) Mark Warner (Democrat)
Jim Webb (Democrat)
95 counties and 39 independent cities History of Virginia
Washington Olympia 11 November 1889 (42nd) Christine Gregoire (Democratic) Maria Cantwell (Democratic)
Patty Murray (Democratic)
  History of Washington
West Virginia Charleston 20 June 1863 (35th) Joe Manchin (Democratic) Robert Byrd (Democratic)
John D. Rockefeller IV (Democratic)
  History of West Virginia
Wisconsin Madison 29 May 1848 (30th) James Doyle, Jr. (Democratic) Russell Feingold (Democratic)
Herb Kohl (Democratic)
  History of Wisconsin
Wyoming Cheyenne 10 July 1890 (44th) Dave Freudenthal (Republican Mike Enzi (Republican)
John Barrasso (Republican)
  History of Wyoming

Federal District

The capital of the United States of America is a separate federal district and not part of any one State; historically, it was created from land ceded by Maryland and Virginia
Name Capital Date of Admission
to the Union
Mayor History
District of Columbia Washington July 26, 1788 Adrian M. Fenty (Democrat) History of the District of Columbia

Unincorporated territories

The following Territories belong to the United States of America. They do not belong to any one State. These islands are inhabited.

Name Capital Governor Population[2] Size[2]
(Square miles)
American Samoa Pago Pago (Capital)
Fagatogo (Seat of Government)
Togiola Tulafono (Democratic) 65,000 76
Guam Hagåtña (Agana) Felix Perez Camacho (Republican) 179,000 209
Northern Mariana Islands Saipan Benígno Fitial (Covenant) 81,000 184
Puerto Rico San Juan Luis Fortuño (Republican) 3,955,000 3,515
U.S. Virgin Islands Charlotte Amalie John deJongh, Jr. (Democratic) 112,000 136

In a 2012 referendum in Puerto Rico, two questions were asked. In the first, a majority voted for a change in status. In the second, a majority voted to request admission as the 51st state if any change were to be made. This would require ratification by Congress.

Outlying Islands

The following Territories belong to the United States of America. They do not belong to any one State. Except for the military forces on Wake and Kwajalein, and US Government employees on Midway[3] these islands are uninhabited; many are United States Pacific Island Wildlife Refuges. A number of battles of the Second World War in the Pacific were fought on them or in the waters near them.


  1. The 50 State Quarters 10-Year Schedule. U.S. Mint. Retrieved on 08-07-2007.
  2. 2.0 2.1 (2007 Fourth Edition.) The Times Atlas of the World, Compact Edition.. Times Books, London., 160. ISBN ISBN 978-0-00-723374-8. 
  3. Quick Facts about Midway Atoll. Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge (August 22 2002). Retrieved on 2007-05-07.