CZ:Games Workgroup

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Workgroups are no longer used for group communications, but they still are used to group articles into fields of interest. Each article is assigned to 1-3 Workgroups via the article's Metadata.

Games Workgroup
Games article All articles (175) To Approve (0) Editors: active (0) / inactive (9)
Authors: active (209) / inactive (0)
Workgroup Discussion
Recent changes Citable Articles (3)
Subgroups (1)
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Welcome to the Games Workgroup
Welcome to the Games Workgroup on Citizendium! We are working on priority topics, or core articles, and have compiled the list below and are trying to work through them one by one. One of the most critical tasks is to complete some of the major headings, as the subtopics are then logically identified and can thus be listed. Please feel free to add to the list as you see fit. We invite you to join us on the talk page to discuss the key game article and to give your ideas for suitable subdivisions of the workgroup.

Anyone can work on editing and moving towards approval, so please start creating articles! It would also be helpful if some authors would look at completing articles, or editors moving more developed articles towards approval. See our list of developed articles for additional topics not listed below. Articles in this list are accompanied by a pictorial representation of the article's status; the possible depictions are as follows:

  • Level4.jpg Level 4 (external article with no changes made)
  • Level3.jpg Level 3 (stub)
  • Level2.jpg Level 2 (developing)
  • Level1.jpg Level 1 (developed)
  • Level0.jpg Level 0 (approved)

Articles in red have not been written yet.

On behalf of all the authors and editors already aboard, many thanks in advance!

—The Editors

Some of the subdivisions produce inevitable overlap. For example, Trivial Pursuit is at once a party game, a board game, and a trivia game. Other articles may belong to more than one Workgroup. Darts, for example, may be considered both a sport and a game.

Board games

Acquire, Backgammon, Carcassonne (board game), Level4.jpg Chess, Level3.jpg Cluedo, Draughts, Level2.jpg Go, Gomoku, Mancala, Monopoly, Nine Men's Morris, Parcheesi, Scrabble, Senet, Shogi, Sorry!, Stratego,

Card games

Baccarat, Canasta, Collectible card games, Contract Bridge, Euchre, Level2.jpg Go fish, Hearts, Level2.jpg Magic: the Gathering, Pinochle, Pit, Playing card, Level3.jpg Poker, Rummy, Solitaire, Spades, Tarock, Level2.jpg Texas Hold 'Em, Uno, War, Whist, Level2.jpg World of Warcraft Trading Card Game

Dice games

Level2.jpg Craps

Electronic games


Video games

Asheron's Call, Civilization, Colossal Cave, Dance Dance Revolution, Level3.jpg Donkey Kong, Level2.jpg Doom, Elite Everquest, Level3.jpg Final Fantasy, Game design, Level3.jpg Gameplay, Level2.jpg Grand Theft Auto, Half-Life, History of video games, Myst, Pac-Man, Level3.jpg Pokémon, Pong, Populous, Quake, Level3.jpg Shigeru Miyamoto, Level3.jpg SimCity, Space Invaders, Level3.jpg Street Fighter, Level1.jpg Super Mario Bros., Spacewar!, StarCraft, Level3.jpg Tetris, The Sims, Tomb Raider, Ultima, Video game controversy, Level3.jpg Video game genres, Level2.jpg Zork


Level2.jpg Casino game, Roulette, Slot machine

Lawn games

Bowls, Croquet, Horseshoes, Pétanque, Skittles

Party games

Blind man's bluff, Charades, Level3.jpg Drinking game, Musical chairs, Pass the parcel, Truth or Dare?

Playground games

Hopscotch, Jacks, Jump rope, Level2.jpg Marbles, Tag


Crossword, Hangman, Jigsaw, Rubik's Cube, Soma cube, Level3.jpg Sudoku, Tangram

Role playing games

Pen and paper role-playing games

Level3.jpg Dungeons & Dragons

Live Action RPG

Vampire the Masquerade


City of Heroes, Everquest, Level2.jpg World of Warcraft

Strategy games

Level3.jpg Axis & Allies, Battlefield 2, Battlefield 1942, Battlefield 2142, Battlefield Vietnam, Car Wars, Level2.jpg Diplomacy, Risk, Star Fleet Battles, Level2.jpg Warhammer (both Fantasy Battles and 40K)


Action figure, Doll, Educational toy, Frisbee, Lego, Meccano, Mechanical toy, Spinning top, Stuffed animal, Teddy bear, Yo-yo

Trivia games

Level3.jpg Quiz show, Trivial Pursuit