Breed club/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Breed club.
See also changes related to Breed club, or pages that link to Breed club or to this page or whose text contains "Breed club".

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  • Breed standard [r]: Set of guidelines which is used to ensure that the animals produced by a breeder or breeding facility conform to the specifics of the breed. [e]
  • Breed-specific legislation [r]: a law, ordinance or policy which pertains to a specifically named animal breed or breeds, but does not affect any others. [e]
  • Dog breeding [r]: The vocation of mating carefully selected specimens of the same dog breed in order to reproduce specific, consistently replicable qualities and characteristics. [e]
  • Dog breed [r]: A selectively-bred dog group with dependably similar and predictable characteristics. [e]
  • Dog group [r]: An official category under the auspices of a kennel club, a group comprises many individual dog breeds. [e]
  • Dog show [r]: Competition or display of domestic dogs. [e]
  • Dog [r]: Domesticated canine often kept as a pet or as a working animal and known as 'man's best friend'. [e]
  • Kennel club [r]: Society dedicated to the welfare of purebred dogs that sponsor trials and shows, and keep purebred registries. [e]
  • Miniature Fox Terrier [r]: A small Australian vermin-routing terrier, developed from 19th Century Fox Terriers and Fox Terrier types. [e]
  • Phalène [r]: A small and elegant but strong toy dog breed dating from at least the 16th Century; the original version of the Papillon. [e]