CZ:Core Articles

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Revision as of 09:02, 3 October 2007 by imported>Nereo Preto (→‎Earth Sciences: coal)
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What are core articles?

Core articles are our top priority articles--articles that are most in demand and most important for us to include in an encyclopedia that has any hope of being comprehensive.

Our leading authors and editors believe this initiative is very important. We hope you'll set aside your relatively specialized interests for a while, and join the contest to create reliable introductions to the most basic topics known to humanity.

How does the core articles initiative work?

Essentially, we list our unwritten core articles here on this page, negotiating about which articles really are our highest priority. We then invite people to write articles on those topics, awarding points for any draft that is 250 words or longer. We tally points on CZ:Core Articles/Scores.

Page format

This is one big long page, divided into sections, one for each workgroup. Each section should be written in three columns. However, make sure the columns break after each workgroup. (So each workgroup header is in one column which spans all three.) Total number of articles on page will be about 4,000. So it will be a big page, but that's OK, it's not too big.

Each line of a workgroup's section begins with # so that the entries are numbered. Most important (highest point value) entries should be listed first. Format of a line evolves like this:

The original entry simply says "French painting" is worth 5 points:

# [[French painting]] (5)

Once Jane Doe has written a draft article over 250 words, she may take credit:

# [[French painting]] (5) - [[User:Jane Doe|]]

Someone confirms that Jane has written 250 words, writing "OK":

# [[French painting]] (5) - [[User:Jane Doe|]] - OK


Note: anyone may edit any section of this page so that the section is in conformity with these formatting guidelines! Be Bold!

Topic choice

Each workgroup nominates 99 topics (33 per column). Exceptions are Biology, Health Sciences, History, Geography, Business, Media, Games, Hobbies, and Sports, which may nominate 198 topics (66 per column). For some already-existing article lists, for ideas, please see [1] and [2] as well as, in many cases, workgroup homepages. Here are the 1000 most popular Wikipedia articles of September 2007. List articles in only one workgroup. All topics must be either completely unwritten, a micro-stub, or status=4.

Anyone may list articles here, but if workgroup editors wish to work out the list elsewhere, they may.

* Note: top priority articles that are status=4 (unedited from Wikipedia) should be listed, but with an asterisk--which indicates that, to get the points, a person must either completely replace or rewrite the article.

** Also note: "micro-stubs" (articles without pictures, 50 words or less) should also be listed, but with two asterisks.

Attaching points to topics

Each workgroup may award 10 points for the five most important articles in the group, 5 points for the ten next most important, and 2 points for the 14 next most important (down to #33, the bottom of the first column). The rest (in the middle and right columns) are worth a point apiece.

The first and/or most motivated editor attaches points to articles. If after a reasonable period it appears no editor is going to step up, then the most qualified and motivated author issues the points.

Claiming points

None of these articles may come from Wikipedia, if you want it to count. In fact, if you want, you can entirely replace a status = 4 Wikipedia-sourced article with a new CZ article. Please do.

For now, we do not track first draft authors on the talk page or the metadata page of an article, but only on CZ:Core Articles.

Authors may claim points on CZ:Core Articles/Scores only after their article length (and non-Wikipediahood) has been OK'd.

Already-written core articles

In the sections titled "Already-written core articles," please list top priority articles that were already written prior to September 25, 2007. List any articles that are as high or higher priority as any on the list of 99 (or 198). This is to prevent people from listing articles that have already been written, and so that this page is maximally useful to the end-user. Points are not given for articles in this section--well, not yet, anyway.

The "Miscellaneous" category

Articles that we'll definitely want, but which aren't obviously located in any existing workgroup, should be placed in Miscellaneous. There can be up to 300 articles listed here. Make sure there are no duplicates (overlap with workgroup lists). Each of these will be worth 1 point, unless any editor decides otherwise.

The Core Articles

Natural Sciences


  1. Astrophysics
  2. Cosmology
  3. History of Astronomy
  4. Andromeda Galaxy
  5. Astronomical Unit
  6. Big Bang
  7. Binary star
  8. Black Hole
  9. Celestial coordinates
  10. Celestial mechanics
  11. Cepheid variable
  12. Cosmic microwave background
  13. Cosmic rays
  14. Crab Nebula
  15. Dark matter
  16. Flare star
  17. Galilean satellites
  18. Globular cluster
  19. H I region
  20. H II region
  21. Halley's comet
  22. HR Diagram
  23. Hubble constant
  24. Interstellar matter
  25. Kepler's laws
  26. Magellanic Clouds
  27. Nebula
  28. Neutron star
  29. Nova
  30. Olber's paradox
  31. Open cluster
  32. Orion nebula
  33. Telescope

  1. Solar System
  2. Planet
  3. Mercury (planet)
  4. Earth
  5. Moon
  6. Jupiter
  7. Uranus
  8. Neptune
  9. Dwarf planets
  10. 2006 definition of planet
  11. Pluto
  12. Eris
  13. Cerres
  14. Asteroid belt
  15. Kuiper belt
  16. Extrasolar Planet
  17. Scattered disc
  18. Asteroid
  19. Meteroid
  20. Comet
  21. Dust
  22. Oort Cloud
  23. Walter Baade
  24. Friedrich Bessell
  25. Annie Jump Cannon
  26. Alvan Clark
  27. Nicholas Copernicus
  28. George Ellery Hale
  29. William Herschel
  30. Edwin Hubble
  31. Jacobus Kapteyn
  32. Johannes Kepler
  33. Gerard Kuiper

  1. Star
  2. Milky way
  3. Parsec
  4. Planetary nebula
  5. Pleiades
  6. Precession
  7. Proper motion
  8. Pulsar
  9. Quasar
  10. Redshift
  11. Solar eclipse
  12. Solar wind
  13. Star
  14. Star formation
  15. Stellar evolution
  16. Stellar parallax
  17. Stellar populations
  18. Sunspots
  19. Supernova
  20. Tides
  21. Variable star
  22. Universe
  23. White dwarf
  24. Henrietta Leavitt
  25. Isaac Newton
  26. Edward C. Pikering
  27. Ptolemy
  28. Henry Norris Russell
  29. Harlow Shapley
  30. IAU
  31. ESA
  32. RAS
  33. Palomar Observatory

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

  1. Sun
  2. Constellation
  3. Tycho Brahe
  4. Venus
  5. Mars
  6. Saturn
  7. Calendar
  8. Galaxy
  9. Galileo Galilei
  10. NASA

Third column


See list under development here

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

  1. Biology
  2. Life
  3. DNA

Second column

Third column


Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here!

  1. Acetic acid
  2. Acetone
  3. Acetylene
  4. Acid
  5. Aldehyde
  6. Alcohol
  7. Alkali metals
  8. Alkaline earth metals
  9. Alkanes
  10. Alkenes
  11. Anion
  12. Aromatic compounds
  13. Avogadro's number
  14. Base
  15. Bond order
  16. Boron
  17. Butane
  18. Bromine
  19. Calcium
  20. Carbon
  21. Carbonate
  22. Carboxylic acid
  23. Catalyst
  24. Caustic
  25. Chirality
  26. Chlorine
  27. Chloroform
  28. Conjugate acid
  29. Conjugate base
  30. Covalent bond
  31. Critical mass
  32. Cycloalkanes
  33. Dalton's law of partial pressure
  34. DDT
  35. Dextrorotary
  36. Dioxin
  37. Double bond
  38. Electrochemistry
  39. Electron configuration
  40. Electron orbital
  41. Electron shell
  42. Electronegativity
  43. Endothermic
  44. Enthalpy
  45. Equilibrium constant
  46. Ester
  47. Ethanol
  48. Ether
  49. Ethylene
  50. Exothermic
  51. Faraday constant
  52. Fluorine
  53. Formula weight
  54. Functional group
  55. Gibb's free energy
  56. Half-life
  57. Halides
  58. Henry's law
  59. Hexagonal closest-packed structure
  60. Hund's rule

Second column

  1. Hydrides
  2. Hydrocarbons
  3. Hydrogenation
  4. Hydrochloric acid
  5. Hydrolysis
  6. Hydrophilic
  7. Helium
  8. Ideal gas law
  9. Ideal solution
  10. Inorganic chemistry
  11. Ionic bond
  12. Lanthanides
  13. Law of mass action
  14. Law of multiple proportions
  15. LeChatelier's principle
  16. Lewis acid
  17. Lewis base
  18. Ligand
  19. Limiting reactant/reagent
  20. Lipids
  21. Liter
  22. London dispersion forces
  23. Lone pairs
  24. Markownikoff's rule
  25. Mass
  26. Mass number
  27. Methane
  28. Metals
  29. Metaloids
  30. Metathesis reactions
  31. Molality
  32. Molar gas constant
  33. Molarity
  34. Mole
  35. Molecular equation
  36. Molecular formula
  37. Molecular orbital theory
  38. Mole fraction
  39. Neon
  40. Nernst equation
  41. Net ionic equation
  42. Nitrate
  43. Nitrogen
  44. Nitrogen cycle
  45. Nitric Acid
  46. Noble gases
  47. Normality
  48. Nuclide
  49. Octahedral geometry
  50. Octet rule
  51. Optical isomers enantiomers
  52. Organic chemistry
  53. Osmosis
  54. Ostwald process
  55. Oxidation
  56. state
  57. Oxides
  58. Oxidizing agent
  59. Paramagnetic
  60. Pauli exclusion principle

Third column

  1. Peptide bond
  2. Perchlorate
  3. Period (of the periodic table)
  4. Periodic law
  5. Phospholipid
  6. Phosphate
  7. Phosphorus
  8. Phosporic acid
  9. Photoelectric effect
  10. Pi bond
  11. Polar covalent bond
  12. Polyatomic ion
  13. Polydentate ligand
  14. Polyphosphoric acids
  15. Potassium
  16. Raoult's law
  17. Rate constant
  18. Rate-determining step
  19. Rate law
  20. Reaction intermediate
  21. Reaction mechanism
  22. Reaction quotient
  23. Reaction rate
  24. Redox reaction
  25. Reducing agent
  26. Reduction
  27. Saponification
  28. Saturated hydrocarbon
  29. Saturated fat
  30. Sigma bond
  31. Silane
  32. Silicates
  33. Sodium
  34. Sodium chloride
  35. Sodium hydroxide
  36. Solubility-product constant
  37. Solvay process
  38. Sulfate
  39. Sulfur
  40. Sulfuric acid
  41. Transition elements
  42. Vapor pressure
  43. Vapor-pressure lowering
  44. Weak acids
  45. Weak bases
  46. Zwitterion

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)
  1. Hydrogen
  2. Oxygen

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column

Earth Sciences

Please note: points are just a preliminary proposal. Please wait for the complete list to be posted. Points and priorities will then be fixed... --Nereo Preto 09:56, 27 September 2007 (CDT)

  1. Age of the Earth (2)
  2. Atmosphere (5)
  3. Climate (10)
  4. Coal (5) (only a redirect)
  5. Coral reef (5)
  6. Dinosaur (2)
  7. Earth (10)
  8. Earthquake (5)
  9. El Niño-Southern Oscillation (10)
  10. Flood (2)
  11. Geology (5)
  12. Holocene (2)
  13. Hurricane
  14. Ice ages (2)
  15. Karst (2)
  16. Landslide (5)
  17. Natural gas (5)
  18. North Atlantic Oscillation (5)
  19. Ocean (5)
  20. Oil (geology) (10)
  21. Paleontology (2)
  22. Plate tectonics (10)
  23. Quaternary (2)
  24. Thermohaline circulation (5)
  25. Volcano (2)
  26. Weather

  1. Air
  2. Basalt
  3. Cainozoic
  4. Calcite
  5. Carbonate platform (may be put into Coral reef, or vice versa)
  6. Cave
  7. Climate model
  8. Cloud
  9. Continent
  10. Crust
  11. Current
  12. Fault (geology)
  13. Feldspar
  14. Fold (geology)
  15. Fossil
  16. Glacier
  17. Granite
  18. Gulf Stream
  19. Ice cap
  20. Limestone
  21. Lithosphere
  22. Mantle (geology)
  23. Marble
  24. Mesozoic

  1. Mineral
  2. Mountain
  3. Nucleus (geology)
  4. Olivine
  5. Paleoclimatology
  6. Paleozoic
  7. Peridotite
  8. Plate (geology)
  9. Precambrian
  10. Quartz
  11. Radiocarbon
  12. Rain
  13. Sea level change
  14. Seismology
  15. Soil
  16. Thunderstorm
  17. Tide
  18. Tornado
  19. Wind
  20. Zircon


  1. Mathematics *
  2. Statistics
  3. Analysis
  4. Conic sections
  5. Probability theory
  6. Quantum probability
  7. Fourier transform
  8. Free probability
  9. Stochastic calculus
  10. Functional analysis
  11. Approximation theory
  12. Numerical analysis
  13. Harmonic analysis
  14. Operator theory
  15. Discrete mathematics
  16. Graph theory
  17. Cartesian coordinate
  18. Differential geometry
  19. Mathematical physics
  20. Trigonometry
  21. Polar coordinate

  1. Derivative
  2. Function
  3. e
  4. Addition
  5. Multiplication
  6. Exponentiation
  7. Integer *
  8. Fraction (or: rational number)
  9. Fermat's last theorem
  10. Gödel's incompleteness theorem
  11. Pythagoras' theorem
  12. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
  13. Mathematical proof
  14. Augustin Louis Cauchy
  15. Euclid
  16. Leonhard Euler
  17. Carl Friedrich Gauss
  18. David Hilbert
  19. Gottfried Leibniz
  20. Bernhard Riemann
  21. Angle
  22. Triangle
  23. Circle
  24. Vector
  25. Matrix
  26. Limit
  27. Quadratic equation

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

  1. Complex analysis
  2. Geometry
  3. Number theory
  4. Pi
  5. Integral
  6. Set
  7. Real number
  8. Prime number
  9. Complex number
  10. Differential equation
  11. Polynomial
  12. Group (mathematics)
  13. Line (geometry)
  14. Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

Second column

Third column


  1. Electricity
  2. Electromagnetism
  3. Quantum theory
  4. Relativity
  5. Mathematical physics

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column

Social Sciences


  1. Ethnography
  2. Ethnology
  3. Forensic anthropology
  4. Cultural anthropology
  5. Primatology
  6. Nutritional anthropology
  7. Economic anthropology
  8. Cultural ecology
  9. Ethnomusicology
  10. Myth - currently a disambig, need actual article
  11. Ritual
  12. Symbolism
  13. Culture
  14. Ethnicity[we also claim this in Sociology!]
  15. Tools or Tool use
  16. Folklore
  17. Indigeneity

  1. Robert Broom
  2. Raymond Dart
  3. Donald Johanson
  4. Louis Leakey
  5. Richard Leakey
  6. Phillip Tobias
  7. F. Clark Howell
  8. Mary Leakey
  9. Franz Boas
  10. Napoleon Chagnon
  11. Margaret Mead
  12. Clifford Geertz
  13. Jane Goodall
  14. Diane Fossey
  15. Herbert Spencer

  1. Caste
  2. Moiety
  3. Patrilineage
  4. Matrilineage
  5. Cross-cousin
  6. Dowry
  7. Bridewealth
  8. Affine
  9. Kinship
  10. Kula ring
  11. Potlatch
  12. Rite of passage
  13. Shaman
  14. Animism
  15. Reciprocity
  16. Cosmology
  17. Cosmogony
  18. Emic
  19. Etic
  20. Syncretism

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column


Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here!

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column



  1. International economics (10)
  2. Welfare economics (10)
  3. Markets (10)
  4. Comparative advantage
  5. Economy of scale
  6. Balance of payments
  7. Terms of trade
  8. Externalities
  9. Elasticity
  10. Supply
  11. Demand
  12. GNP and GDP



Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column


Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here!

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column


  1. continent
  2. island
  3. continental shelf
  4. plate techtonics
  5. archipelago
  6. cove
  7. coast
  8. plateau

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column


  1. Adoption
  2. Adultery
  3. Arbitration
  4. Asset
  5. Attorney
  6. Bankruptcy
  7. Bill of attainder
  8. Blue law
  9. Canon law
  10. Capital punishment
  11. Censorship
  12. Constitution
  13. Consumer protection
  14. Contract
  15. Copyright
  16. Corporation
  17. Court of law
  18. Crime
  19. Criminal law
  20. Defendant
  21. Divorce
  22. Double jeopardy
  23. Drug prohibition
  24. Due process
  25. Environmental law
  26. Forensics
  27. Fraud
  28. Human Rights
  29. International law
  30. Judge
  31. Jury
  32. Labor law
  33. Magna Carta
  34. Maritime law
  35. Murder
  36. Natural law
  37. Nullification
  38. Prosecution
  39. Roman law
  40. Salic law
  41. Sovereign immunity
  42. Tax

Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here!

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)
  1. Antitrust
  2. Bill of rights
  3. Civil law
  4. Common law
  5. Treaty
  6. U.S. Constitution

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column


Provisional awarding of points - I'm not an editor. John Stephenson 01:44, 29 September 2007 (CDT)

  1. Morphology (linguistics)* (10)
  2. Semantics (linguistics) (10)
  3. Syntax* (10)
  4. Noam Chomsky (10)
  5. Phonetics* (10)
  6. Applied linguistics* (5)
  7. Clinical linguistics (5)
  8. Cognitive linguistics* (5)
  9. Historical linguistics (5)
  10. Language evolution (5)
  11. History of linguistics* (5)
  12. Psycholinguistics* (5)
  13. Sociolinguistics (5)
  14. Theoretical linguistics* (5)
  15. Universal grammar (5)
  16. Alphabet (2)
  17. Comparative linguistics (2)
  18. Computational linguistics* (2)
  19. Creolistics (2)
  20. Dialect* (2)
  21. English language (2)
  22. Forensic linguistics (2)
  23. Language attrition* (2)
  24. Linguistic prescriptivism* (2)
  25. Linguistic typology* (2)
  26. Multilingualism* (2)
  27. Neurolinguistics (2)
  28. Optimality Theory (2)
  29. Poverty of the stimulus (2)
  30. Sapir–Whorf hypothesis (2)
  31. Structuralism (2)
  32. Writing system (2)
  33. Written language (2)

  1. Chinese language (1)
  2. Fossilization (language acquisition) (1)
  3. German language (1)
  4. Lingua franca* (1)
  5. Linguistic universal* (1)
  6. Linguistic variation* (1)
  7. Markedness (1)
  8. Monitor theory* (1)
  9. Orthography (1)
  10. Word (1)

3rd column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

  1. Communication
  2. Contact language
  3. Critical period hypothesis
  4. Descriptive linguistics
  5. First language acquisition
  6. French language
  7. Generative linguistics

  1. Grammar
  2. Language
  3. Language acquisition
  4. Linguistics
  5. Natural language
  6. Noun
  7. Phonology

  1. Pragmatics
  2. Reading
  3. Second language acquisition
  4. Sign language
  5. Spoken language
  6. Syllable
  7. Verb



  1. Political systems (10)
  2. Electoral systems (10)
  3. Political parties (10)
  4. International organizations (10)
  5. History of political thought (10)
  6. The United Nations (5)
  7. European Union** (5)



Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column


Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here!

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column


Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here! [The articles in these columns are not ordered by priority, yet.]

First Column

  1. Adolescence
  2. Applied sociology
  3. Authoritarianism
  4. Bureaucracy
  5. Conflict
  6. Constructivism
  7. Criminology
  8. Delinquency
  9. Deviance
  10. Division of labor
  11. Ethnography [also listed in Anthro]
  12. Exchange theory
  13. Family

Second column

  1. Industrialization
  2. Institution, social
  3. Juvenile justice
  4. Learning
  5. Mores
  6. Negotiated order
  7. Social norm
  8. Organization
  9. Poverty
  10. Role theory
  11. Risk society
  12. Rural society

Third column

  1. Social act
  2. Social assistance
  3. Social behavior
  4. Social capital
  5. Social change
  6. Social environment
  7. Social gerontology
  8. Social insurance
  9. Social interaction
  10. Social justice
  11. Social movement
  12. Social order
  13. Social policy
  14. Social problem
  15. Social structure
  16. Social welfare
  17. Society
  18. Economic sociology
  19. Educational sociology
  20. Family sociology
  21. Historical sociology
  22. Political sociology
  23. Public sociology
  24. Sociology of organization
  25. Sociology of religion
  26. Stratification
  27. Survey research
  28. Urban society
  29. Voluntary association
  30. Welfare state
  31. Work

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

First Column

  1. Authority
  2. Civil society
  3. Communication
  4. Community
  5. Demography
  6. Race
  7. Identity
  8. Language
  9. Notable sociologists
  10. Rural poverty
  11. Social class
  12. Social security
  13. Sociology

Second column

  1. Social security in the USA

Third column



Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here!

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column


Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here!

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column


Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here!

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column


Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here!

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column


Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here!

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column



first column

second column

third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

  1. Architecture
  2. Civil engineering
  3. Environmental engineering
  4. Taj Mahal
  5. Crystal Palace

Second column

Third column

See also: CZ:Architecture Workgroup


Start listing top priority

  1. Orchestra
  2. Opera
  3. Symphony
  4. Piano
  5. Pop Music
  6. Rock and roll**
  7. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  8. Ludwig van Beethoven

Second column

  1. Concerto
  2. String Quartet
  3. Sviatoslav Richter
  4. Benjamin Britten
  5. Maria Callas
  6. Bela Bartok
  7. Dimitri Shostakovich
  8. Sergei Prokofiev
  9. Simon and Garfunkel
  10. Stevie Wonder
  11. Elvis Presley
  12. Pietr I. Tchaikovsky
  13. Sergei Rachmaninov
  14. Edvard Grieg
  15. Frederic Chopin
  16. Nikolai Paganini
  17. Franz Liszt
  18. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
  19. Johannes Brahms**
  20. Franz Schubert
  21. Joseph Haydn
  22. Arthur Sullivan
  23. Richard Rodgers
  24. Gospel
  25. Country music
  26. African-American Spiritual
  27. Richard Wagner
  28. Johan Strauss II
  29. Richard Strauss
  30. Waltz
  31. Franz Lehar
  32. Arturo Toscanini
  33. Arthur Fiedler
  34. Gyorgy Ligeti
  35. Wynton Marsalis

Third column

  1. Johan Strauss I
  2. Marching band
  3. Frank Zappa
  4. Pink Floyd**
  5. Sugar Hill Gang
  6. Blondie
  7. Sex Pistols
  8. Carlos Santana
  9. Michael Jackson
  10. Madonna
  11. Beastie Boys
  12. Rick Ruben
  13. Aerosmith
  14. Run-DMC
  15. Rolling Stones
  16. Eagles
  17. The Doors
  18. The Who
  19. Sting or The Police
  20. Kraftwerk
  21. Duran Duran
  22. Peter Gabriel
  23. Phil Collins
  24. U2
  25. Heavy metal
  26. Blue grass
  27. Rap
  28. Punk Rock
  29. Miles Davis
  30. Antonio Vivaldi

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

  1. Johann Sebastian Bach
  2. Jazz
  3. Igor Stravinsky

Second column

  1. Blues
  2. The Beatles
  3. Tina Turner
  4. Grandmaster Flash

Third column


Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here!

  1. Musical Theatre
  2. Theatre in the round
  3. History of theatre
  4. Oscar Wilde
  5. George Bernard Shaw
  6. Gilbert and Sullivan
  7. Operetta
  8. Richard D'Oyly Carte
  9. Stella Adler
  10. Joseph Papp
  11. Sarah Bernhardt
  12. Tallulah Bankhead
  13. Uta Hagen
  14. Jessica Tandy

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

  1. William Shakespeare
  2. Rodgers and Hammerstein

Second column

Third column

Visual Arts

Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here!

  1. Art
  2. Painting
  3. Sculpture
  4. Drawing
  5. Printmaking
  6. Western art
  7. Art of Ancient Greece
  8. Art of Ancient Egypt
  9. Art of China
  10. Art of Japan
  11. Renaissance art
  12. Baroque art
  13. Gothic art
  14. Modern art
  15. Impressionism
  16. Post-impressionism
  17. Cubism
  18. Abstract expressionism
  19. Pop art
  20. Minimalism
  21. Postmodern art
  22. Conceptual art
  23. Prehistoric art

Second column

  1. Leonardo da Vinci
  2. Vincent van Gogh
  3. Michelangelo
  4. Pablo Picasso
  5. Marcel Duchamp
  6. Paul Cézanne
  7. Andy Warhol
  8. Alfred Hitchcock
  9. John Ford
  10. Howard Hawks
  11. John Huston
  12. Charlie Chaplin
  13. D.W. Griffith
  14. Salvador Dalí
  15. Clark Gable
  16. Mary Pickford
  17. Lawrence Olivier
  18. Paul Gaugin
  19. Mel Blanc
  20. Jim Henson
  21. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
  22. Hanna-Barbera

Third column

  1. Paint
  2. Oil painting
  3. Casting (art)
  4. Stone carving
  5. Watercolor
  6. Lithography
  7. Intaglio
  8. Serigraphy - screen printing
  9. Relief printing
  10. Photography (art)
  11. Pastel
  12. Mixed media
  13. Video art
  14. Installation art
  15. Electronic art
  16. Performance art
  17. Collage
  18. Portrait
  19. Landscape
  20. Fresco
  21. Book art
  22. Composition (art)
  23. Tempera

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

  1. Walt Disney
  2. Film
  3. Star Wars
  4. Visual arts

Second column

  1. Hokusai

Third column

Applied Arts and Sciences


Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here!

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column


Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here!

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column


  1. Turing Machine
  2. Digital Computer
  3. Computer Program
  4. Debugging
  5. Grid Computing
  6. Bandwidth
  7. Latency
  8. Microprocessor
  9. Cache
  10. Random Access Memory
  11. Hard Disk
  12. Algorithms

Second column

  1. The Anti-Kythera Mechanism

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column


  1. Electronics
  2. Signal processing
  3. Control theory
  4. Power systems
  5. Telecommunication
  6. Information theory
  7. Kalman filter
  8. Robots
  9. Industrial engineering
  10. Nuclear engineering
  11. Chemical engineering
  12. Soil mechanics
  13. Naval architecture
  14. Transportation systems
  15. Structural engineering

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column

Food Science

Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here!

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column

Healing Arts

Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here!

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column

Health Sciences

Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here!

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column


Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here!

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column

Library and Information Science

Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here!

  1. Decimal System
  2. Card Catalogue
  3. index file
  4. librarian
  5. reference
  6. Library of Congress
  7. encyclopedia

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column


  1. copyright
  2. license
  3. royalty
  4. magnetic tape
  5. video cassette
  6. DVD
  7. CD
  8. Television
  9. Newspaper
  10. Book
  11. Printing Press

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column


Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here!

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column



Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here!

Second column

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

Second column

Third column


Start listing top priority unwritten, microstub, or status = 4 articles here!

  1. Animal fancy
  2. Sewing
  3. Stamp collecting
  4. Singing
  5. Bird watching
  6. Gardening
  7. Collecting
  8. Poultry fancy
  9. Painting
  10. Pottery
  11. Agricultural show
  12. Needlepoint
  13. Embroidery
  14. Crochet
  15. Dancing
  16. Choir
  17. Campanology
  18. hiking
  19. Boy Scouts
  20. Dog breeding
  21. baking
  22. folk dancing
  23. photography
  24. toy
  25. band
  26. piano
  27. guitar
  28. recorder
  29. drums
  30. writing
  31. Thoroughbred racing - clearly a business but a hobby for millions
  32. ? what's the word for panning for gold and looking for opals and such? prospecting?
  33. stargazing

Second column

  1. spelunking
  2. climbing
  3. historical reenactment
  4. hunting
  5. antiques
  6. doll house
  7. Cat show
  8. cycling
  9. swimmiing
  10. German Shepherd Dog
  11. Retriever - (Family)
  12. Fox Terrier - (Family)
  13. Hound
  14. Siamese Cat

Third column

  1. Fox Terrier, Smooth
  2. Collie

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

Start listing already-existing core articles here

  1. Knitting
  2. Dog
  3. dog show
  4. garden
  5. sports
  6. Cat
  7. Music
  8. Theatre
  9. Football
  10. Tennis
  11. Acting
  12. martial arts
  13. cooking
  14. Role-playing game

Second column

Third column


  1. racquetball
  2. badminton
  3. tetherball
  4. dodgeball
  5. football (american)
  6. football (international)
  7. swimming
  8. bowling
  9. croquet
  10. track & field
  11. rugby
  12. ping-pong or table tennis
  13. polo
  14. water polo
  15. golf

Second column

  1. Olympic Games
  2. FIFA
  3. NBA - National Basketball Association
  4. NFL - National Football League
  5. Major League Baseball
  6. NHL - National Hockey League

Third column

Already-written core articles in this workgroup

(Core Article points not available for these articles.)

  1. fencing
  2. baseball
  3. tennis
  4. cricket
  5. basketball
  6. boxing
  7. lacrosse

Second column

Third column


Articles that we'll definitely want, but which aren't obviously located in any of the above workgroups.

Country profiles - in Geography, no?. I'd say yes.

1. Globalisation

  • should be politics, sociology, and economics
  • must be interdisciplinary to avoid narrow bias

2. Development

  • of what? of a country, then economics and geography [development studies are usually in economics]
  • must be interdisciplinary to avoid narrow bias; geographers don't usually deal with it

3. Petroleum

  • what angle? if substance, then chemistry and geology; can also be economics and politics
  • all angles - must be interdisciplinary for a general article

4. Ideology

  • sociology, politics and philosophy
  • a real toss-up!

5. Poverty

  • sociology or economics
  • I'd choose sociology if I had to [economic sociology]

6. Death and Dying

  • interdisciplinary but probably best belongs in biology; could also be in sociology
  • death - religion would seem to lay equal claim as biology; dying - about as interdisciplinary as something can get

7. Social Work

  • needs a Social and Public Policy Workgroup [usually located in Social Policy]

8. Women's studies or Gender studies

  • mostly sociology, but can encompass many others

9. Dance - and this doesn't belong way down at no. 9 on the list

  1. Ballet
  2. Modern dance
  3. Tap dance
  4. Martha Graham
  5. Maria Tallchief
  6. Alvin Ailey
  7. Ballroom Dancing
  8. Vernon and Irene Castle
  9. Ginger Rodgers
  10. Fred Astaire
  11. Gene Kelly
  12. Gregory Hines
  13. Dance Theatre of Harlem
  14. Kirov Ballet
  15. Rudolf Nureyev
  16. Katherine Dunham
  17. Folk dance
  18. African dance
  19. Indian dance
  20. History of dance
  21. Nicholas Brothers
  22. Sammy Davis, Jr.
  23. Savion Glover
  24. Cyd Charisse
  25. Margot Fonteyn
  26. Natalia Markarova
  27. Anna Pavlova
  28. Arthur Murray
  29. breakdancing

10. Circus

  1. P.T. Barnum - [history]-- what? You're gonna put Barnum in history? What will Richard say?
  2. Fair
  3. side show
  4. freak show (in modern terms it certainly does not mean "side show")

11. Communications (in this sense)

12. Clothing

  1. socks
  2. shirt
  3. t-shirt
  4. polo shirt
  5. vest
  6. cardigain
  7. wristwatch
  8. shoes
  9. necktie
  10. bowtie
  11. pants
  12. underwear
  13. glasses
  14. tie clip
  15. shirtcuffs (link cuffs?)
  16. hat
  17. capris
  18. sandals
  19. belt
  20. dress
  21. skirt
  22. tie-dye
  23. brooch
  24. pin
  25. bracelet
  26. gloves
  27. scarf
  28. jacket or coat
  29. boots
  30. white tie
  31. black tie
  32. kimono
  33. wrapper
  34. dressing gown
  35. Nehru jacket
  36. Dashiki

13. Fashion (Note: I just came upon this, and I don't believe we should be listing them *all*--I think we should be picking the ones from that list who are "historically significant", if the fashion world has such a label. --Robert W King 18:34, 29 September 2007 (CDT))

  1. Christian Dior
  2. Coco Chanel
  3. Jean-Paul Goethe
  4. Donna Karen
  5. Ralph Lauren
  6. Jordache
  7. Lee
  8. Arthur People
  9. Georgio Armani
  10. Dockers
  11. Nike
  12. Converse
  13. Vans
  14. Levi Strauss
  15. Mr. Blackwell
  16. Tiffany & Company
  17. Calvin Klein
  18. Betsey Johnson
  19. Brooks Brothers
  20. Polo
  21. Adidas
  22. Reebok

14. Landscaping [a business and a hobby]

15. Entertainment--this is interesting: all performance arts and sports provide entertainment; they are also hobbies and professions--my head hurts!

  1. Madison Square Garden

See also