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Having won over the labour party, Tony Blair's next task was to win over the electorate. He had himself become well-known and popular, but the public were suspicious of his party's policies. Its abandonment under [[/Catalogs#Neil Kinnock|Neil Kinnock]] of unpopular policies such as unilateral disarmament and nationalisation had made that task easier, but had not saved the party from humiliating defeat in 1992. A factor in that defeat had been the influence of a hostile press and, in particular, the humiliating treatment suffered by Neil Kinnock at the hands of the high-circulation ''Sun'' newspaper. Tony Blair's press secretary [[/Catalogs#Alastair Campbell|Alastair Campbell]] impressed upon him the need to avoid a repetition, and they both devoted much effort to winning over at least some of those newspapers that had been hostile to Labour.
Having won over the labour party, Tony Blair's next task was to win over the electorate. He had himself become well-known and popular, but the public were suspicious of his party's policies. Its abandonment under [[/Catalogs#Neil Kinnock|Neil Kinnock]] of unpopular policies such as unilateral disarmament and nationalisation had made that task easier, but had not saved the party from humiliating defeat in 1992. A factor in that defeat had been the influence of a hostile press and, in particular, the humiliating treatment suffered by Neil Kinnock at the hands of the high-circulation ''Sun'' newspaper. Tony Blair's press secretary [[/Catalogs#Alastair Campbell|Alastair Campbell]] impressed upon him the need to avoid a repetition, and they both devoted much effort to winning over at least some of those newspapers that had been hostile to Labour.

<ref>[ J. Curtice: ''Was it The Sun that won it again? The Influence of newspapers in the 1997 election campaign'', CREST Working Papers Number 75, September 1999]</ref>
<ref>[ J. Curtice: ''Was it The Sun that won it again? The Influence of newspapers in the 1997 election campaign'',  Working Paper Number 75, Centre for Research into Elections and Social Trends September 1999]</ref>

<ref>[ Election Battles: 1997'', BBC News, 2001]</ref>
<ref>[ Election Battles: 1997'', BBC News, 2001]</ref>
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The manifesto<ref>[ Labour Part Manifesto 1997]</ref> - New Labour Because Britain Deserves Better - fleshed out the five pledges, again underlining that there would be no increase in income tax.
The manifesto<ref>[ Labour Part Manifesto 1997]</ref> - New Labour Because Britain Deserves Better - fleshed out the five pledges, again underlining that there would be no increase in income tax.
<ref>[ Geoffrey Evans, John Curtice and Pippa Norris: ''New Labour, New Tactical Voting? The Cause and Consequences of Tactical Voting in the 1997 British General Election'', Working Paper No 64, Centre for Research into Elections and Social Trends, February 1998]</ref>

==Prime Minister: policies and methods==
==Prime Minister: policies and methods==

Revision as of 06:14, 18 September 2010

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Tony Blair at a Labour Party meeting in 2005.

Tony Blair (born 6th May 1953) served as Labour Party Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1997 to 2007; he won general elections in 1997, 2001 and 2005, the first two by landslide majorities. Internationally, he was best known for his close alliance with presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, making the United Kingdom a firm ally in the American-led war in Iraq. Blair spearheaded NATO action in Kosovo, and promoted worldwide concern about the state of Africa, which he famously called "a scar on the conscience of the world". Domestically, his legacy included the abolition of the historic Socialist commitment to state ownership of major industries as a fundamental tenet of his ('New') Labour Party, devolved government in Scotland and Wales, and a successful end the armed conflict in Northern Ireland. Blair entered office on a wave of public optimism, but after ten dramatic years of controversy and mixed success, he ended his run with a low standing in public trust. He resigned from both office and Parliament in June 2007, handing over to his long-time rival and key partner Gordon Brown. Currently he is an envoy for the Quartet on the Middle East, working to bring about a 'two-state' solution to the conflict between Israel and Palestine, while also acting as adviser to various organisations. He founded a faith-based organisation in 2008 dedicated to promoting what it regards as the merits of religion as one solution to worldwide conflict.

Current career

Middle East envoy

On 27th July 2007, just a few hours after Blair stood down as Prime Minister, it was announced that he had accepted an appointment as a special Middle East envoy[1]. Blair's experience as a Prime Minister might have made him an uncontroversial choice for a Middle East envoy, were he not also one of the main architects of the Iraq War. His appointment by the 'Quartet' of the USA, the United Nations, Russia and the European Union was welcomed by Israel and broadly by the Palestinian Authority, but opposed by the militant Islamic fundamentalist Hamas organisation which currently controls the Gaza Strip.[2] Blair's official role is to work with the Palestinian people to develop the infrastructure and the economy, with the goal of creating a Palestinian state; his initial brief does not include the wider conflict between Israel and Palestinians.[3]

Advisory role

In early 2008, Blair accepted a position at the U.S. investment bank JP Morgan as a part time senior advisor. He followed the example laid by former Conservative Party Prime Minister John Major, who joined private equity firm Carlyle Group in 1998.[4]

In 2010, the UK media reported that Blair had also been paid for one-off advice by a South Korean energy company with extensive oil interests in Iraq. Blair was accused of spending two years keeping the payments, but the position had been cleared by a UK political panel that oversaw the financial activities of former government members. At the same time, a £1 million deal with the Kuwaiti government to act in an advisory role, dating back to 2008, also came to light. Again, this position had been cleared by a UK committee, though both attracted criticism from various figures in politics and the media. The two-year delay in announcing the role apparently occurred at the request of the Kuwaiti authorities.[5] Media reports continued to circulate regarding Blair's investments and companies, including one licensed to trade in low-tax regimes, amidst claims that he had exploited a tax law loophole that allowed substantial earnings to remain undisclosed.[6]

Tony Blair Faith Foundation

Currently Tony Blair also runs the 'Tony Blair Faith Foundation', which "aims to promote respect and understanding about the world's major religions and show how faith is a powerful force for good in the modern world."[7].

Early life

"...he was an expert at testing the rules to the limit, and I wouldn't swear that he stuck rigidly to the rules on not drinking, smoking or breaking bounds. But he was a live wire and fun to have around."
Eric Anderson, Tony Blair's housemaster at Fettes [8]

"He even wanted to rehearse."

Mark Ellen, member of the band Ugly Rumours, on lead singer Tony Blair's ambitions to be a rock musician.

The second son of Leo Blair and Hazel Blair, Anthony Charles Lynton Blair was born on 6th May 1953 in Edinburgh, Scotland. He has an elder brother, William, who is a barrister and a Queen's Counsel (QC), and a younger sister, Sarah. The family lived first in Paisley Terrace in the Willowbrae area of the city.

Leo Blair was the illegitimate son of two travelling variety performers, Celia Rideway (a singer and dancer) and Charles Parsons (a comedian and escapologist whose stage name 'Jimmy Lynton' is remembered in Tony Blair's middle names). Leo was first fostered and then adopted by friends Mary and James Blair, who raised Leo in the Govan areaa of Glasgow. James Blair was a shipyard worker, and Mary Blair was an active Communist, who was known for vandalising walls with left-wing graffiti; nevertheless, Blair would later draw upon his family history to speak of his adoptive grandmother's time as an era of "respect" and an inspiration for his community policy of the same name, which aimed to tackle 'anti-social behaviour' (such as graffiti). Blair's use of 1930's Govan as an example of a strong community was strongly criticised by some former residents, who recalled an impoverished area, blighted by crime, and Mary Blair as a strong supporter of peace movements and and socialism. [9]

Hazel Blair was the daughter of George Corscadden, a butcher who came from a family of Protestant farmers in County Donegal, Ireland. George Corscadden had moved to Glasgow in 1916, but had returned to Ballyshannon in 1923, where Hazel was born.

Between 1955 and 1959, Leo and Hazel Blair and the infant Tony lived in Australia, where Leo lectured in law at the University of Adelaide. On returning to Britain, they lived for a time with Hazel Blair's stepfather, William McClay, and her mother in Stepps, near Glasgow, until Leo found a job as a lecturer at Durham University. Tony spent the rest of his childhood in Durham, England, where he attended Durham's Chorister School. Leo had political ambitions - as a youth he had been secretary of the Scottish Young Communist League - but he became chairman of the local Conservative association, and began to campaign as a Conservative candidate for Parliament; during this campaign, in 1963, Leo had a stroke that left him partially paralysed.

With his father disabled, Blair was sent to Fettes College,[10] an elite private boarding school in Edinburgh. Dr Eric Anderson, his housemaster at Fettes, said "He was intensely argumentative and every school rule was questioned: he could uphold his side of the debate about the rights and wrongs of everything better than any boy in the school."[11] Nevertheless, he was once given "six of the best" for persistently flouting the school rules, and was was threatened with expulsion..

After Fettes, Blair spent a year in London, supporting himself by stacking shelves at Barkers food hall, in Kensington, before entering Oxford University to study jurisprudence at St John's College.[12] As a student, he played guitar and was lead singer for a rock band called 'Ugly Rumours', something he appeared to take quite seriously. Just after graduating from Oxford with a second class degree, his mother Hazel died of cancer, which appears to have affected Blair greatly. He began to develop a more thoughtful side, started talking about left wing politics, and became more serious about his Christian faith, taking confirmation classes.

Blair became a member of Lincoln's Inn,[13] the oldest of the four Inns of Court in London to which barristers of England and Wales belong. While enrolled as a pupil barrister, specialising in employment and commercial law, Blair was introduced by his mentor Derry Irvine[14] to Cherie Booth (daughter of actor Tony Booth). Tony Blair married Cherie, a practising Roman Catholic on 29th March 1980; Cherie was a high-flying barrister, with a first class degree in law, who was to become a Queen's Counsel.

Unusually among students in the early 1970s, Blair seems to have avoided drugs, and there are few reports of him being incapacitated by drink. However, he smoked cigarettes, a habit that Cherie made him give up; he smoked his last cigarette fifteen minutes before their wedding.

Tony and Cherie have four children (Euan, Nicky, Kathryn and Leo). Leo (born 20th May 2000) was the first legitimate child of a serving Prime Minister in over 150 years, since Francis Russell was born to Lord John Russell on 11th July 1849.

Political outlook

Although he seldom spoke of his religious beliefs, Tony Blair has said that his political outlook is inseparable from them[15]. His awareness of religion was stimulated while he was at Oxford by Peter Thomson[16] (an Anglican priest and mature student at the time) of whom he has written "whatever good that I have done, he inspired it"[17]. Peter Thomson introduced him to the works of the little-known Scottish philosopher John Macmurray[18], including an analysis of the relation between the individual and the state that is in many ways similar to communitarianism. Tony Blair came to see the state as a means of helping the individual to "overcome limitations unfairly imposed by poverty, poor education, poor health, housing and welfare"[19]. That belief persisted throughout his political career, but his perception of how to achieve those objectives underwent considerable change. He saw the Labour party as a potential instrument for their achievement, but only if it discarded much of its existing ideology. Even in 1983, when he had ideas on nationalisation that he would later have viewed with derision, he had seen his party as "out of its time"[20] and he was soon to decide to leave it if it did not change[21]. He knew little at that time about the practice of politics, but was to learn much from the following ten years of close association with the more experienced Gordon Brown, of whom he has written "he taught me the business of politics in roughly the same way as Derry taught me the business of the Bar"[22].

Early party and parliamentary career

Soon after graduating from Oxford in 1975, Tony Blair joined the Labour Party, and ran unsuccessfully for Parliament in 1982 in the safe Conservative constituency of Beaconsfield.[23] At the 1983 UK general election, he was elected as Member of Parliament (MP) for Sedgefield, County Durham[24]. He and Gordon Brown were recognised by the party leadership as the most able of the new entry of MPs [25] and they were soon appointed to posts in support of its Shadow Cabinet, and in 1988 Tony Blair joined the shadow cabinet as Shadow Secretary of State for Employment[26]. In that rôle, he gained the party's acceptance of the European Union's Social Charter and by doing so, ended its support for the closed shop[27]. Throughout this time, he was developing a reputation as a moderniser, frequently appearing in the media. Although he supported Neil Kinnock's successful fight, as party leader, against the party's left-wing extremists, Tony Blair became impatient with the pace of change and he tried unsuccessfully to persuade John Smith to challenge Neil Kinnock's leadership (and subsequently to persuade Gordon Brown to challenge John Smith's leadership)[28]. By 1992, after the party had been defeated in a succession of four general elections, many of its members had come to accept that its policies had to change because they were making it unelectable. That was not enough for Tony Blair, however: he advocated change "not because we have to, but because we want to"[29].

When John Smith died unexpectedly in 1994, Gordon Brown confidently expected to succeed him, but Tony Blair had come to believe that he had something that Gordon Brown lacked[30], and they became potential rivals for the leadership. But it became evident that Gordon Brown had no chance of victory over Tony Blair, and after a series of meetings that Tony Blair has described as difficult but not unfriendlly, Gordon Brown agreed to step aside and support Tony Blair's candidature[31].

Leader of the Labour Party, 1994-2007

New Labour

Clause IV of the constitution of the Labour Party declared that one of the aims of the party was:

To secure for the workers by hand or by brain the full fruits of their industry and the most equitable distribution thereof that may be possible upon the basis of the common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange, and the best obtainable system of popular administration and control of each industry or service.

The new version reads:

The Labour Party is a democratic socialist party. It believes that by the strength of our common endeavour we achieve more than we achieve alone, so as to create for each of us the means to realise our true potential and for all of us a community in which power, wealth and opportunity are in the hands of the many, not the few. Where the rights we enjoy reflect the duties we owe. And where we live together, freely, in a spirit of solidarity, tolerance and respect.

Tony Blair was elected as leader in July 1994, and in 1995 he persuaded the party to amend its constitution. At its annual conference that year, it duly voted to amend clause IV of its constitution (see box), which had been in place since 1918. There was a recognition that, although it no longer played a significant part in the party's policies, that formal commitment to nationalisation had been a factor in its unpopularity. For Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, the amendment which removed it symbolised a set of policies that they were determined that the party should adopt, and which they termed "New Labour". The new policies were to include the acceptance of Margaret Thatcher's trade union law; acceptance of the Conservative governments' privatisations of the public utilities; renewed investment in, and reform of, the public services; and even-handedness between business and labour[32]. That package was eventually accepted - with some reluctance[33] - by the party's National Executive Committee[34].

Election campaign

Having won over the labour party, Tony Blair's next task was to win over the electorate. He had himself become well-known and popular, but the public were suspicious of his party's policies. Its abandonment under Neil Kinnock of unpopular policies such as unilateral disarmament and nationalisation had made that task easier, but had not saved the party from humiliating defeat in 1992. A factor in that defeat had been the influence of a hostile press and, in particular, the humiliating treatment suffered by Neil Kinnock at the hands of the high-circulation Sun newspaper. Tony Blair's press secretary Alastair Campbell impressed upon him the need to avoid a repetition, and they both devoted much effort to winning over at least some of those newspapers that had been hostile to Labour.




The five pledges - used throughout the campaign - with their promise not to raise income tax, to cut class sizes and reduce NHS waiting lists, were designed to defuse still further any Tory attacks on Labour as a tax and spend party.

This strategy was built on in January 1997 when shadow chancellor Gordon Brown accepted Tory spending plans for Labour's first two years in office - should the party be elected.

The manifesto[38] - New Labour Because Britain Deserves Better - fleshed out the five pledges, again underlining that there would be no increase in income tax.


Prime Minister: policies and methods

"I think most people who have dealt with me think I’m a pretty straight kind of guy, and I am." Tony Blair, after Labour allegedly changed its tobacco advertising policy following a £1 million donation, November 1997

"Power without principle is barren, but principle without power is futile. This is a party of government and I will lead it as party of government."
Tony Blair, on becoming Prime Minister, 1997

"I'm worried about that young man, he's getting awfully bossy."

Margaret Thatcher on Tony Blair, quoted in The Irish Times, 6th February 1999

"The Prime Minister headed 'the most two-faced, interfering, over-regulating, bossy, intolerant, arrogant and crony-run' government in Britain's history. It would be 'written off by history as people without principle, purpose, belief or conviction.'"

Conservative leader William Hague, quoted in The Independent, 8th October 1999[40]

Domestic policy

Social Policies

The Blair government pursued a range of socially liberal policies, including the introduction of civil partnerships for gays and lesbians [41], the end of the ban on gays in Britain's armed forces[42], and a relaxation of the law on marijuana[43]. However, under the slogan "Tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime" the government increased the numbers of police, and introduced a range of new measures that critics say are infringements of civil liberties[44]. The Identity Cards Act 2006 allowed the Government to introduce national identity cards, and authorised the creation of a National Identity Register of UK citizens. Other measures include satellite tracking of prolific offenders, immediate "fixed penalty" fines for a wide range of minor offences, and individual restrictions aimed at limiting antisocial behaviour, especially of youths[45] These changes, in Blair's words, marked the end of the 1960's "liberal consensus" on law and order [46]

Privately, Blair opposed abortion, but he considered that the issue was not one where legislation should be dictated by Christian morality. Despite the Christian beliefs which gave him personal solace and which, it his said, influenced his policies in some areas, in Parliament he never voted with the pro-life lobby and voted 14 times for the pro-choice lobby. In December 2000 he gave his personal backing to regulations allowing stem-cell research on human embryos. [47]

Education and health

"Ask me my three main priorities for government, and I tell you: education, education, education."

Tony Blair, speech to Labour party conference, October 1996[48]

"Education, education, education" was Tony Blair’s slogan for the 1997 general election, and he consistently increased funding for education above the level of inflation throughout his time in Government – an increase from £29 billion in 1997 to £60 billion in 2007 [49]; with further rises to £74 billion projected by 2010. Spending per school pupil was £2,500 in 1997, and is projected to be £6,600 in 2010. There has also been a large increase in funding for Universities financing a large increase in access to University education. This too has been controversial, and critics on the left in particular have objected to the introduction for the first time of student fees to pay part of the cost of higher education, while critics on the right believe that the increase in student numbers implies a lowering of educational standards.

On the day before the 1997 general election, Blair told voters that they had "24 hours to save the NHS" (the National Health Service. With tight controls on public spending in his first term, there was llittle scope to increase funding, but the 2001 election victory gave Blair a clear mandate to markedly increase investment in the NHS [50], paving the way for annual increases worth more than 7% in the health budget sustained for the five years to 2007-08. How that money has been spent is politically controversial [51], with some believing that much has not been spent efficiently. Others, on the political left, have been unhappy in particular with the involvement of the private sector in the funding of many of the new hospitals – under these arrangements some hospitals were built and are owned and managed (partly) privately while being leased for use by the NHS. However, hospital waiting times have been cut dramatically under Labour; the total waiting list fell by 25% in the six years to 2007 - a reduction of 260,000 people. Between 1996 and 2004, there was a 16% drop in cancer deaths and the Government is on track to meet its 2010 target for heart disease early. Nevertheless, the extensive restructuring changes of the NHS are said to have badly affected staff morale,[9] the NHS is mired in deficits, and patients are protesting about closures of local hospitals. One problem is that much of the money has gone on increased pay for doctors, and when rising drug costs are also taken into account, the 7% budget increases mean only about an extra 2% for services to patients.

One of legacies of Blair’s government is that all political parties have now accepted that most of the British public want a high quality, publicly managed health service with the principle of free universal delivery of health care. This issue, that once appeared to divide the Labour party from the Conservatives, appears to have become a common goal of UK political parties.

Economic policy

"The longest period of economic growth since records began, an economy now bigger than that of Italy and France. The lowest unemployment and highest employment rate of any of our competitors for the first time since the 1950s. Living standards up, for everyone, and for the poorest up most. The biggest reductions in child poverty and biggest increases in investment for decades."
Tony Blair's claimed achievements, speech to the Labour Party conference, 2004 [52]

Underpinning the Blair government's increase in public spending on education and health without raising the level of income tax was a sustained period of economic growth, sometimes credited to the Chancellor Gordon Brown. A key element of this is believed to be the early decision of the Blair government to devolve the power to set interest rates to an independent body - the Bank of England, subject only to politically determined objectives for the rate of inflation and the overall level of public spending. This decision meant in practice that interest rates could no longer be manipulated by the government in power to produce a 'false' economic boom for mere electoral reasons, and led to a steady low level of inflation, and a steady, stable rate of economic growth. [53]

Between 1997 and 2007, the British economy grew at an annual per capita rate of 2.4%, compared to an average of 2.1% for the previous 50 years. As employment levels rose, overall growth was 2.8% a year, slightly above the average of the developed world, and ahead of the large European nations by an average annual percentage point. The pound strengthened markedly against both the euro and the dollar.

Under Blair and Brown, according to the BBC's economics editor,[54] Britain became the most global of the world's large economies. The government allowed its companies to be bought up by foreigners, its manufacturing to move off-shore, and Britain became a more vociferous champion of free trade than its large trading partners. Above all, Britain allowed foreign labour to migrate there more freely than most of its counterparts

Northern Ireland

"It's not a day for sort of soundbites, really. We can leave those at home. But I feel the hand of history upon our shoulder."

Tony Blair, during talks to secure the 'Good Friday' Belfast Agreement, 7th April 1998[55]

"Don't believe anyone who says the British people don't care about the peace process. People in my country care deeply about it, are willing it to work. And in our two countries, it is not just the politicians who have a role to play. No one should ignore the injustices of the past, or the lessons of history. But too often between us, one person's history has been another person's myth. We need not be prisoners of our history."

Tony Blair, speaking to the Irish Parliament, 26th November 1998[56]

This weekend, Tony Blair has pulled off his last great act of seduction. After a decade of whispering sweet-nothings to seductees such as Bill Clinton, George Bush, Paddy Ashdown, Rupert Murdoch and, oh yes, the British electorate, he has sealed his career as a Westminster Cassanova with his most frigid bedding yet: the Reverend Ian Paisley.

Johann Hari, writing in The Independent, 26th March 2007[57]

From the 1970's to 1997, more than 3,000 people were killed in Northern Ireland[58] as a result of conflict between Republican paramilitary groups (mainly the Irish Republican Army - the IRA), Loyalist paramilitary groups (mainly the Ulster Defence Association and the Ulster Volunteer Force) and the police and security forces of Northern Ireland, and the British troops that were sent to support those forces. The Thatcher Government, and Thatcher's successor John Major, had made serious attempts to reach a political settlement of this conflict but by May 1997, this "Peace process" seemed to have been derailed; talks had broken down, and the IRA had abandoned its cease-fire.

Tony Blair made resolution of the conflict in Northern Ireland a priority of his Government[59] and, just two weeks after being elected, he made a high profile visit to Northern Ireland to give the go-ahead for new talks. In July 1997, the IRA resumed its ceasefire to allow representatives of Sinn Fein (the main nationalist political party and the political arm of the IRA) to take part in negotiations with the Ulster Unionist parties, and with the British and Irish governments. These negotiations, with the involvement also of the Irish government and at times facilitated by the involvement of American politicians (and particularly Bill Clinton, with whom Tony Blair maintained a close personal friendship), led to the Good Friday Agreement of 1998. That agreement called for a power-sharing government of Northern Ireland, conditional on a permanent end to the armed conflict, and disarmament of the paramilitary groups. However, it was opposed on one side by the Democratic Unionist party headed by the Reverend Ian Paisley[60] as a sell-out of the majority Protestant unionist population to the terror tactics of the IRA and, on the other side, led to a breakaway extremist faction of the IRA - the so-called "Real IRA" that briefly resumed terrorist actions[61] and which still poses a terrorist threat.[62]

Thus mutual distrust between the two communities of Northern Ireland was slow to recede; nevertheless, the process led to the historic renunciation of armed conflict by the IRA, and to their disarmament.[63] On May 9th, 2007, Ian Paisley was sworn in as the First Minister of the Northern Ireland Assembly, and Martin McGuinness[64] of Sinn Fein, once a prominent IRA commander, was sworn in as his deputy. At the ceremony, the Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern[65] praised Blair as a "true friend of peace and a true friend of Ireland," and for "the true determination that he had, for just sticking with it, for 10 tough years."[66][67]

On 1st August 2007, the last British troops stationed in Northern Ireland to support the police there were withdrawn. At the height of the Troubles in 1972, 30,000 troops were stationed there, and 763 died there.[68]

Foreign policy


"I believe in Europe as a political project. I believe in Europe with a strong and caring social dimension. I would never accept a Europe that was simply an economic market. .. Political Europe and economic Europe do not live in separate rooms. "
Tony Blair, speech to the EU parliament, 2005 [10]

"You have been very rude, and I have never been spoken to like this before."

Then French President Jacques Chirac, to Tony Blair, at the EU enlargement summit in Brussels, October 2002

"Africa is worth fighting for. Europe, in its present form, is not."

Tony Blair, quoted in the Daily Telegraph, 6th June 2005 [69]

Tony Blair was, in his speeches, a passionate pro-European, a strong supporter of the European Union and a supporter of its enlargement to include the newly democratic countries of Eastern Europe. In 1998, he signed Britain's agreement to the European Charter of Fundamental Social Rights [70], which had been adopted as policy by EU Governments in 1989 but not signed by Britain, as the legislation on worker's rights that it entailed had been opposed by the previous Conservative government. He was also a strong proponent of the euro, favouring Britain joining the new common European currency at the earliest feasible opportunity after a referendum of the British people. However, to realise this intent meant overcoming the increasing skepticism of the British public - a skepticism that increased as the British economy flourished while those of its European neighbours faltered. Crucially, Gordon Brown, Chancellor of the Exchequer and Blair's key partner in Government, refused to countenance joining the euro until the economic conditions were "right", setting five conditions that had first to be met [71]. In essence, Brown declared that monetory union would disrupt Britain's economy unless, by then, the economies of Britain and the EU had converged, with similar interest rates and inflation rates. However, as Britain's economy continued to outpace that of the EU, the prospects of Britain joining the euro seem to have receded since 1997. Blair's aquiescience to Gordon Brown in this frustrated some of the most ardent pro-Europeans, particularly those in the Liberal Democrat party[11], who felt that the long-term political (and long-term economic) benefits of greater European Union outweighed any short-term economic consequences; these felt that after 1997 Tony Blair's personal standing was so high that he would have won any referendum despite the hostility of the media and despite the reservations of large parts of the British electorate.

Blair's negotiations with other EU leaders however were marked by frequent disagreements notably about the Common Agricultural Policy, and about the size of Britain's contributions to the EU budget. Blair's relationship with French President Jacques Chirac in particular was notably frosty.

The United States - the special relationship

"And our job, my nation that watched you grow, that you fought alongside and now fights alongside you, that takes enormous pride in our alliance and great affection in our common bond, our job is to be there with you. You are not going to be alone."
Tony Blair, speech to the U.S. Congress accepting the Congressional Gold Medal, July 2003[12]

"I've heard he's been called Bush's poodle.... He's bigger than that. This is just background noise, a distraction from big things...Somehow our relationship has been seen as Bush saying to Blair 'jump' and Blair saying 'how high?' but that's just not the way it works. It's a relationship where we say were both going to jump together."

George W. Bush, interview with the Sun newspaper June 2007 quoted by CBS News


In the wake of World War II, Winston Churchill spoke of fostering a "special relationship" between Britain and the USA, as a bulwark against the threat of communist expansion into an unsettled Europe.[72] For all British Prime Ministers since, maintaining a strong alliance with the USA has seemed to be a major priority of foreign policy, one which has sometimes caused discontent among Britain's European neighbours, who have at times and for various reasons felt threatened by the "Anglo-Saxon" alliance. The obvious political affinities between Bill Clinton and Tony Blair made it natural perhaps that they would become friends as well as political allies.[73]Together, they tried to create a new political centre ground under the banner of the "Third Way". In alliance, they launched the Operation Desert Fox bombing raids in Iraq in 1998, and took NATO to war against Slobodan Milosevic in Kosovo in 1999. When the Monica Lewinsky story broke in the press, Blair stood by Clinton; when asked if this was not “politically risky” he said of Clinton, “I have found him throughout someone I could trust, someone I could rely upon, someone I am proud to call not just a colleague, but a friend … And my belief is that the right thing to say is what you feel.”[74]

Blair with American President George W. Bush, 2005. Blair had good relations with the United States during both the Clinton and Bush administrations.

This closeness to Clinton posed a clear problem when George W. Bush was elected as president of the USA. Whereas the Democrats had forged links with the Labour Party, the Republicans had forged links with the Conservatives, this, and Bush's clear antipathy towards Clinton did not bode well for the special relationship.

However, regardless of any personal friendship for Clinton, Blair rapidly set about forming an equally strong relationship with Bush - and was remarkably successful in doing so. Years later, allegations of undisclosed gift-giving between the two would come to light.[75] After the terrorist attacks of September 11 2001, Blair committed Britain to stand "shoulder to shoulder" with the USA against terrorism, and backed that up by sending large numbers of British troops to Afghanistan. The next month, in an address to the Labour Party conference, Blair said of the American people: "We were with you at the first. We will stay with you till the last." [76]

In 2003, The U.S. Congress awarded Blair the Congressional Gold medal [77] On July 18 2003 Tony Blair gave his acceptance speech[78] to the joint Houses of Congress, a speech that included the gentle reminder to his audience, "As Britain knows, all predominant power seems for a time invincible, but, in fact, it is transient." [79]

Military intervention

Management style

The machinery of government

Allies in Government

"My project will be complete when the Labour Party learns to love Peter Mandelson."
Tony Blair, quoted in the Daily Telegraph 2 March 1996 [14]

"...these were the men who helped to create the New Labour phenomenon and who supervised its success - which is to say that they effected the debauching of our democracy with an ethic of pathological deceit, gulling first the Labour Party and then much of the British electorate."

The Daily Telegraph on Alastair Campbell and Peter Mandelson, 9th July 2007.[80]

Blair's Governments reflected a balance of power between Blair and Gordon Brown, the Chancellor of the Exchequer throughout Blair's time in office. Blair and Brown had been long-standing friends and close political allies, but Brown's own ambitions to hold the highest office himself, and important differences in emphasis on several issues, especially Europe, led to this central relationship becoming strained; the Cabinet became effectively a coalition of Blair's allies and Brown's [81]. A key Blair supporter was John Prescott, elected as Deputy Leader of the Labour Party in 1994, and appointed as Deputy Prime Minister throughout Blair's tenure. Prescott, as a traditional "old Labour" working class Trade Unionist, played a vital role in ensuring the acceptance of Blair's reforms of the Labour Party by the Trade Unions and by Labour Party activists. Another close Blair ally was David Blunkett, Education Secretary from 1997 to 2001 and Home Secretary from 2001 to 2004. Blunkett's blindness made him invulnerable to personal attack from the media, and his tough image on law and order made him equally invulnerable to political attack from the right. He eventually resigned after a series of personal indiscretions made his continued role in Government untenable.

The influence of Gordon Brown

Tony Blair's 14-year parliamentary career was strongly influenced by his relationship with Gordon Brown. Together, and each with his band of devoted followers, they conducted the business of government in a way had never happened before. They made less use of the established government machine than had any of their predecessors, and they were even known to take major decisions without involving any one else. Their actions nevertheless commanded widespread support at the time, although many of them have since become deeply unpopular. Although close (but not identical) in political outlook, they were poles apart in temperament: one (Brown) by far the more intense, introspective and intellectual, and the other (Blair) by far the more laid back, outgoing and instinctual. Colleagues and biographers have observed a relationship of contradictions: a mixture of intimate friendship and distant hostility. Their exchanges appear to have been mostly supportive but frequently obstructive, and the outcomes appear to have been mainly constructive but often destructive.

Prime minister: the record

First term in office, 1997-2001

Tony Blair’s party won a landslide victory in the 1997 UK general election.[82] Labour won 419 seats, the Conservatives just 165; Labour had a majority of 179 over all other parties. Blair became, at 43, the youngest Prime Minister since 1812. For this first term in Government, Blair had promised that there would be no increase in income tax and no increase in the overall level of public spending. [83] Blair's popularity in the country was very high, and although the commitment not to increase public spending led to frustration amongst those Labour Party supporters who had wanted a rapid increase in investment in health and education, his popularity and that of the Labour Party remained relatively high throughout the first term of government.

Blair's first term mainly addressed issues which required no increase in public spending, such as devolved government in Scotland and Wales (see below), and the Freedom of Information Act.[84] A minimum wagewas introduced for the first time in the UK. The Government also attempted to reform the House of Lords - the second chamber of the UK parliament, which is involved mainly in scrutinising, revising and amending legislation, although it can also initiate legislation. Until 1997, members of the Lords were mainly hereditary 'peers of the realm'. The House of Lords Act of 1998 removed the right of most peers to sit in the House of Lords, although an amendment tabled in the Lords allows 92 hereditary peers to remain pending further reform.[85] This reform did not produce the fully elected chamber that some have sought; the House now mainly comprises members appointed (for life) by Prime Ministers to acknowledge their contribution to public service in many spheres, and they include religious leaders, scientists, and representatives from the Arts and business communities. Whether it is desirable that the second chamber of Parliament should be elected remains controversial in British politics; some feel that its role should be above party politics, and others feel that an elected second chamber would inevitably weaken the authority of the first.

The first term was not without controversy. Six months into his premiership, Labour was hit by sleaze allegations over a party donation of £1 million given by the boss of Formula One motor racing, Bernie Ecclestone. The government was planning to ban tobacco companies from sponsoring sporting events, but exempted Formula One shortly after the money was received. Blair denied any wrongdoing, and Labour promptly returned the money, with the exemption remaining.[86]


Politically, one of the legacies of the Blair government has been devolution in Scotland and Wales and the reintroduction of devolution (under forced coalition) to Northern Ireland. One of the first acts of the first Blair Government was to hold referendums about devolution in Scotland and Wales, in November 1997. These showed clear support for devolution in Scotland, and, following this result, the 1998 Scotland Act established a separate parliament for Scotland with devolved responsibilities in most domestic areas [87]; The first Scottish Parliament was elected in May 1999. The referendum in Wales also supported devolution, but by a narrow majority and with a small electoral turnout;[88] accordingly a Welsh National Assembly was established, but with much more limited responsibilities than the Scottish Parliament.[89]


Sierra Leone

Second term in office, 2001-2005

Blair called a fresh general election in May 2001, one year earlier than he was required to, and won a second landslide victory, with an overall majority of 168, though with a much reduced electoral turnout.[90]

The Labour Party manifesto for the general election made five key pledges four of which made clear the intent to raise public spending. The pledges were: to keep inflation low; to employ 10,000 more teachers; to employ 20,000 more nurses and 10,000 more doctors; to recruit 6,000 more police; and to raise the minimum wage. [91]

This second successive landslide victory gave Blair overwhelming personal authority not only in Parliament but also within the Labour Party, and he used this authority to press the Party to further embrace free market economic principles [92]


"This is not the time to falter. This is the time for this house, not just this government or indeed this prime minister, but for this house to give a lead, to show that we will stand up for what we know to be right, to show that we will confront the tyrannies and dictatorships and terrorists who put our way of life at risk, to show at the moment of decision that we have the courage to do the right thing."
Tony Blair, speech to the House of Commons, March 2003, moving the motion to approve military involvement in Iraq

"We are supposed to admire the Prime Minister because he is a man without doubts and one shorn of scepticism—two of the greatest qualities that the British people have. He just knows that he is right and is therefore prepared to ignore the advice of virtually all the leaders of the great religions in the world, including the Pope and our own archbishop. I find that approach rather frightening."

Brian Sedgemoor, Labour MP, opposing the motion[93]

"Tony Blair has made it known, in connection with his part in the Iraqi war, that he is ready to meet his Maker. Whether his Maker is ready to meet Tony Blair is another matter. In God's sandals, I think I should plead a previous engagement."

Keith Waterhouse, Daily Mail columnist[94]

"I am truly sorry about the dangers that they face today in Iraq and Afghanistan. I know that some may think that they face these dangers in vain. I do not, and I never will. I believe that they are fighting for the security of this country and the wider world against people who would destroy our way of life."

Tony Blair, at his last appearance in the House of Commons, talking about the dangers facing British forces[95]

I would still have thought it right to remove him [Saddam Hussein]"... obviously you would have had to use and deploy different arguments about the nature of the threat... This [the notion of him as a threat to the region] was obviously the thing that was uppermost in my mind."

Tony Blair interviewed in 2009, stating that he would have authorised British involvement in the invasion of Iraq even if he had accepted the non-existence of Weapons of Mass Destruction[96]

Tony Blair’s single biggest political problem was his support for military action to displace Saddam Hussein in Iraq. He justified this policy by his repeated declarations that he believed the evidence of British and American intelligence sources that Saddam Hussein possessed and was further accumulating Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) that posed a serious and imminent threat to world security.[97] In 2009, two years after leaving office, he stated that Saddam as a "threat to the [Middle Eastern] region" was "uppermost" in his mind, and admitted that he would have authorised British involvement in the invasion even if he had accepted at the time that Iraq had no WMDs.[98] He tried to persuade the United Nations (UN) to act collectively against Saddam Hussain. The UN Security Council had passed UN resolution 1441 which directed Iraq to allow UN weapons inspectors to verify that Iraq had disposed of all its weapons of mass destruction, as it had been required to do by earlier resolutions; Saddam insisted that Iraq had complied fully, but he impeded the work of the weapons inspectors and ultimately expelled them from Iraq. Resolution 1441 states, in part, that the Security Council "has repeatedly warned Iraq that it will face serious consequences as a result of its continued violations of its obligations." Britain and the USA urged the UN to act against Iraq in accord with this clause, but when the Security Council failed to endorse military intervention, Blair supported the US decision to invade Iraq regardless. He believed that the consequences of a unilateral military action by the USA would be inevitably graver than those of a multilateral action, however limited the involvement of other countries: "I have come to the conclusion after much reluctance that the greater danger to the UN is inaction: that to pass resolution 1441 and then refuse to enforce it would do the most deadly damage to the UN's future strength, confirming it as an instrument of diplomacy but not of action, forcing nations down the very unilateralist path we wish to avoid."[99]

The decision to support Iraq was supported by the opposition Conservative Party and opposed mainly by a minority of rebels within the Labour party. However, the outcome of the invasion of Iraq, and the failure to find Weapons of Mass Destruction, profoundly affected Blair’s credibility and his popularity, as a general perception grew that Blair had misled the UK parliament and public. In September 2004, during the Labour Party annual conference, the London Evening Standard reported details of a leaked Pentagon briefing paper, Operation Iraqi Freedom: Strategic Lessons Learned,[100] The document shows that the Pentagon had finalised its Operational Battle Plan for the Iraq war in October 2002, at a time when Blair was declaring that no decisions had been made about whether to go to war.

Third term in office, 2005-2007

Despite widespread vehement criticism of Blair for his policies on Iraq, the opposition parties were unable to exploit this fully, having themselves supported the decision to go to war. In May 2005, Blair won a third general election for Labour,[101] but with a much reduced overall majority of 66 seats. In his own Sedgefield constituency, Blair won with a reduced (but still overwhelming) majority of 18,457 votes;[102] anti-war campaigner Reg Keys polled 10% against him.[103]

Blair had won three general elections against three different Conservative Party leaders (John Major, William Hague and Michael Howard); a fourth (Ian Duncan-Smith) had come and gone without fighting an election. Blair had been criticised from the left for not doing more to redistribute wealth, and from the right for increasing taxes and Government spending; both were neutered by the steady growth in the economy. Blair for long periods seemed to have a sure touch with public opinion, never more so that,in the wake of the death of Princess Diana in 1997, his tribute to her seemed spontaneous and sincere, and in marked contrast with the stilted and formulaic tributes from others. His description of her as "the people's princess" is one that stuck in the public's mind.

One of the final controversies of Blair's tenure came with his intervention to halt a probe by the Serious Fraud Office into allegations of corruption between Saudi Arabian representatives and BAE Systems. Blair argued in the Commons that the investigation would have damaged Britain's relationship with the Saudis, and risked UK security in relation to the Middle East.[104] The SFO had opened its investigation into a 1985 arms deal, worth around £43 billion, at a time when the Blair government was negotiating another key weapons contract with Saudi Arabia; the Middle Eastern state threatened to cease intelligence co-operation if the inquiry proceeded.[105]

Attacks on Blair from the media never seemed to stick, leading him to be called 'Teflon Tony';[106] the Press gave him the nickname "Bambi", but this and the mocking of his smile seemed to exhaust their satirical powers to diminish him.[107] His policies, whether they reflected his personal convictions or mere political expediency, often seemed populist rather than left-wing or right-wing. For this, he was criticised as lacking conviction; except on Iraq, where he led from personal conviction and was criticised for not listening. Whereas Margaret Thatcher had been a generally unpopular leader granted power through success in the Falklands War, aided by a disorganised and disunited opposition, Blair had been a generally popular leader ultimately denied power by the failures in Iraq, although sustained by a disorganised and disunited opposition. Margaret Thatcher had been forgiven the small dishonourabilities of war (the sinking of the Belgrano); what successes there had been in Iraq (removal of Saddam Hussein, generally regarded as a brutal dictator) were forgotten.

However, Blair had claimed the "middle ground" of British politics for Labour; lately, the Conservative Party under its new leader David Cameron[108] moved left to challenge that hegemony. For the first time since he was elected leader, the Conservatives moved ahead of Labour in the opinion polls, and increasingly, members of The Labour Party began to suggest that it was time for Blair to go.

Response to public criticism

Resignation and departure as Prime Minister

Resignation announcement

"I was, and remain, as a person and as a prime minister, an optimist. Politics may be the art of the possible; but at least in life, give the impossible a go. Hand on heart, I did what I thought was right. I may have been wrong, that's your call. But believe one thing, if nothing else. I did what I thought was right for our country."
Tony Blair, quoted in The Guardian, 11th May 2007


10th May 2007 marked the official announcement of the end of Blair's premiership, with a departure date set for the following 27th June.[110] In a speech made in his Sedgefield constituency, Blair announced a timetable for leaving office, paving the way for his successor Gordon Brown after over ten years of power. In words that emphasised his domestic record more than his international influence, Blair credited his government with lowering crime, stabilising the economy and improving public services; he also emphasised that it had placed the UK at the forefront of fighting terrorism, tackling climate change and providing aid to troubled regions such as Africa[111]. Often accused of having a fervently religious approach to wider issues,[112] he also remained committed to the view that time would see his decision-making vindicated. An apology for his most-criticised activities was unforthcoming. In concluding, however, Blair admitted that he had made mistakes:

"My apologies to you for the times I've fallen short. But good luck."

Final acts as Prime Minister

Tony Blair's final appearances as an international politician were at the 2007 Group of Eight (G8) summit held between some of the world's most economically powerful states, and a meeting of the European Council of European Union countries. These actions would be expected from a premiership often strongly focused on issues outside the UK's borders, though Blair's intention to bring the country closer to its European partners was not entirely fulfilled.[113] Back in Britain, Blair's final days as Prime Minister saw his name rarely out of the national press: he called the media a "feral beast" while admitting his government's early desire to 'spin' stories may have aggravated this issue;[114] and he strongly criticised the proposed academic boycott on Israeli universities in one of his final performances in the House of Commons (the elected chamber of the UK Parliament).[115] He reaffirmed his view that the House of Lords should remain appointed rather than elected.[116]

"Tony Blair gave a brilliant farewell demonstration of the gifts that have enabled him to dominate politics for such a preposterous length of time. His lethal blend of self-righteousness, good manners and amiability permitted him to control his last appearance as Prime Minister and turn it into a celebration of himself."
Andrew Gimson, writing in the right-wing Daily Telegraph newspaper, about Blair's last appearance for Prime Minister's Questions in the House of Commons.[117] See here[118] for a video of Blair's performance.


27th June 2007 saw Tony Blair resign as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom;[119] Immediately after leaving office, Blair severed his final link with UK domestic politics by stepping down as an MP. His last act in office was to appear for the usual weekly questions to the premier in the House of Commons, where political friends and foes alike paid tribute to some of his record, such as his achievements for long-term peace in Northern Ireland. Blair conceded that he had "never pretended to be a great House of Commons man", perhaps obliquely acknowledging criticism that at times his administration had sidelined Parliament; he also expressed regret about the dangers that British troops faced in Iraq. His words of farewell underlined the finality of the event:

"I wish everyone, friend or foe, well and that is that, the end."

Reprise - Britain after Blair


(References, with page numbers, to Tony Blair's memoirs (Tony Blair: A Journey, Hutchinson, 2010) are shown as "Journey (xxx)", and
references to Anthony Seldon's biography (Anthony Seldon: Blair, Free Press, 2004) are shown as "Blair (xxx)".)
  1. CNN: 'Blair resigns as UK prime minister.' 27th June 2007.
  2. International Herald Tribune: 'Blair begins role as Middle East envoy' 23rd July 2007
  3. BBC News: 'Hamas criticises Blair envoy move' 28th June 2007.
  4. See
  5. BBC News: 'Blair was 'cleared to take oil job''. 19th March 2010.
  6. Daily Mail: 'New questions over Blair's secretive deals: Riddle of ex-PM's investments in foreign countries'. 30th March 2010.
  7. Tony Blair Faith Foundation: 'About Us'
  8. BBC News: 'The Blair Story'
  9. The Times: 'Blair's gran was graffiti 'vandal' 15th January 2006
  10. Fettes College - official website.
  11. Guardian Unlimited Politics: 'Ask Aristotle - Tony Blair' 27th July 2007.
  12. St John's College, Oxford - official website.
  13. Lincoln's Inn - official website.
  14. Blair would later appoint Irvine Lord Chancellor.
  15. Journey (75)
  16. The Rev Peter Thomson: priest and mentor, The Times (obituary), February 18, 2010
  17. Journey (74)
  18. Mark Bevir: From Idealism to Communitarianism: The Inheritance and Legacy of John Macmurray, University of California, Berkeley, 2003
  19. Journey (90)
  20. Journey (43)
  21. Journey (85)
  22. Journey (68)
  23. Buckinghamshire County Council: 'Parliamentary constituencies and MPs - Buckinghamshire County'.
  24. Labour Party: 'Sedgefield constituency
  25. Blair (98-103)
  26. Blair (103)
  27. Blair (105-107)
  28. Journey (49-51)
  29. Journey (49)
  30. Journey (60)
  31. Journey (70-71)
  32. Journey (94)
  33. Journey (102)
  34. [Anthony Bevins and Barrie Clement: Blair says union split still on the cards, The Independent, 29 July 1997, [1]
  35. J. Curtice: Was it The Sun that won it again? The Influence of newspapers in the 1997 election campaign, Working Paper Number 75, Centre for Research into Elections and Social Trends September 1999
  36. Election Battles: 1997, BBC News, 2001
  37. Labour Part Manifesto 1997
  38. Labour Part Manifesto 1997
  39. Geoffrey Evans, John Curtice and Pippa Norris: New Labour, New Tactical Voting? The Cause and Consequences of Tactical Voting in the 1997 British General Election, Working Paper No 64, Centre for Research into Elections and Social Trends, February 1998
  40. Blair is a liar and hypocrite, says Hague' 8th October 1999
  41. Civil Partnership Act 2004
  42. Homosexuality and the Armed Forces,
  43. UK Marijuana Policy Reform Takes Effect
  44. Daily Mail: 'Tony Blair has turned Britain into a land where we are all prisoners' June 2007
  45. ASBOS A Guide to Anti-Social Behaviour Orders and Acceptable Behaviour Contracts. Home Office.
  46. BBC News: 'Blair urges new era in crime fight'
  47. The Spactator: 'The special relationship between Blair and God' Peter Osborne, 5th April, 2003
  48. BBC News: 'Blair: In his own words' - BBC archive of quotes. 11th May 2007.
  49. BBC News: 'Education spending to reach £74bn' March 2007
  50. British Medical Journal; 'Tony Blair launches radical NHS plan for England' BMJ (2000) 321:317
  51. The Guardian: 'Independent inquiry into NHS spending' 2006
  52. Blair's speech to the Labour Party annual conference, 2004
  53. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the UK economy grew by an annual average of 2.7% between 1997 and 2006, compared to the 2.1% in the Eurozone[2]. UK unemployment is 5.5%,[3] down from 7% in 1997; the Eurozone average is 8.1%. UK taxation increased from 39.3% of GDP in 1997 to 42.4% in 2006[4], although income tax rates did not rise. According to the Centre for Policy Studies, the poorest fifth of households, which paid 6.8% of all taxes in 1996-7, paid 6.9% in 2004-5, while their share of state benefit payouts dropped from 28.1% to 27.1% (The Times: ''Poor lose out in Brown's tax reforms' 3rd September 2006).
  54. BBC News: 'Blair's surprising economic legacy' May 1oth 2007
  55. BBC News: 'Blair tries to allay unionist concern'. 7th April 1998.
  56. The History Place - Tony Blair's Speech, 26th November 1998 - the first British Prime Minister ever to address the Irish parliament.
  57. The Independent: 'Blair may have finally seduced Paisley - but that still leaves an Ulster as divided as ever'. 26th March 2007.
  58. Updated statistics from Sutton, Malcolm (1994) Bear in Mind These Dead. Beyond the Pale Publications, ISBN 0951422944
  59. BBC News: 'Blair: a builder of Irish peace' 10th May 2007
  60. [5]
  61. BBC News: '1998: Real IRA announce ceasefire'
  62. BBC News: 'Man in court on 'Real IRA' charge'
  63. CNN: 'IRA scraps all its arms - monitors' 26th September 2005
  64. [6]
  65. [7]
  66. CNN: 'Northern Ireland begins 'new era' 9th May 2007
  67. The Independent: 'Blair's departure: The view from Northern Ireland' 1st August 2007
  68. Daily Telegraph: 'Northern Ireland: Troops out as operation ends'. 1st August 2007
  69. Daily Telegraph: 'Blair gives up on his EU dream'. 6th June 2005.
  70. The"Social Charter" Summaries of European Legislation.
  71. The Guardian: 'The five tests' 29th September 2000
  72. BBC News: Special relationship: End of the affair? February 2001
  73. CNN: 'The U.S. and Britain: A special relationship' December 2000
  74. Newsweek: 'Partners in Politics' May 2007
  75. Daily Mail: 'New questions over Blair's secretive deals: Riddle of ex-PM's investments in foreign countries'. 30th March 2010.
  76. BBC News: 'How will history judge Blair?'
  77. [8] Awarding a Congressional Gold Medal to Prime Minister Tony Blair] Address by Congressman Adam B. Schiff, July 18 2003
  78. American Rhetoric online speech bank: Tony Blair Address to CongressAccepting Congressional Gold Medal,
  79. Humor, Humility, and Rhetorical Courage Michael Kinsley Slate July 2003]
  80. Daily Telegraph: 'Unjust desserts. 9th July 2007.
  81. The Independent: 'The brute in Mr Blair' 1st August 2007
  82. General election results, May 1997 House of Commons research paper; BBC News: 'Labour routs Tories in historic election'; Daily Telegraph: 'Labour landslide leaves Tories in shock'; The Guardian: 'Blair's crushing triumph'
  83. 'New Labour because Britain deserves better' Labour Party general election manifesto, 1997
  84. Freedom of Information Act 2000.
  85. Parliament UK.
  86. BBC News: 'Blair apologises for mishandling F1 row'. 17th November 1997.
  87. Homepage of the Scottish Parliament
  88. BBC News: 'Two referendums' June 1999
  89. The Welsh National Assembly.
  90. UK Parliament: '2001 election results'.
  91. 2001 Ambitions for Britain Labour Party general election manifesto 2001]
  92. The Guardian: 'Labour's dissenters will be back' Roy Hattersley, 8th October 2001
  93. Hansard: House of Commons Hansard for 18 Mar 2003 (pt 27).
  94. Daily Mail: 'Blair at 50, going on 30...'. 5th May 2003.
  95. Hansard: House of Commons Hansard Debates for 27 Jun 2007 (pt 0002). Full text of Tony Blair's last appearance at Prime Minister's questions, June 2007.
  96. The Guardian: Tony Blair admits: I would have invaded Iraq anyway'. 12th December 2009.
  97. The Guardian: 'Blair: I have secret proof of weapons'. 1st June 2003.
  98. The Guardian: Tony Blair admits: I would have invaded Iraq anyway'. 12th December 2009.
  99. The Guardian: Full text: Tony Blair's speech'. Text of Tony Blair's speech to the House of Commons on the Iraq crisis, 18th March 2003.
  100. SourceWatch: 'Operation Iraqi Freedom: Strategic Lessons Learned. 26th December 2007.
  101. 'Britain forward not back' Labour Party general election manifesto 2005
  102. BBC News: 'Election 2005 at-a-glance'. 11th May 2005.
  103. BBC News: 'Blair secures historic third term'. 6th May 2005.
  104. 'Blair: BAE investigation would have 'wrecked' UK'. 13th June 2007.
  105. The Times: 'Tony Blair accused of putting 'irresistible pressure' on SFO to drop BAE investigation'. 14th February 2008.
  106. BBC News: 'Tony Blair: Prime Minister'. Andrew Marr, BBC News.
  107. Guardian: 'Getting Blair'. Interview with Steve Bell, cartoonist for the Guardian.
  109. The Guardian: 'I did what I thought was right' 11th May 2007
  110. BBC News: 'Blair will stand down on 27 June'
  111. BBC News: full text of Tony Blair's speech in South Africa, May 2007.
  112. Blair referred to this in his Sedgefield speech as a "Messianic zeal", a characteristic he clearly rejected.
  113. According to the historian Anthony Seldon. BBC News: 'How will history judge Blair?.' 10th May 2007.
  114. BBC News: 'Media 'like feral beast' - Blair' June 2007
  115. BBC News: 'Blair decries Israel boycott move' June 2007
  116. BBC News: 'Blair still backs appointed Lords' 18th June 2007.
  117. Daily Telegraph: 'Blair the showman takes his last bow. 28 June 2007.
  118. BBC News - recording of Tony Blair's final appearance for Prime Minister's Questions in Parliament
  119. BBC News: 'Blair resigns as prime minister'. 27th June 2007.

Further reading

See the more detailed guide at the Tony Blair/Bibliography subpage.

See Also