Talk:Rachel Ricketts

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 Definition Lawyer, author, anti-racims activist [d] [e]
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 Workgroup categories Law, Politics and Topic Informant [Categories OK]
 Talk Archive none  English language variant British English

Should this article be kept or deleted?

Should this article be kept or deleted?

It was tagged with a {{PropDel}} on 2024-05-06. But no note was left here on Talk:Rachel Ricketts, explaining the concern that triggered the proposal. There is no hint in the edit summary as to what triggered the proposal.

The second paragraph of Rachel Ricketts#Author says:

Several publications, including Forbes magazine, Parade magazine, Good Morning America and The Vancouver Sun, interviewed Ricketts following the publication of her book.

Normally, multiple interviews, in major publications, has been considered sufficient to establish an author is important enough to merit a standalone article. George Swan (talk) 10:47, 6 May 2024 (CDT)

This article is still not linked to anything else in this wiki. It needs to be linked to a major topic to be kept indefinitely. I have removed the delete tag for now, but as an article about a living person, with everything here also covered by the press, and with no links to other articles in this wiki, it's future survival is shaky. Please find ways to cross-link it. Pat Palmer (talk) 14:25, 14 July 2024 (CDT)