Talk:Radiation Hazards

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 Definition what everyone concerned about radiation and health should know [d] [e]
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ionizing radiation

Can someone explain what makes a radiation ionizing? Total non-physicist rube here. Pat Palmer (talk) 19:11, 27 March 2022 (CDT)

Ionization is the process of separating electrons from neutral atoms or molecules, leaving behind a positive ion. This can happen from high temperature (an arc welder) or from radiation. David MacQuigg (talk) 22:42, 27 March 2022 (CDT)
I know the formal definition of ionization, but I still don't understand which kinds of radiation are ionizing and which are not. Is all the radiation that we are exposed too ionizing? Are X-rays ionizing radiation? Is radiation from concrete blocks (yes, they are quite radioactive) ionizing radiation? To use a descriptive term like this, we need to explain it for lay reader upon first use. If all the radiation is ionizing, then do we need that word at all?  :-) Pat Palmer (talk) 08:45, 28 March 2022 (CDT)

DNA in people with compromised immunity

When speaking of DNA healing after exposures, is there a concern for people of weakened immunity? Do studies really show they are as resilient as the average human, or do we care? In the pandemic, people don't care much, having dismissed as ignorable millions of vulnerable people. Who can still vote. Sorry to be obnoxious but this question arose in my mind, if the goal here is to allay concerns. Pat Palmer (talk) 19:18, 27 March 2022 (CDT)