Gothic architecture

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Gothic architecture is a style of architecture that had its origins in the building of great cathedrals in France from the 12th to the mid-13th century and was known as the "French style" (opus Francigenum) before being appellated as 'gothic' during the Renaissance period.[1] It was introduced as the successor to the Romanesque architecture with the rebuilding of the choir and facade of the abbey in Saint-Denis between 1135 and 1144. The main characteristic of the gothic architecture is its transcendent use of stained glass windows to depict light as symbol of divinity and heaven, which resulted in a skeletal construction reinforced with flying buttresses, whereas the darker interior of the Romanesque architecture is suggestive of the Last Judgment.[2]


  1. Kostof, 1985. pp. 333
  2. Kostof, 1985. pp. 331