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In Greek mythology, Agamemnon, High King of Mycenae<ref name=MycWP>Mycenae is an ancient city-state in Greece. Wikipedia has more information about Mycenae.<ref>, brother-in-law of Helen, commanded the Greek expeditionary force attacking Troy (ancient city) during the Trojan War. To overcome contrary winds for sailing to Troy, he sacrificed his daughter, Iphigeneia.

Agamemnon's dispute with Achilles over the concubine Briseis is central to the Iliad.

On his return to Greece after the Trojan war, Agamemnon's wife Clytemnestra killed him to revenge Iphigenia, and also to prevent his discovering that she had taken a lover (Aegisthus).

Akagamunaš, ruler of Ahhiyawa (i.e. the Achaeans, a Homeric name for the Greeks in the Trojan War) is mentioned in Hittite records of about the right period, so Agamemnon may well have some historical existence.
