Buddhist Lion's Roar (martial art)

The Tibetan martial arts system know as the Buddhist Lion's Roar has a long history, reaching the days of ancient India (~2500 BCE).
The lion as a symbol and image is found at the very heart of Buddhism. The lion was of central importance to all Indo-Aryan cultures, and was the name of the original recorded Indo-Aryan martial art, Simhanada-Vajramukti which translated from it's Sanskrit name means – Simha – Lion; Nada – Roar, a warrior's battle cry; Vagra – Diamond/Thunder Bolt; Mushtti – boxing. and was attributed it to their god Indra.
Shakyamuni Siddharta Gwatama (the Buddha), who was considered the lion of Shakia, the tribe he was born to, was a youngest of a royal family and prince. It is said that on Shakyamuni's birth, he stood upright pointing one finger to Heaven and one to Earth, letting out a Roar like a Lion he announced his arrival (circa 6th Century B.C.E.). When he was 7 years old, Shakyamuni was instructed in Pancavididya (The Five Arts of the Warrior Kshatriya's) by his teachers Arata, Kalama, Kshantideva and Rudrakarama. His teacher Kshantideva in particular is said to have instructed Shakyamuni in the martial arts of Grappling (Malla-Yuddam) / Boxing (Mushti) / Weaponry and Gymnastics - all together called the Simhavikridatta (Lion's Skill). Its other name was Simhanada Vajramushtti (Lion Roar Diamond Boxing). Lion's Skill was synonymous with Vajramushti/Vajramukti hence: Simhanda Vajramushti - and eventually, Tibetan Lion's Roar "Kung-Fu".