Deperimeterization/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Deperimeterization.
See also changes related to Deperimeterization, or pages that link to Deperimeterization or to this page or whose text contains "Deperimeterization".

Parent topics

    • Cloud computing [r]: Use of computer networks, especially the Internet, to access computer resources, operated by a third party; access is on-demand and dynamically assigned — cloud computing differs from managed hosting with resources dedicated to users [e]


Other related topics

  • Kerckhoffs' Principle [r]: The principle, formulated by Auguste Kerckhoffs, that security in a cipher should not depend on keeping the details of the cipher secret; it should depend only on keeping the key secret. [e]
  • Principle of Least Privilege [r]: A security principle that gives individuals only the special privileges needed to carry out a specific function; the default condition is that individuals do not have any privileges that were not explicitly granted. [e]