Talk:Manga/Archive 1

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Revision as of 00:55, 27 September 2008 by imported>John Stephenson (→‎In need of an extensive rewrite: note on approval of this article)
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The image is pretty awful, but it was all I could find for now. I'm planning on retrieving a decent one for this and Japanese popular culture at some point. John Stephenson 20:57, 4 March 2008 (CST)

In need of an extensive rewrite

The article as is may be fine for someone who has seen or heard the word "manga" somewhere and just wants to know what it means, but for someone looking for more than a cursory definition, it is woefully inadequate. I hate to step on Mr. Stephenson's toes, but I would like to do a complete rewrite in the near future. Matthew Allen Thorn 21:29, 24 September 2008 (CDT)

First, no stepping on toes applies - a wiki is collaborative. Anyone can rewrite any article (though it's polite to offer advance notice and discussion of major changes on the Talk page). Second, this article is classed as 'developing' (see above), which means that by definition it is incomplete and inadequate. Hack away at it! John Stephenson 00:47, 27 September 2008 (CDT)
Also, if you substantively contribute to the article, you can't approve it yourself. It would have to be approved by some other editor on the wiki who has credentials in manga (not sure how likely that is...). An alternative is to write notes, references etc. on the Talk page and have others rewrite it. John Stephenson 00:55, 27 September 2008 (CDT)
Hello, all. Let me introduce myself -- I have several areas of expertise and publication. One is sexuality (see my comment on the article Sex) and another is manga and anime. My wife Martha Cornog and I have been publishing in the scholarly literature about manga and anime for about a decade, for example
Perper, Timothy and Martha Cornog 2002 "Eroticism for the masses: Japanese manga comics and their assimilation into the U.S." Sexuality & Culture, Volume 6, Number 1, pages 3-126 (Special Issue).
Abstract in Japanese:
Link may be password protected:
Perper, Timothy and Martha Cornog 2003 "Sex, love, and women in Japanese comics." In Robert T. Francoeur and Raymond Noonan, editors, The Comprehensive International Encyclopedia of Sexuality. New York: Continuum. pages 663-671. Section 8D in
Martha and I are also Book Review Editors for Mechademia: An Academic Forum for Anime, Manga, and the Fan Arts (see and she is one of the two senior graphic novel reviewers for Library Journal. She and I have also adapted manga translated into English for the US commercial publisher TokyoPop ( -- you'll have to get the actual books to find our names).
So we aren't newbies or amateurs in the field of manga and anime. I hope we'll be able to contribute to articles here in these areas.
Timothy Perper 07:03, 25 September 2008 (CDT)