CCGS Sir William Alexander

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(PD) Photo:  Christopher Evanson / U.S. Coast Guard
CCG Sir William Alexander.
(PD) Photo: Christopher Evanson / U.S. Coast Guard
Crew of the CCG Sir William Alexander.

CCGS Sir William Alexander is a icebreaker in the Canadian Coast Guard, stationed in Nova Scotia.

The William Alexander left Halifax on September 8, 2005, together with HMCS Athabaskan, HMCS Ville de Quebec and HMCS Toronto, to go to New Orleans, Louisiana to help provide aid following the devastating hurricane Katrina.[1] According to Macleans the William Alexander was not expected to try to keep up with the Naval vessels because, being designed for Arctic waters, she needed to be surrounded by cold water, to cool her engines, if she was to proceed at her top speed [2]

The Sir William Alexander assisted in replacing and servicing navigation buoys.[3]
