Bosnia and Herzegovina/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Bosnia and Herzegovina.
See also changes related to Bosnia and Herzegovina, or pages that link to Bosnia and Herzegovina or to this page or whose text contains "Bosnia and Herzegovina".

Parent topics

Yugoslavia [r]: Name for different political entities that existed on the Balkan Peninsula in Europe during the 20th century. [e]


Other related topics

  • Croatia [r]: South-east European republic (population c. 4.5 million; capital Zagreb), located south of Slovenia and Hungary, west of Serbia, and north and west of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and with a long Adriatic coastline to its west. [e]
  • Danube River [r]: Europe's second longest river, about 2860 km long, second only to the Volga River. [e]
  • European Environment Agency [r]: An agency of the European Union (EU) established as a major source of information and data for developing, adopting, implementing and evaluating environmental policy by member European countries. [e]
  • Montenegro [r]: South-east European, former Yugoslav republic (population c. 678,000; capital Podgorica) off the north-eastern Adriatic Sea, bordering Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo and Albania. [e]
  • Mountain range [r]: Chain of mountains bordered by highlands or separated from other mountains by passes or valleys. [e]
  • NATO [r]: Intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949, with its headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. [e]
  • Serbia [r]: Landlocked, former Yugoslav republic (population c. 10.2 million; capital Belgrade) in south-eastern Europe, having borders with Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia. [e]
    • Serbian language [r]: Slavic language belonging to the Serbo-Croatian diasystem, spoken by Serbian people and Montenegrin people, mainly in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. [e]
    • Serbian people [r]: An ethnic group living in the Balkan peninsula. [e]