Asturian-Leonese language/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Asturian-Leonese language.
See also changes related to Asturian-Leonese language, or pages that link to Asturian-Leonese language or to this page or whose text contains "Asturian-Leonese language".

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  • Acute accent [r]: A diacritic mark used in many modern written languages with alphabets based on the Latin, Greek and Cyrillic scripts. [e]
  • Indo-European languages [r]: A group of several hundred languages, including the majority of languages spoken in Europe, the Plateau of Iran and the subcontinent of India, that share a considerable common vocabulary and linguistic features. [e]
  • Mozarabic language [r]: Extinct Romance language spoken during the Middle Ages in the Muslim part of the Iberian Peninsula. [e]
  • Portugal [r]: South-west European republic (population c. 10.7 million; capital Lisbon) on the western side of the Iberian Peninsula, with a long Atlantic coastline to its west and bordering Spain to the north and east. [e]
  • Portuguese language [r]: An Iberian Romance language, of the Indo-European family. [e]
  • Romance languages [r]: Branch of the Indo-European language family, originally spoken in southern, eastern and western Europe and descended from Vulgar Latin, the language of the Ancient Romans; includes modern Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian and Romanian. [e]
  • Spanish language [r]: A Romance language widely spoken in Spain, its current and former territories, and the United States of America. [e]