User:Aleta Curry
As a freelance writer and historian resident in Australia, my curriculum vitae spans several countries with extensive experience in research, writing and publishing.
Where Aleta lives it is approximately: 19:12
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
Welcome to Aleta's Page
Freelance writer on hobbyist subjects for many years. Recently returned to writing in History, my academic subject. You can read a professional profile at My LinkedIn page. Fine Art and Antiques
Dog Breeds
There are no academic institutions that qualify cynologists, per se, in most of the industrialised West, and though the word 'cynology' exists in other languages, English has no consensus, indeed whether or not cynology is an extant field, an emerging field or wishful thinking is a matter that only time can settle. For the present, dog specialists are described by their specialties, i.e. dog breeder, dog writer, dog groomer. Australia has no one certifying institution for dog specialists. Dance
Areas of expertise are
Current interest: History of dog breeds: Specializing in Australian Working Dogs; National dog breeds; Independent dog breeds BA in history; minor: political theory; minor: film theory. Graduate courses: History. Ten years’ experience in methods analysis and procedural writing. Professional ballroom dance teacher and performer for over 10 years. Co-founder of a theatre performance group.
Current/recent publicationsArticles:
My CZI actually wrote this
Stuff I'll be working on as I can
Funny stuff somebody else wrote
Helpful hints pour moiCategories, links formats n stuff
Category:bar Or use nowiki--look this up in the edit screen: [[Category:Biology Workgroup]]
to add myself
References are an ongoing discussion<ref> Berkowitz, Howard. When a Russian History Citation Just Isn't Godunov. London: Little Whinging Press, 2008.</ref> and then at the end I put <references/> Helpful Hint from Howard There are lots of refinements, but let me add one suggestion. Where you wrote <ref>, write <ref name=XXX>, where XXX is some unique identifier like Badunov. If you subsequently want to refer to the citation XXX, all you do is type <ref name=XXX /> (the space before the slash is important) and that will give the same footnote number that will show up under references. Actually, I would like someone to tell me about the differences between <references/> and {{reflist}}. At the Other Place, people I respected said the latter was better, so I never got into the habit of using the former. Got me. Anybody got an answer?
(and I'd be happier if Russel and Nancy were back </pity party>
General opinions from the kidsStyle/grammar/usage
English language rulesComputer kerflooieInternationalisationWiki ConversionSympathetic ear (or, go on, have a whinge)Everyone, plus me The Buck Stops
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In lieu of WP notice: My understanding is that since I wrote this text, I do not need to put a "from Wikipedia" message on this text, but instead should leave a notice stating that this was based on my original work for WP and I intend to maintain it. | |
Aleta Curry 22:59, 16 July 2007 (CDT) |
(If you leave it blank and leave out four tiles, you get a form message.)
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Check the history of edits to see who inserted this notice. |
or, you can type in any text you want:
NOTICE, please do not remove from top of page. | |
Aleta the Magnificent wrote this last year. Amazing, what? | |
Aleta Curry 21:05, 19 October 2007 (CDT) |
Larry says this about the hierarchy:
As a general rule, article placement in workgroups should not depend on who is there now but whether the scholars in a discipline study the subject (whether they are represented here, yet, or not).
The order, however--sociology then anthro or vice-versa--is completely irrelevant to anything. We haven't yet established any hierarchy of workgroups. Order of listing is meaningless. --Larry Sanger 08:59, 3 November 2007 (CDT)
Subpages are here!
(And it's getting easier to use them all the time! The present, almost-completely automated version is:)
- In the edit screen of your article's main page, type or paste the code {{subpages}} at the top of the page, in your editing screen, above the text.
- Depress 'enter' and Save. Note: if you've done it all right, you'll now get prompts directing you to create a metadata page, a talk page and write a definition. Just follow the prompts. Or don't; it's not here to make you crazy. Just type your text, save and leave it if you're feeling queasy at this point.
- Whoo-hoo! You're done!
Helpful links
- (still working on how to use this one) Aleta, download and cite away with ease. —Stephen Ewen (Talk) 22:21, 5 August 2007 (CDT)
Aleta Curry is specialist editor for dog breeds, within the Hobbies Workgroup. --Larry Sanger