Safety and survivability of naval vessels/Related Articles

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< Safety and survivability of naval vessels
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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Safety and survivability of naval vessels.
See also changes related to Safety and survivability of naval vessels, or pages that link to Safety and survivability of naval vessels or to this page or whose text contains "Safety and survivability of naval vessels".

Parent topics


  • Naval guns and gunnery [r]: Artillery weapons on ships, and techniques and devices for aiming them. [e]
  • Mine (naval warfare) [r]: A naval explosive weapon that waits passively for a target to come into its range, and then detonates or releases a mobile weapon once its sensors detect an appropriate target [e]
  • Torpedo [r]: A naval weapon that travels underwater, using its own propulsion, to attack its target, minimally with onboard mechanisms to keep it on a straight course. Modern torpedoes are underwater guided missiles that can track their target and adjust their course to hit it [e]


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