CZ:Topic Choice

From Citizendium
Revision as of 16:14, 2 January 2023 by Pat Palmer (talk | contribs) (adding that we are not including articles on mass shooters and crimes)
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Generally, we may write about whatever we like in the Citizendium. There are, however, at least three basic constraints on the choice of article topic:

  • Encyclopedia topics. Topics should be plausible as encyclopedia article topics. This excludes, for example, topics expressing personal opinions (e.g., "Why I think God does not exist"), or highly complicated topics that reflect original research (e.g., "Fruit production in France, Turkmenistan, and Australia").
  • Redundancy. If one topic is quite similar to another--for example, is just a variant on the name--then the less common topic name should in many cases be redirected to the more common topic name. Thus, for example Great War redirects to World War I.

Unlike in Wikipedia, there is no requirement on the Citizendium that article topics be "notable." That is, we do not exclude topics solely on the ground that their topics do not strike contributors as being significant or important. We recognize that what may be completely trivial to one person might in fact be quite important to another, and that as a criterion "notability" is too vague to admit of consistent use.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Our newest guidance usually excludes articles about people known only for committing acts of violence, including mass shooters; see this Forum discussion. Exceptions may be accepted with the Editor in Chief's consent.

Citizendium Content Policy
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