Afghanistan War (2001-2021)

Template:TOC-right After the 9-11 attacks, the United States learned that the al-Qaeda senior leadership, who took responsibility for the attacks, were based in Afghanistan. The ruling Taliban refused to surrender that leadership and shut down their facilities, and the U.S., also invoking the NATO treaty of collective defense, issued a conditional ultimatum that if the demands were not met, a new Afghanistan War would begin in 2001.
NATO participation was the first invocation of Article 5, the collective defense agreement at the heart of the NATO Charter. The operation was also authorized by the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373.[1]
The U.S. already had clandestine paramilitary officers from the Central Intelligence Agency working in Afghanistan. United States Army Special Forces and other personnel under either the United States Central Command special operations component (SOCCENT), United States Special Operations Command, and other forces preceded the large-scale overt air attacks, designated Operation ENDURING FREEDOM, that started on October 7, 2001.
Initial concept and its development
GEN Tommy Franks, commanding CENTCOM, set out a four-phase plan that was briefed to the President on September 21, 2001:[2]
- Phase I: Set conditions and build forces to provide the National Command Authority credible military options: build alliances and prepare the battlefield
- Phase II: Conduct initial combat operations and continue to set conditions for follow-on operations; begin initial humanitarian operations
- Phase III: Conduct decisive combat operations in Afghanistan, continue to build coalition, and conduct operations
- Phase IV: Establish capability of coalition partners to prevent the re-emergence of terrorism and establish support for humanitarian operation: expected to be a 3-5 year effort
It is a maxim of warfare that no plan survives contact with the enemy; it is a reality of modern warfare that no plan survives contact with higher headquarters. This particular set of plans also was quite different than others the U.S. had fought, in several aspects. It was to be a coalition from the start, both with the Afghan Northern Alliance against the Taliban government, with formal NATO cooperation and with both direct combat and assistive roles from other countries. Within the U.S. military, it was conceived as truly joint, not Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine; Special Operations forces were also to have a major role.
On the 20th, Franks had a tense meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), whom he felt each argued for a plan featuring their service. He asked for and received confirmation from the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF), Donald Rumsfeld, that he had full command authority to develop a service-independent approach.
The actual briefing to the President and Vice President was made by Franks, retiring Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) GEN Hugh Shelton, Vice CJCS GEN Dick Myers (who succeeded the retiring Shelton), and JSOC commander MG Dell Dailey; Dailey indicated the importance of special operations to the plan.
Prepare the battlefield
Current situation
There is an Afghan government in place, with military capability of its own, the Afghan National Army (ANA). The major combat capability remains with the NATO International Security Assistance Force, commanded by a U.S. four-star general who is also commander of United States Forces - Afghanistan (USFOR-A), GEN David McKiernan.
Coalition order of battle
Under USFOR-A, overtly, are two major commands, one combat and one advisory/training. Combat capabilities are based on a U.S. division, forming a U.S. task force named for the division (i.e., currently Combined Joint Task Force-101, based on the 101st Airborne Division), which is also the ISAF Regional Command-East. Assigned to Afghanistan are the division headquarters, 4th Brigade Combat Team, the 101st Aviation Brigade and the 101st Sustainment Brigade; the remaining brigade combat teams are in Iraq. [3]
Combined Security Transition Command - Afghanistan is headed by a U.S. major general, with British and Canadian brigadier general deputies.
Afghan security forces
The Afghan National Army is comprised of five corps, the 201st Corps based in Kabul; 203rd Corps in Gardez; 205th Corps in Kandahar; 207th Corps in Herat and the 209th Corps in Mazar-e-Sharif. Attached to each corps is an Afghan Regional Security Integration Command (ARSIC). Each ARSIC is comprised of a Regional Police Advisory Command (RPAC) and a Regional Corps Advisory Command (RCAC). The RPAC is responsible for training, coaching and mentoring all organizations of the Afghan National Police. The RCAC has the same function for the ANA corps and below.[4]
- ↑ United Nations Security Council (28 September 2001), Resolution 1373
- ↑ Tommy Franks (2004), American Soldier, Harper Collins, ISBN 0060779543, pp. 270-272
- ↑ History of the 101st Airborne Division, Combined Joint Task Force-101
- ↑ CSTC-A Mission Fact Sheet on Afghanistan Regional Security Integration Command, ombined Security Transition Command - Afghanistan