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'''Steve Miller''' (1950 - ?) is an American author from [[Maine (U.S. state)|Maine]] who, with spouse [[Sharon Lee (author)]], has written the commercially successful [[Liaden universe]] (science fiction and fantasy) series of books, consisting of more than two dozen novels and many novelettes or short stories.
'''Steve Miller''' (1950 - 2024) is an American author from [[Maine (U.S. state)|Maine]] who, with spouse [[Sharon Lee (author)]], has written the commercially successful [[Liaden universe]] (science fiction and fantasy) series of books, consisting of more than two dozen novels and many novelettes or short stories.

[[Category:Living Person]]
[[Category:Living Person]]

Revision as of 07:32, 10 July 2024

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Steve Miller (1950 - 2024) is an American author from Maine who, with spouse Sharon Lee (author), has written the commercially successful Liaden universe (science fiction and fantasy) series of books, consisting of more than two dozen novels and many novelettes or short stories.