CZ:Moderator Group: Difference between revisions

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imported>Larry Sanger
imported>John Stephenson
(Policies category)
(254 intermediate revisions by 11 users not shown)
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'''Welcome to your friendly local Constabulary!'''
Articles 5 and 9 of the current [[CZ:Policies|Policies document]] state:

== Basic info ==
:''The Citizendium shall prohibit behaviours that restrict the activities of the project or its members, or damage its reputation, including but not limited to unauthorised advertising ('spam'), vandalism, harassment, copyright violations, libel, slander, use of the site for purposes other than providing a free knowledge resource, criminal activity, or use of material that is considered either inappropriate for minors or illegal. ''

'''To "call a constable,"''' please write []
:''No Citizendium member shall be denied a fair, unbiased appeal process against a decision made against them on administrative, legal, or technical matters.''

'''[[:Category:CZ Constables|Our list of constables]]'''
The above are the only binding rules on behaviour and moderation for this site. The references to the Charter below and other rules represent earlier policies that remain as guidance only.

== Some handy links for constables ==
'''There are currently no official Moderators; these duties are performed by the [[CZ:Technical Team|Technical Staff]].'''

''Many of these links may not be visible to non-constables.''

Listed below are the features, the functions associated with the features, and what we use those functions to do.
'''Welcome to the Moderator Group!'''
[[:Category:CZ Moderators|Our Moderators]] are Citizendium's "community managers"  They oversee adherence to basic policies, resolve behavioral — not editorial — disputes, and rein in troublemakers.  Moderators also review applications and create new accounts, and can place the "approved" template into articles at the request of an Editor.  They operate within a "separation of powers" and are held to a strict conflict of interest policy. For further information, see [[CZ:Policy_Outline#Moderator_Policy|Moderator Policy]].

[[Special:Blockip|Block user]]
==The Moderator [[CZ:Charter|Charter]] Purview==
* Block IP address, email, or username: ''basic vandalism response is to block the username; we also block usernames for real names policy enforcement''
'''Article 5'''  
* Prevent new account creation given IP, email, or domain: ''if a vandal might create new accounts, prevent him from doing so by checking "Prevent account creation"''
[[Special:CheckUser|Check user]]
Citizens shall act responsibly and in a civil manner: derogatory or offensive language or behavior will not be tolerated. Citizens who interfere with another Citizen's rights as delineated by this Charter or who violate rules established by the [[CZ:Council|Citizendium Council]] shall be subject to administrative action upon complaint of the aggrieved Citizen, the punishment of which may include, but is not limited to, suspension from the Citizendium for a period of time, or permanent expulsion. Other administrative actions may be established by the Citizendium Council.
* Look up IP addresses given username: ''when a vandal creates multiple accounts from the same IP address, ban the IP address using [[Special:Blockip|Block user]]; but the first step is to look it up using this tool''
* Look up usernames given an IP address: ''use this to check if a vandal at a given IP address has created other usernames''
* Get all edits associated with an IP address: ''use this to see what vandalism from a given IP address needs to be undone''
[[Special:Ipblocklist|List of blocked IP addresses and usernames]]
* Find recent blocks and list contributions: ''a way to list quickly the "contributions" made by vandals''
[[Special:Log/newusers|User creation log]]
* Lists newly created accounts: ''an efficient way to scan new accounts, to check for well-formed names, people who haven't yet been welcomed, and review new bios''
[[Special:Log/block|Block log]]
* Lists recently blocked usernames, IP addresses, e-mail addresses, and domains: ''used to tell which accounts have already been blocked by other constables; useful together with the [[Special:Log/newusers|user creation log]]''

== Constable procedures ==
'''Article 7'''
All Citizens shall be equal and no special privileges shall be granted except those granted in this charter to [[CZ:Editor|Editors]] and [[CZ:Personnel|Officers]].

=== Account blocking ===
'''Article 38''' 
The Moderator Group shall enforce the Citizendium's rules of behavior as determined by the Citizendium Council, which shall apply equally to all Citizens regardless of status or position, including Editors and those with official positions. In particular, Moderators
#shall not intervene in matters of content, and
#shall act with reasonable pragmatism and leniency, and only in those situations where a behavioral dispute is clearly covered by existing rules.
#Moderators shall have power to block citizens' access to the Citizendium.
#Any act of the Moderators may be appealed to the Citizendium Council.

==== Ill-formed names ====
==Some guiding conversations==
*<s>[,3492.msg35339.html#msg35339 Do Citizens need to complain before a constable can act?]</s>

==== Vandalism ====
*[[/Policy_decisions#Sanctioning_on_the_fora|When to sanction on the fora]]

==== Troublesome users ====
*[[/Policy_decisions#How_to_handle_unprofessional_forum_behavior|How to handle unprofessional behavior on the forum]]

=== Undoing vandalism damage ===
*[[/Policy_decisions#Email_discussions|How do we deal with alleged Email abuse?]]

=== The "constables" mailbox ===
*[[CZ:Dispute Resolution|Dispute resolution]]

=== The constables mailing list ===
*[[/Policy_decisions#Rules_apply_equally_to_everyone|Rules apply equally to everyone]]
*[[/Policy_decisions#Advertising_and_self-promotion_vs_personal_links|Advertising and self promotion vs personal links]]
====From the Management Council (superseded by Citizendium Council)====
*[[/Management_Council_decisions|How constable interpretation of the rules is applied]]
*[[/Management_Council_decisions|How to appeal a constable action]]
*[[/Management_Council_decisions#Disturbing_the_peace_and_taunting_4.2F9.2F2011|Disturbing the peace and taunting]]
== When to call a Moderator ==
Authors should understand the relative domains of authority of Editors and Moderators: Editors handle disputes about content, while Moderators handle disputes about behavior.  Moderators should not be asked to settle disputes that can be settled by a definitive answer to a content question; in that case, an Editor should be consulted.  Moderators should be called when the dispute does not turn on a content question.  For example:
*An Author is straightforwardly ignoring decisions made by an Editor.
*A contributor is acting abusively in the discussion page.
*A contributor refuses to engage in any discussion about a disputed edit.
*A contributor is ''very obviously'' ignoring project rules, for example, someone simply deletes without explanation all information about a view with which he disagrees.
*Someone claiming to be an Editor is ''very obviously'' not entitled to do so, for example, because the user page has no, nonsensical, or irrelevant links to evidence of qualification.
|colspan=2 align=center style="color:#F0F8FF; background:#3b30cf"|<big>'''Entry points'''</big>
==List of Moderators==
*[[:Category:CZ Moderators|All current Moderators]]
==Daily Procedures==
*[ All Logs for Citizendium]
*[[:Special:Log/newusers List of new members who have been approved]]
*[[:Special:RecentChanges|Monitor Recent Citizendium Changes]]
*<s>[ Monitor Recent Moderator Changes]</s>
*[[:Special:ConfirmAccounts|Check Confirm Accounts Requests]]
*[[:Category:Speedy_Deletion_Requests|Check Speedy Deletes]]
*[[:Special:Watchlist|Check your Citizendium Watchlist]]
*[[:Category:Articles_to_Approve|Check ToApprove Articles]]
==Solutions to Citizen Problems ==
*[[CZ:Wiki-converting#Completed_Articles|"I used ''The easy way'' to email in an article -- where is it?"]]
*[[CZ:Cold_Storage|"Where are the Cold Storage articles?"]]
*[[CZ:Leaving the project|User pages and Leaving the Project]]
==How to:==
*[[CZ:Approval_Process#Sysops_make_it_official_with_the_.7B.7BApproval.7D.7D_template|Approve an article - the complete process]]
*[[:Special:CheckUser|Check a user's IP address]]
==Responses to behavior issues==
*[[CZ:Professionalism#Templates_the_Constabulary_uses_and_what_they_mean|Behavior Templates]]
{| style="width:90%" colspan="3" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="4"
|<nowiki>{{nocomplaints}}</nowiki>  ||
| <nowiki>{{civil}}</nowiki>  ||
| <nowiki>{{inflammatory}}</nowiki>  ||
| <nowiki>{{Freshstart}}</nowiki> ||
| <nowiki>{{acronym}}</nowiki>  ||
*Other useful templates
{| style="width:90%" colspan="3" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="4"
|<nowiki>{{unsigned|User Name}}</nowiki> 
| <nowiki>{{UnsignedShort|User Name}}</nowiki> 
| <nowiki>{{NoRants}}</nowiki>
*[[/Procedures#Removing_a_forum_post|Remove a forum post]]
*[ Logs of all CZ users]
*[[:Special:ProtectedPages|Protected pages]]
*[[:Special:Log/renameuser|Renamed Citizens log]]
*[[:Special:SpecialPages|Special pages -- useful info and functions]]
==Citizendium Home==
*[[CZ:Home|CZ Home]]
==Governing Policy==
*[[CZ:Content_Policy|Content Policy]]
*[[CZ:Neutrality_Policy|Neutrality Policy]]
*<s>[ Neutrality Policy summation]</s>
*[[/Council decisions|Constabulary and Council decisions]]
====Constabulary policy pages====
*[[CZ:Anti-vandalism_procedures#Vandalism|Anti-Vandalism procedures]]
*[[CZ:Approval_Process|Approval Process]]
*[[CZ:Article_Deletion_Policy|Article Deletion Policy]]
*[[CZ:Professionalism#Templates_the_Constabulary_uses_and_what_they_mean|Behavior Templates and when to use them]]
*[[CZ:Moderator Blocking Procedures|Blocking Policy]]
**[[CZ:Moderator Blocking Procedures#Rapid_Response_Rules_and_Procedures|Rapid Response Rules]]
* Copyright Issues
**[[CZ:Media_Assets_Workgroup|Media Assets Workgroup]]
**[[Help:Images#Copyrights|Image Copyrights]]
**[[CZ:Fair_Use_Policy|Fair Use working policy]]
*[[CZ:Home|CZ Home links]]
*[[CZ:Leaving_the_project|Leaving the Project - User pages]]
*[[CZ:Maintainability|Maintainability: What does it mean, as opposed to Notability?]]
*[[CZ:Policy_on_Self-Promotion|Self-promotion: Policy]]
*[[CZ:Professionalism#What_behaviors_are_unprofessional.3F|Professionalism offenses]]
*[[CZ:Policy_on_Topic_Informants|Topic Informants: Policy]]
*[[:Special:ListGroupRights|User Group Rights Info: Which Citizens and Officials can do what]]
*[[CZ:Moderator Policy#Checks_on_Moderators|When not to use Moderator powers]]
*<s>[ Archives of the Constabulary]</s>
*<s>[[CZ:Technical/How_to_use_Bugzilla|How to report a bug in the system]]</s>
== A guide to Moderator procedures ==
:''Moderators, the following is the beginnings of a guide on how to do your job. Please help clarify and expand it as needed''.
<!--=== The constables mailbox and list ===
Constables require access to the '''mailbox''' to perform their duties.  To access it, request instructions from another constable. 
We would like to keep its "Inbox" emptied &mdash; have a short turnaround time for all messages, as far as possible.  Most of the sub-folders should be self-explanatory.  Do look in and read the contents of "For our reference".
Constables also need to to be subscribed to an internal-only '''list''' for constables only. As soon as you became a constable, Stephen Ewen (at present) should have subscribed you.  Contact him if not.-->
=== Responding to rude remarks, complaints, and flamebait placed on the wiki ===
'''Rude remarks''' shouldn't be tolerated; see [[CZ:Professionalism|Professionalism]]. If a paragraph of text contains personal attacks or other abusive language, Moderators should replace the whole paragraph (or a series of thus problematic paragraphs) with the <code><nowiki>{{civil}}</nowiki></code> template, which generates this message:
'''Complaints''' by contributors about other contributors &mdash; authors, editors, ''and'' Moderators &mdash; should be made to the Moderator Group.  Accordingly, such complaints are not permitted ''on the wiki''.  If a paragraph of text contains any such complaint, Moderators should replace the whole paragraph with the <code><nowiki>{{nocomplaints}}</nowiki></code> template, which generates this message:
Making repeated complaints about other users on the wiki can, after [how many?] warnings, lead to a user's at least temporary removal from the project.  Abuse is dealt with much more strictly; see [[CZ:Moderator Blocking Procedures|Moderator Blocking Procedures]] and [[CZ:We aren't Wikipedia|We aren't Wikipedia]].
'''Needlessly inflammatory remarks''' are to be deleted as well. The Moderator Group considers remarks needlessly inflammatory if any reasonable person should know that the remarks might provoke an acrimonious and unhelpful (e.g., off-topic) controversy--in other words, a pointless "flame war."  Again, if a paragraph of text contains any such remarks, constables should replace the whole paragraph with the <code><nowiki>{{inflammatory}}</nowiki></code> template, which reads:
In general, but especially for minor issues, Moderators should engage people '''privately''' (aka '''off-wiki''') when possible.  If urgency is an issue, consider leaving a note on the user's talk page to inform them of your arriving email. To email any user, regardless of whether they have enabled "E-mail this user", go to that user's user page, then go to "Block user" (actually blocking requires a second step).  Their email address will appear next to their name.
==== But which template to use? ====
# If a comment contains personal abuse, use <code><nowiki>{{civil}}</nowiki></code>.
# If a comment does not contain personal abuse, but contains complaints about another person, then use <code><nowiki>{{nocomplaints}}</nowiki></code>.
# If a comment contains neither abuse nor complaints, but is needlessly inflammatory, then use <code><nowiki>{{inflammatory}}</nowiki></code>.
In short, use exactly one of these templates as applicable in exactly this order: <code><nowiki>{{civil}}</nowiki></code>, <code><nowiki>{{nocomplaints}}</nowiki></code>, <code><nowiki>{{inflammatory}}</nowiki></code>.
=== Page deletion ===
''To draft''
For now, see [[:Category:Speedy Deletion Requests]] and [[CZ:Article Deletion Policy]].
=== Anti-vandalism procedures ===
See [[CZ:Anti-vandalism procedures|Anti-vandalism procedures]].
=== The <nowiki>{{Approved}}</nowiki> template===
See [[CZ:Approval Process|Approval Process]] with particular attention to [[CZ:Approval_Process#Sysops_make_it_official_with_the_.7B.7BApproved.7D.7D_template|this section]].
=== All other Moderator templates ===
:''Constables, you can discuss creating new templates as the need arises.''
;Professionalism Policy
**Can be used with these switches:
***|NPOV = "unbiased" or "neutral"
***|OP = original poster
***|OR = original research
***|POV = "biased"
***|BTW = by the way
;Account creation
*{{Tl|workgroup introduction}}
==Where's my account password?==
Passwords are generated and sent automatically, and then can
be reset by you.  You should be able to go to
Enter your username and press "E-mail password."  In fact,
I've just done that for you.  If you *didn't* receive this
new password, check your spam/automatically deleted e-mail folder(s).
Once you get your new password, you should be able to log in.
Try editing your user page.  If you can't do that, it is
probably because you need to confirm your e-mail address
first.  (We have to have a working e-mail address on record.)
To do that, go to "my preferences" (at the top of every
window on the wiki) and you should find a button that allows
you to generate a mail that sends a new confirmation mail to
your e-mail account.  Again, check any spam/automatically
deleted e-mail folder(s) if you don't receive this.
Welcome aboard!
==Other sysops on-wiki==
People involved with development at Citizendium may have [[CZ:Administrator|sysop]] powers but are not Moderators.  Any sysop may use their powers to counter vandalism, however.
[[Category:Moderator Group]]

Latest revision as of 17:56, 26 February 2021

Articles 5 and 9 of the current Policies document state:

The Citizendium shall prohibit behaviours that restrict the activities of the project or its members, or damage its reputation, including but not limited to unauthorised advertising ('spam'), vandalism, harassment, copyright violations, libel, slander, use of the site for purposes other than providing a free knowledge resource, criminal activity, or use of material that is considered either inappropriate for minors or illegal.
No Citizendium member shall be denied a fair, unbiased appeal process against a decision made against them on administrative, legal, or technical matters.

The above are the only binding rules on behaviour and moderation for this site. The references to the Charter below and other rules represent earlier policies that remain as guidance only.

There are currently no official Moderators; these duties are performed by the Technical Staff.

Citizendium Moderator Group
Professionalism | Moderator Blocking Procedures | Article Deletion Policy
Application Review Procedure | Moderator Policy | Help for Moderators

|width=10% align=center style="background:#F5F5F5"|  |}

Welcome to the Moderator Group!

Our Moderators are Citizendium's "community managers" They oversee adherence to basic policies, resolve behavioral — not editorial — disputes, and rein in troublemakers. Moderators also review applications and create new accounts, and can place the "approved" template into articles at the request of an Editor. They operate within a "separation of powers" and are held to a strict conflict of interest policy. For further information, see Moderator Policy.

The Moderator Charter Purview

Article 5

Citizens shall act responsibly and in a civil manner: derogatory or offensive language or behavior will not be tolerated. Citizens who interfere with another Citizen's rights as delineated by this Charter or who violate rules established by the Citizendium Council shall be subject to administrative action upon complaint of the aggrieved Citizen, the punishment of which may include, but is not limited to, suspension from the Citizendium for a period of time, or permanent expulsion. Other administrative actions may be established by the Citizendium Council.

Article 7

All Citizens shall be equal and no special privileges shall be granted except those granted in this charter to Editors and Officers.

Article 38

The Moderator Group shall enforce the Citizendium's rules of behavior as determined by the Citizendium Council, which shall apply equally to all Citizens regardless of status or position, including Editors and those with official positions. In particular, Moderators

  1. shall not intervene in matters of content, and
  2. shall act with reasonable pragmatism and leniency, and only in those situations where a behavioral dispute is clearly covered by existing rules.
  3. Moderators shall have power to block citizens' access to the Citizendium.
  4. Any act of the Moderators may be appealed to the Citizendium Council.

Some guiding conversations

From the Management Council (superseded by Citizendium Council)

When to call a Moderator

Authors should understand the relative domains of authority of Editors and Moderators: Editors handle disputes about content, while Moderators handle disputes about behavior. Moderators should not be asked to settle disputes that can be settled by a definitive answer to a content question; in that case, an Editor should be consulted. Moderators should be called when the dispute does not turn on a content question. For example:

  • An Author is straightforwardly ignoring decisions made by an Editor.
  • A contributor is acting abusively in the discussion page.
  • A contributor refuses to engage in any discussion about a disputed edit.
  • A contributor is very obviously ignoring project rules, for example, someone simply deletes without explanation all information about a view with which he disagrees.
  • Someone claiming to be an Editor is very obviously not entitled to do so, for example, because the user page has no, nonsensical, or irrelevant links to evidence of qualification.
Entry points

List of Moderators

Daily Procedures

Solutions to Citizen Problems

How to:

Responses to behavior issues

  • Other useful templates
{{unsigned|User Name}}
{{UnsignedShort|User Name}}

Citizendium Home

Governing Policy

Constabulary policy pages


A guide to Moderator procedures

Moderators, the following is the beginnings of a guide on how to do your job. Please help clarify and expand it as needed.

Responding to rude remarks, complaints, and flamebait placed on the wiki

Rude remarks shouldn't be tolerated; see Professionalism. If a paragraph of text contains personal attacks or other abusive language, Moderators should replace the whole paragraph (or a series of thus problematic paragraphs) with the {{civil}} template, which generates this message:

Text here was removed by the Constabulary on grounds of civility. (The author may replace this template with an edited version of the original remarks.)

Complaints by contributors about other contributors — authors, editors, and Moderators — should be made to the Moderator Group. Accordingly, such complaints are not permitted on the wiki. If a paragraph of text contains any such complaint, Moderators should replace the whole paragraph with the {{nocomplaints}} template, which generates this message:

A comment here was deleted by The Constabulary on grounds of making complaints about fellow Citizens. If you have a complaint about the behavior of another Citizen, e-mail It is contrary to Citizendium policy to air your complaints on the wiki. See also CZ:Professionalism.

Making repeated complaints about other users on the wiki can, after [how many?] warnings, lead to a user's at least temporary removal from the project. Abuse is dealt with much more strictly; see Moderator Blocking Procedures and We aren't Wikipedia.

Needlessly inflammatory remarks are to be deleted as well. The Moderator Group considers remarks needlessly inflammatory if any reasonable person should know that the remarks might provoke an acrimonious and unhelpful (e.g., off-topic) controversy--in other words, a pointless "flame war." Again, if a paragraph of text contains any such remarks, constables should replace the whole paragraph with the {{inflammatory}} template, which reads:

Text here was removed by the Constabulary on grounds that it is needlessly inflammatory. (The author may replace this template with an edited version of the original remarks.)

In general, but especially for minor issues, Moderators should engage people privately (aka off-wiki) when possible. If urgency is an issue, consider leaving a note on the user's talk page to inform them of your arriving email. To email any user, regardless of whether they have enabled "E-mail this user", go to that user's user page, then go to "Block user" (actually blocking requires a second step). Their email address will appear next to their name.

But which template to use?

  1. If a comment contains personal abuse, use {{civil}}.
  2. If a comment does not contain personal abuse, but contains complaints about another person, then use {{nocomplaints}}.
  3. If a comment contains neither abuse nor complaints, but is needlessly inflammatory, then use {{inflammatory}}.

In short, use exactly one of these templates as applicable in exactly this order: {{civil}}, {{nocomplaints}}, {{inflammatory}}.

Page deletion

To draft

For now, see Category:Speedy Deletion Requests and CZ:Article Deletion Policy.

Anti-vandalism procedures

See Anti-vandalism procedures.

The {{Approved}} template

See Approval Process with particular attention to this section.

All other Moderator templates

Constables, you can discuss creating new templates as the need arises.
Professionalism Policy
  • {{Acronym}}
    • Can be used with these switches:
      • |NPOV = "unbiased" or "neutral"
      • |OP = original poster
      • |OR = original research
      • |POV = "biased"
      • |BTW = by the way
Account creation

Where's my account password?

Passwords are generated and sent automatically, and then can 
be reset by you.  You should be able to go to

Enter your username and press "E-mail password."  In fact, 
I've just done that for you.  If you *didn't* receive this 
new password, check your spam/automatically deleted e-mail folder(s).

Once you get your new password, you should be able to log in. 
 Try editing your user page.  If you can't do that, it is 
probably because you need to confirm your e-mail address 
first.  (We have to have a working e-mail address on record.) 
 To do that, go to "my preferences" (at the top of every 
window on the wiki) and you should find a button that allows 
you to generate a mail that sends a new confirmation mail to 
your e-mail account.  Again, check any spam/automatically 
deleted e-mail folder(s) if you don't receive this.

Welcome aboard!

Other sysops on-wiki

People involved with development at Citizendium may have sysop powers but are not Moderators. Any sysop may use their powers to counter vandalism, however.