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  | url = }}</ref> First power estimates came from [[imagery intelligence|photographic interpretation]], followed, in 1958, by only partially successful measurements from a purpose-built electronic receiver in C-119 aircraft. These sysems were flown through Berlin aircraft corridors.
  | url = }}</ref> First power estimates came from [[imagery intelligence|photographic interpretation]], followed, in 1958, by only partially successful measurements from a purpose-built electronic receiver in C-119 aircraft. These sysems were flown through Berlin aircraft corridors.
{{reflist}}[[Category:Suggestion Bot Tag]]

Latest revision as of 12:00, 15 July 2024

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BAR LOCK is the NATO reporting name for a Soviet-designed early warning and search radar, called the Soviet P-35M and P-37 by its designers. It is with a search radar with moving target indicator, intended to be at points requiring maximum defense, as part of an integrated air defense system (IADS) and used with individual S-200 missile (NATO: SA-5 GAMMON) surface-to-air missile battalions. BAR LOCKs were key components of the Iraqi KARI IADS. [1]

They operated in the frequencies designated E/F-bands by NATO. They 150 to 350 km range. [2]

Physicially, the system has a pair of rotating antenna systems mounted on trailers, along with the control van. Each antenna is a stack of 6 truncated paraboloids; the stack gives approximate elevation angle. Where low level coverage is required, they are typically supplemented by a SIDE NET radar E-band nodding height finding radar. [1]

The BAR LOCK is significant in Western electronic intelligence, as being the target of the first serious attempt to measure radar power.[3] First power estimates came from photographic interpretation, followed, in 1958, by only partially successful measurements from a purpose-built electronic receiver in C-119 aircraft. These sysems were flown through Berlin aircraft corridors.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Kopp, Carlo, "Desert Storm - The Electronic Battle, Part I", Australian Airpower
  2. "P-35/37 / BAR LOCK",
  3. Central Intelligence Agency, Power Measurements 1957-1967, Quality ELINT