Zero-point energy/Bibliography

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A list of key readings about Zero-point energy.
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  • Beiser, Arthur (1967). Concepts of Modern Physics. McGraw-Hill. 
  • Albert Einstein and L. Hopf (1910). "On a theorem of the probability calculus and its application to the theory of radiation". Ann. Phys. 33: 1096–1104.
  • Albert Einstein and L. Hopf (1910). "Statistical investigation of a resonator’ s motion in a radiation field". Ann. Phys. 33: 1105–1115.
  • Albert Einstein and Otto Stern, (1913). "—". Ann. Phys. 40: 551.
  • Loudon, R. (September 2000). The Quantum Theory of Light, Third Edition. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN 0-19-850176-5. 
  • Milonni, Peter W. (1994). The Quantum Vacuum: an Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics. New York: Academic. ISBN 0-12-498080-5. 
  • Nernst, W. (1916). "—". Verh. Deutsch Phys. Ges. 18: 83.
  • Sciama, D. W. (1991). Simon Saunders and Henry R. Brown, eds: The Philosophy of Vacuum. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN 0-19-824449-5.