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A list of key readings about Water.
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  • Gleick, Peter H. (2008) The World's Water 2008-2009: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources. Examines the key issues surrounding freshwater resources and their use....identifies and explains the most significant trends worldwide....chapters on: water and climate change; water in China; status of the Millennium Development Goals for water; peak water; efficient urban water use; business reporting on water....an updated chronology of global conflicts associated with water....brief reviews of issues regarding desalination, the Salton Sea, and the Three Gorges Dam.

Journal articles

  • Kauffman JM. (2004) Water in the Atmosphere. 'J. Chem. Educ'. 81(8):1229-1230. | Includes discussion with references of the concentration variations of water in the atmosphere, and referenced discussion water in the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas.