User:Vik Kanwar

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

International Lawyer. Born in Nigeria, grew up and educated in Florida, Boston, and New York. Currently (2006-07) teaching at Loyola New Orleans College of Law. J.S.D. candidate at NYU School of Law. Former fellow at the Center on International Cooperation and Center for Constitutional Rights. Completing a dissertation entitled "The Politics of Necessity: The Constitutional and International Sources of Emergency Governance." Recent publications include "Giorgio Agamben, State of Exception" (I-CON: International Journal of Constitutional Law 2006), "International Emergency Governance: Fragments of a Driverless System" (Critical Sense: A Journal of Political and Cultural Theory, Berkeley 2004, Special Issue on States of Emergency), and "Capital Punishment as Closure: The Limits of a Victim-Centered Jurisprudence" (NYU Review of Law and Social Change, 2001-02). Contributor to Global Law Books Project and the Opinio Juris on-line symposium (2007).