User:Tomas Cespedes/Sandbox/Test article

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

Research Methodologies Approaches There is this book I read that really changes my drive in the way research is been done. During our college or masters degrees we follow a research methodology that was based on quantitative data and many definitions. I found that there are really three research methodologies approaches that can be used to create knowledge. Each of them has basic steps that need to be following to organize the research. First there is our worldviews. This is: what is the belief, assumptions and perfections of life that I have. Second the need to see the other people worldviews in the study area that I will research, this sharing of worldviews is called cultures. Third I need to select which methodological approach to use. An explanation of research methodologies approaches are:

Analytical approach is the one that probably you and I are familiarized during your studies because is the classical approach to conduct research in which the data is quantify and is based on evidence with conclusive results. There is objectivity on the results and reality is based on evidence.

Systems approach is more like an experiment in which there is a group of not related data the researchers try to relate. There is more use of qualitative data than quantitative. The systems are related to each other.

Actors approach is based on the researchers conclusions based on the participants data and knowledge, it is something that not necessary quantitative data that can provide. Is more subjective that objective. Reality comes from the mind of the participant’s possible facts and opinions.

There are tools for doing the research called methods that also needs to be considered here.