User:Russell D. Jones/Resolutions Sandbox

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User:Russell D. Jones/Resolutions Sandbox 2

The resolution

Whereas, it has been proposed that the Citizendium adopt a disambiguation method for the mechanics of disambiguation, therefore be it

Resolved, That the Editorial Council adopts the following content policy "CZ:Proposals/Disambiguation mechanics (resolution),"

Method of execution

  1. There will be no need to do a CZ-wide "disambiguation check."
  2. It will be expected that new disambiguation pages follow the new policy.
  3. As citizens come across disambiguation pages following the previous method those pages should be updated and revised according to the adopted policy.
  4. The CZ:Disambiguation page be updated with the adopted instructions and protected.
  5. The {{dambigbox}} template shall have a category dambiginpage which will tag all partial disambiguation pages.



Current status



Before it is added to the Agenda, these sponsors, but only these sponsors, may edit the text of the resolution. After it is added to the Agenda, it cannot be edited by anyone except via the amendment process.

Resolution history

  • Proposed: May 13, 2008
  • Entered queue:
  • Entered initial discussion:
  • Entered public discussion:
  • Entered voting on resolution:
  • Close of voting on resolution: