User:Rozann Whitaker

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She is currently the Executive Director of the Creative Decisions Foundation, a charitable organization that p ro motes the cause of rational decision-making, founded by Rozann and her husband, Thomas L. Saaty, in 1996. The Foundation carries out such activities as being one of the sponsors of the bi-annual meetings of the International Society of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (ISAHP). The Foundation also funds research and development into software using advanced decision making techniques, and pursues other activities to increase awareness of rational decision making methods. She owns the company RWS Publication that publishes books on decision-making using the Analytic Hierarchy P ro cess (AHP) and the Analytic Network P ro cess (ANP). Ms. Whitaker holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in mathematics (under the name Rozann Waldron) from the New Mexico Institute of Technology.

She worked as a mathematician at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico on the early manned satellite programs. Following that she worked for Booz Allen Applied Research on projects for NASA and on applied Operations Research tasks such as war-gaming, and she also worked as an analyst for North American Rockwell on some military simulations for the U.S. government.

Most recently she has directed the development of the software SuperDecisions for decision making with dependence and feedback with the Analytic Network Process (ANP). Rozann also initiated and supported the development of handheld radio frequency voting keypads to support group decision making.

She played a significant role in organizing the eighth International Symposium on the AHP chaired by Jason Levy of the U. of Hawaii, in Honolulu, Hawaii, July 8-10, 2005; served as the editor of its P ro ceedings, and also edited two special issues of journals that included papers presented at that meeting : The Journal of Social Systems Science Engineering, (June 2006), and the Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modeling (currently online August 2007, printed version forthcoming).

She has taught seminars on decision-making for such organizations as the Alaska Fish and Game Department, the Kuwait Council of Ministers, and the University of Pittsburgh 's Executive Programs. She has participated in satellite TV seminars on decision-making sponsored by the University of Maryland Instructional Television Program. She has also taught in classes at the Joseph P. Katz Graduate School of Business of the University of Pittsburgh and at the Katz school’s associated MBA programs in the Czech Republic and Brazil .


Ed. with Luis Vargas, The Journal of Computer and Mathematical Modelling, special issue on the AHP, online as of August 2007, soon to appear in print.

Ed. The Journal of Social Systems Sciences in Engineering, special issue on AHP, June, 2006.

Ed., with Luis Vargas, The Journal of Mathematical Modeling, special issue on AHP, to appear.

Author of The SuperDecisions Software Manuals and Tutorials, in several versions, f ro m 1996-2007.

Whitaker, R.W., 2004, Validation Examples for the Analytic Hierarchy P ro cess and the Analytic Network P ro cess, P ro ceedings, MCDM meeting, 2004.

Whitaker, R.W., co-author with Thomas L. Saaty, Andrew Blair and Robert Nachtmann, of “Predicting the Turnaround of the US Economy”, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences Journal, July, 2002.

Whitaker, R.W., Editor, with Luis Vargas, of the special issue, Decision Making by the Analytic Hierarchy Process : Theory and Applications, of the Eu ro pean Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 48, No. 1, Sept. 5, 1990.

Whitaker, R., Editor, with Luis Vargas, of the special issue, The Analytic Hierarchy P ro cess : Theoretical Developments and Some Applications; Mathematical Modeling, An International Journal, Vol. 9, No. 3-5, 1987.

Whitaker, R., "The Analytic Hierarchy P ro cess - What it is and how it is used"; Mathematical Modeling, An International Journal, Vol. 9, No. 3-5, pp. 161-176, 1987.

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