User:Ron Fontaine

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

I was born in 1961 and raised in the White Mountains of Northern New Hampshire in the USA, right next to Mount Washington - site of the worlds worst weather.

Having spent my life hiking, backpacking, hunting, fishing and trapping in this rugged rural land I am a hands on expert in outdoor survival in all weather from summer heat to -40F in the depth of winter.

My website, covers all aspects of wilderness survival skills and has been referenced as an authority on a number of websites.

I have earned degrees in Land Surveying, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and studied computer programming and applications from the University of New Hampshire.

I have worked for the US Forest Service on trail crews, timber stand improvements, and wildlife studies. I worked for a number of years as a land surveyor, including surveys of the Appalachian Trail system in remote areas of northwestern Maine requiring extended trips to remote camps far from civilization. I was the webmaster for a large Vermont newspaper for six years before striking off on my own to found