Air Quality Monitoring Station |

Coal mining methods

RIVM headquarters building |

NAAQS nonattainment areas

Poor air quality over Los Angeles |

Petrochemical feedstock sources

Reliance Industries refinery in Jamnagar Gujarat, India

Petrochemical plant in Gelsenkirchen, Germany |

Schematic flow diagram of typical hydrocracker

Absorber in a large flue gas desulfurization unit |

Hydrocracking unit as used in petroleum refineries

Three hydrocracker configurations. |

Diagram of a positive azeotrope

Diagram of a negative azeotrope |

Diagram depicting how ion exchange resins work.

Schematic diagram of a mixed-bed condensate polisher. |

View of Earth from space at an altitude of 335 km
 Structure of the Earth's atmosphere |

Temperature versus altitude within the Earth's atmosphere

Various atmospheric lapse rates |

The chemical structure of natural zeolites

Molecular structure model of zeolites |

Electron microscopy photo of zeolite cells

Heats of Vaporization vs. Temperature |

Worldwide natural gas production data for 2007

A drilling rig in Montana |

An LNG tanker with 5 spherical LNG tanks

A natural gas pipeling odorant injection station |

Jonah Natural gas field in Wyoming's Green River Valley]]

Three basic forms of crude oil traps in petroleum geology |

The Lucas Gusher oil well in Spindletop, Texas.

Depiction of steam injection for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) |

An offshore drilling platform

An offshore drilling platform |

An offshore drilling island

An oil well pump |

An oil well pump

A sample of crude oil |

Boiler Avenue in Spindletop, Texas at the height of the The Texas oil boom

Refinery in Haifa, Israel |

Sadi Carnot, the "father of thermodynamics"

Representation of a thermodynamic system. |

Three dimensional snapshots in time of rubidium atoms being condensed into Bose-Einstein Condensate at less than 170 billionths of a degree above absolute zero

Carnot heat engine |

Josiah Willard gibbs

RVP apparatus for gasolines and other petroleum products having a vapor pressure of less than atmopsheric pressure |

Mollier H-S Diagram for Water-Steam

The Nesjavellir Geothermal Power Plant in Iceland |

Diagram of Steam to Electric Power Plant

T-S Diagram of Rankine Cycle for Steam to Electric Power |

T-H Diagram for converting water into superheated steam

HRSG for a Combined Cycle Power Plant |

HSRGs for a Gas Turbine power plant and a Combined Cyle power plant

Layout diagram of a Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HSRG) |

Power plant steam generator configurations

Fire-tube boiler |

Power plant of the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), in Yokohama , Japan, fueled with liquified natural gas (LNG)

'B&W Longitudinal Drum, Water-Tube Boiler of early 1900s |

'Stirling Water-Tube Boiler of early 1900s

Nuclear power plant steam generation |

Schematic flow diagram of SEGS solar power plant in Mojave Desert

Parabolic trough mirrors used in SEGS power plant |

Fields of parabolic trough mirrors in SEGS power plant in Mojave Desert

Kettle-type heat exchanger used as a steam generator |

Two oil and gas-fired supercritical steam to electric power units at power plant in Moss Landing, California
BR> A typical gravimetric API separator |

A typical parallel plate separator

Anacortes Refinery in Anacortes, Washington |

Warren Kendall Lewis

A parallel plate DAF unit (dissolved air flotation) for removing oil from wastewater |

A surface-aerated basin for biological oxidation of wastewaters

Cross-sectional diagram of a crude oil desalter |

An API gravity hydrometer

A specific gravity hydrometer |

Logo of ASTM International (ASTM)

Logo of International Organization for Standards (ISO) |

Logo of American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

Diagram of the pH scale |

Logo of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry