User:Mihai Valentin Vladimirescu
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Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Craiova
PhD Lecturer – Historical-Biblical Department
Faculty of History, The Center of Studies and Research of the History, Culture
and Civilization of the Jews from South-Eastern Europe; Modern Hebrew
I. Member of:
- The Professorial Council of the Faculty of Theology of Craiova
- Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, USA
- American Academy of Religion, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
- European Association of Biblical Studies, Götingen, Germany
- European Distance and E-learning Network, Budapest, Hungary
- Institute of Religion and Democracy, USA
- The Association of Young Romanian Academics, Timişoara
- The Romanian Association of Religious Studies, Rome, Italy
- The Association of the University of Craiova Graduates
- The Cultural Association of Friendship Romania-Israel
II. Correspondent Editor at Theological Studies, the review of the Faculties of Orthodox Theology of the Romanian Patriarchate. Editor at the review Oltenia’s Metropolitan Church. Editor at the review Oltenia’s Archives
III. International Relations Chairman of the Faculty of Theology
IV. Doctor of Theology with the thesis entitled The Importance of Middle East Archeological Discoveries in the Last 30 Years (1970-2000) for the Study of the Old Testament, defended at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology “Dumitru Stăniloae”, A.I. Cuza Univesity of Iaşi
V. Published books: 1. A history of the Hebrew Bible, Polirom Publishing House, Iaşi, 2006, ISBN 973-46-0407-4, 234 pages
2. The importance of the archaeological discoveries from Israel, between 1970-2000, for the Old Testament studies, Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova, 2006, 224 pages, ISBN 973-742-273-2
3. God’s names in the Old Testament, Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova, 2006, 280 pages, ISBN 973-742-436-0
4. The importance of the archaeological discoveries from Middle East, between 1970-2000, for the Old Testament studies, Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova, 2007, 168 pages, ISBN 973-742-563-4
5. History of the New Testament Canon, Universitaria Publishing House, 2007, 230 pages
VI. Translations:
- I translated from French the book The Spiritual Direction in the Orient of Former Times, by Irenee Hausherr, published by Deisis Publishing House, Sibiu, 1999.
- I translated from French the book Origen’s Prayer, published by Herald Publishing House, Bucharest, 1999.
- I translated from French the book Penthos. The Doctrine of Repent in Christian Orient, by Irenee Hausherr, published by Deisis Publishing House, Sibiu, 2000.
- I translated from French the book: La Bible Grecque des Septante, by Marguerite Harl, Gille Dorival et Olivier Munich, Herald Publishing House, Bucharest, 2007
VII. Studies abroad:
- June 30th – July 31st 1998: I followed the Courses of Greek Language and Civilization Summer School at Aegean University of Rhodes Island (Greece). At the final examination, I obtained the mark “exceptional”.
- August 1-31st 1999: I followed the Greek Language and Civilization Summer School of the University of Patras (Greece). At the final examination, I obtained the average grade 10.00.
- During the 2000-2001 academic year, I followed the post-graduate courses at the department “Bible and Its History”, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel); a scholarship offered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel.
- January 12th – February 26th 2002: I followed the Ulpan Horef courses of Judaic language and civilization, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
- September 1-30th 2002: scholarship at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
June 15th – July 15th 2003: scholarship at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
- October 15th 2004 – July 15th 2005: post-doctoral studies at the Department of Biblical Studies of the Faculty of Theology, the Catholic University Misericorde, Fribourg, Switzerland; a scholarship of the Swiss Confederation.
VIII. Participations in scientific events:
- “VII International Consultation of Orthodox Theological Schools”, St. Petersburg Theological Academy, Russia, the 20-26th of January, 1999.
- “The Crisis of Contemporary Judaism, International Conference – Noah’s Ark; Jewish-German Concepts of Culture”, the 14-16th of November 2000, Jerusalem.
- “L’étimologie du mot judeen, Culture is a Stranger in Language, the 4-7th of December 2000, Tel-Aviv.
- “Young People from Craiova in the Holy Land”, the 5th of May 2002, an event organized by the Center of Studies and Research of the History, Culture and Civilization of the Jews from South-Eastern Europe; I presented the paper entitled: “The Book Temple from Jerusalem”.
- “Combating Terrorism. An Interreligious Summit.”, the 23rd-25th of July 2003, - The Catholic University of Leuvain, Belgium, where I presented the conference entitled: “L’actualité sotériologique des épïtres de Pierre” (“The Soteriological Actuality of Saint Peter’s Epistles”).
- Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology 2004. February 20-22, 2004, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, where I presented the conference entitled: “The Future of Biblical Archeology”.
- Translating with Computer-Assisted Technology. Changes in Research, Teaching, Practice and Evaluation. The Bible in the Age of Technology. University of Rome ”La Sapienza”, 14-16 April 2004.
- Tradizioni religiose e istituzioni giuridiche del popolo sardo: Il culto di San Costantino Imperatore tra Oriente ed Occidente, VII Seminario Internazionale di studi, Sedilo-Orsitano-Sassari, the Department of Juridical Sciences, University of Sassari, the Island of Sardinia, Italy, 5-7 July 2004, where I presented the conference entitled: “Saint Constantin le Grand dans la spiritualité du peuple roumain” (“Saint Constantine the Great in the Spirituality of the Romanian People”).
- European Association of Biblical Studies, Annual Meeting, 8-13 August 2005, Dresden, Germany.
- Interconfessional Symposium: “The Bible – the Foundation of Christian Unity”, the 19th of October 2005, University of Craiova. I presented the paper: “The Origins of the Biblical Hebrew Text”.
- The Colloquium “The Cult of Images” (“Le culte des images”), University of Geneva, 13-14 November 2005.
- “Quality Assessment in Institutions of Higher Education in Europe: Problems, Practices and Solutions”, University of Pavia, Italy, Thursday 23 - Saturday 25 March, 2006.
- The International Assembly “The University and French-Speaking Communities: Innovation, Mobility” (“Université et Francophonie: innovation, mobilité”), Iaşi, Romania.
- “Second Consultation of the Theological Faculties in Europe”, Graz, Austria, 6-9 July 2006, organized by the Conference of European Churches (CEC), in cooperation with the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the University Karl-Franzens of Graz, having as a main theme: “The Challenges of Theology in a Pluralistic Europe”.
- “Conference of Orthodox Religious Education”, 28 July – 2 August, Valamo Lay Academy, Finland.
- “World’s Religions after September 11. Could Religion Be a Force for Good? Global Congress”, Montreal, Canada, 11-15 September 2006, where I presented the conference “Promotion of Interreligious Dialogue”.
- Ultimate purposes of theological and scientific understandings as explored in cosmology, creation, eschatology, International Conference with the support of the John Templeton Foundation, 8 to 12 November 2006, Moscow, Russia
- Integrating spirituality and organizational leadership, Faculty of Management Studies - New Delhi University and USA School of Global Leadership and Entrepreneurship, New Delhi, India, 8-10 February 2007
- International conference „Religion on the Borders”, Stockholm University, Suedia, April 19–22, 2007, where I presented the paper “The future of theological studies in Europe”
- International Meeting of Society of Biblical Literature, University of Vienna, 22-28 July 2007
- Plurality and Representation. Religion in Education, Culture and Society, Joint conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR) and the Deutsche Vereinigung für Religionswissenschaft (DVRW, September 23-27, 2007 at the University of Bremen
- French (reading, writing, speaking) – fluent
- English (reading, writing, speaking) – fluent
- Modern Hebrew (reading, writing, speaking) – fluent
- Greek (reading, writing, speaking) – conversational
- Italian – reading knowledge
Languages of study:
- Ancient Greek – excellent
- Latin – excellent
- Biblical Hebrew – excellent
X. Awards
Award for biblical archaeology, International Bookfest, 15-20 September 2006, Universitatea Ovidius, Constanţa
Award of International Academy „Mihai Eminescu”, 2006, for theological researches
Jubilee Certificate on 2006 EDEN Network of Academics and Professionals, Budapest