User:Kate Fultz Hollis

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

University of California, Los Angeles Senior Researcher, 1994-Present Create strategies for major gift prospecting in $3 billion capital campaign. Identify and qualify prospective individual, corporate and foundation donors with emphasis on the needs and priorities of all health sciences schools. With front line fund raiser provide information and advice to medical faculty on cultivating donors. Evaluate data to increase giving in cancer center. Consult closely with staff on new screening of prospects for small health sciences units. Work with corporate and foundation relations on strategic placement of foundations for basic medical sciences and the cancer center. Train new staff about fund raising and research for UCLA.

Development Services, Los Angeles Owner, 1993-1995 Identified, researched and analyzed donors for non-profit organizations and universities. Recommended appropriate donors and donor research for capital campaigns. Wrote proposals for foreign donors to American institutions. Expert on international prospect research for fund raising. Clients included USC Keck School of Medicine, Scripps College, Brown University, and Fuller Theological Institute.

RAND, Santa Monica Research Manager, 1992-1993 Strengthened and expanded resources for new development office library for leading public policy, non-profit research institution, the RAND Corporation. Introduced new reports for evaluating potential donors to public policy/health policy research. Trained staff on researching foundation funding for health policy program.

Harvard Medical School, Boston Research Analyst, 1986-1992 Researched corporate, foundation and individual donors for capital campaign that raised $192 million. Trained new research staff. Implemented and refined program for research on international prospects, with primary emphasis on Japan. Produced briefs on major prospects for Dean of the Medical School. Planned, edited and wrote Campaign Newsletter. Assigned stories and produced publication for volunteers, faculty, and fundraisers. Organized written materials for special events and directed function registration.

Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston Research and Grant Assistant, 1984-1986 Coordinated experiments and created readable and accurate summaries of lab work for grant applications. Improved interaction between academic researchers, hospital and support personnel. Compiled data for publications.

University of Chicago, Chicago Faculty Assistant, 1981-1983 Wrote abstracts and provided necessary materials to meet grant deadlines for nuclear medicine library. Drafted posters and designed slides for national meetings. Edited research manuscripts. Wrote computer programs for data analysis.


Master of Science (MS) University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. 2004 Information Science and Medical Informatics specialty. Elected Beta Phi Mu. Masters Thesis: The Unified Medicine Language System from the National Library of Medicine: A Review of Practical Uses for a Biomedical Information Access System. (May 1, 2004)

Certificate of Special Study (CSS) Harvard University Extension. 1989 Certificate in Management with emphasis on non-profit management. Course work included Financial Control and Management of Non-Profits, Oral and Written Communications, and Managerial Statistics.

Bachelor of Arts (AB) University of Chicago. 1982 English Languages and Literature. Honors thesis on 18th century literature. Dean’s List.


• Experienced public speaker at national and international development meetings. • Published writer in professional journals (bibliography available). • Twenty years experience searching online databases. • Design and manage websites. • As Treasurer, managed $500,000 budget for Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement (APRA). Recruited and managed volunteer committees for APRA. Author and speaker on ethical issues in the profession. • President, University of Chicago Alumni Club of Los Angeles. Increased faculty speaker program attendance 200 per cent in five years. Manage alumni programs for Los Angeles; recruit and supervise volunteers and paid staff. Created and analyzed statistical surveys of alumni. Winner, 2003 Alumni Service Award, University of Chicago.

MEMBERSHIPS Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement (Former Treasurer and Board Member), Council for Advancement and Support of Education, Professional Member