User:Gary Davis
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
Gary Davis. I have an actual, earned doctorate in CROSS CULTURAL COMMUNICATION. But moreso, I am someone who practices the use of synectics to amalgamate the fields of paradigm shift studies with cultural histories, personality development, communication (duh), values and faith. For the past 22 years I have served as president of NEEDinc, an international communication corporation.
People are different (thank God). My wife says I am unique; she oft adds that the world is not ready for two of me. I have found, in my 62 years of life, that graciousness, openness to other points of view, and wise perspectives take time and temperance. It is so true…, if you believe you have all the answers you really don’t understand that you are missing some of the questions.