User:Franz-Xaver Neubert
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
1. Education
2006- presence Student of “Cultural Studies”, B.A. (philosophy, sociology, science of history, literature, psychology) University Hagen 2004-presence Student of human medicine (8th semester) Technical University Dresden, Medical Faculty „Carl Gustav Carus“ September 2006: Certification of First State Examination (preliminary medical examination) 2004-presence Member of the “German National Merit Foundation” (“The German National Merit Foundation is an institution supported largely by the German government that grants competitive scholarships to approximately ¼ percent of the German university student population.”) February 2008 “Seminar for Didactics and Tutors Education” of the Harvard-Dresden Medical Education Alliance August 2007 Summer college in Salem/Lake Constance (Bodensee) Professor Ulrich Schweiger and Dr. Valerija Sipos: „Psychotherapy Today“ July 2007 Clinical Traineeship in child and adolescent psychiatry Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, university hospital Dresden May 2006 Workshop “Medical Ethics” University Ulm Germany August 2005 Clinical Traineeship in psychiatry Clinic for Psychiatry, City-Hospital Dresden-Neustadt 2003- 2004 Civilian Service in the nursing home “Marienstift”, Munich 1994-2003 Scholar of the “Kreuzschule” Dresden (School of the Holy Cross) Vocalist in the “Dresdner Kreuzchor” (Dresden Cross Choir). Member of the boarding school. Concert tours to Japan, the USA, South America, France, Estonia, Spain etc. Several CD- recordings. Piano lessons, voice training, music history, music theory. September 2003: A-levels (main courses: maths, literature, music) July 2000 Practical course in the “Institute for the history of Medicine” Technical University Dresden, Medical Faculty „Carl Gustav Carus“ Feb. and July 1999 Practical course in the City Hospital Freiberg, Saxony 1991-1994 Primary school „Bernhard Kellermann“ Freiberg, Saxony
2. Personal Skills and Competences
2007-presence Member of the Student Representatives, Member of the Studies Commission 2006-presence Tutor in different medical courses (general histology, microscopic anatomy, macroscopic anatomy, introduction to clinical medicine, skills lab, medical ethics) 2005-presence Member of the working group Medical Ethics Dresden 2005-presence Editorial journalist of the journal for medical students “reflex” December 2007: “best medical student journal in Germany, Switzerland and Austria” (Thieme-Via medici-competition) 2004-2006 Vocalist in the “Körnerscher Singverein” Dresden 2005 Middle-Saxon Literary Award 2004-2005 Member of the Anamnesis Groups 2003-2004 Vocalist in the Munich Philharmonic Choir
3. Languages Feb.-March 2008 Language course Spanish in Barcelona, Spain German, English, Spanish, Latin