User:Bill Wilson
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
Career includes: Hagerstown (MD) Morning Herald --Reporter/Photographer; Bucks County (PA) Courier Times --Reporter/Photographer, Wire Editor and City Editor ;Iron Age Magazine (NYC)--Bureau Chief and associate editor; Gloucester County (NJ) Times -- Sunday Editor; The Woods Schools -- PR Director; Conrail Public Affairs -- Sr. Media Rep.; West Jersey Health System -- PR Director; Pennsylvania & House and Senate --legislative staff; (Rep. Tony Melio and Sen. H. Craig Lewis) and Commonwealth of PA -- Legislative Liaison in Casey Administration
Served in political campaigns – national, state and local, from press secretary to campaign poll worked. Held county party office and elected political office – committeeperson. Worked for both major parties. Currently a registered Democrat.
Member of Swarthmore Monthly Meeting (Religious Society of Friends)
Served as Public Information Office, EPA, American Radio Relay League.
Active firefighter
Married, one child, two grandchildren. Travelled to 26 countries, speak some French and Spanish. Hold general Class amateur Radio license. Garden and pond keeping. Also enjoy food – French and Mexican – and married to a foodie. Own two dogs and a cat.