User:Abit Hoxha
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
I hold an MA in journalism from the Kosovo Institute of Journalism and Communication-Kosovo while my graduate studies consist on BA in POlitical Science and Public Administration from the Prishtina University-Kosovo. For the time being I am interested in issues like Politics, Economy, Sociology, POlitical Science, Communication, Journalism, Collective memory, Images and Memory, Conflict resolution, etc. I have written some academic papers on Identities, Gender, Media, etc. I also worked in some interestinng investigative journalistic pieces and currently I am monitoring media in Kosovo and also working for a Danish NGO that deals with humanitarian affairs. I regularly maintain my blogspot where I express about different issues in English and Albanian.