Talk:Early Quaker History

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 Definition Quaker history 1647 - 1658 [d] [e]
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 Workgroup categories History and Religion [Editors asked to check categories]
 Talk Archive none  English language variant British English

In 2013, I reorganised CZ's material on Quaker history into the three articles we have at the moment: Early Quaker History, History of Quakers in Britain and Ireland, and History of Quakers in the Americas. Unfortunately this has the effect of making it appear that I wrote nearly all of what is in them. This is not the case. Some idea of the contributions made by others can be seen by looking at the revision history of the article on Quakers, from which the starting material was extracted. --Martin Wyatt (talk) 14:10, 21 August 2018 (UTC)

I think such notices should be placed in the articles themselves. Cf. History of the House of Lords#Notes. Peter Jackson (talk) 10:37, 23 August 2018 (UTC)