Statue of Liberty/Bibliography

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A list of key readings about Statue of Liberty.
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  • Kostler, Neil G., ed (1994). The Statue of Liberty Revisited: Making a Universal Symbol. Smithsonian Institution Press. 
  • Moreno, Barry (2004). The Statue Of Liberty. Arcadia Publishing. ISBN 073853689X. 
  • Trachtenberg, Marvin (1986). The Statue of Liberty. Penguin Publishing. ISBN 0140084932. 
  • Sutherland, Cara A. (2004). The Statue of Liberty: The Museum of the City of New York. Barnes & Noble Publishing. ISBN 0760738904. 
  • "History of The Statue of Liberty." Welcome to the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation. National Park Service, n.d. Web. 13 May 2010.
  • Fisher, Leonard . The Statue of Liberty. New York, New York: Holiday House/New York, 1985. Print.