Solid harmonics/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Solid harmonics.
See also changes related to Solid harmonics, or pages that link to Solid harmonics or to this page or whose text contains "Solid harmonics".

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  • Angular momentum (quantum) [r]: A vector operator of which the three components have well-defined commutation relations. [e]
  • Clebsch-Gordan coefficients [r]: appear in total angular momentum eigenstates when written in terms of angular momentum states of subsystems. [e]
  • Gaussian type orbitals [r]: Functions used as atomic orbitals in the LCAO method for the computation of electron orbitals in molecules. [e]
  • Hydrogen-like atom [r]: An atom, excluding hydrogen itself, with only one electron, having charge +(Z-1), where Z = atomic number. [e]
  • Laplace expansion (potential) [r]: An expansion by means of which the determinant of a matrix may be computed in terms of the determinants of all possible smaller square matrices contained in the original. [e]
  • Multipole expansion (interaction) [r]: A mathematical series representing a function that depends on angles, and frequently used in the study of electromagnetic, and gravitational fields, where the fields at distant points are given in terms of sources in a small region. [e]
  • Multipole expansion of electric field [r]: an expansion in terms of powers of 1/R of an electric potential outside a charge distribution; R is the distance of a point outside to a point inside the charge distribution. [e]
  • Slater orbital [r]: Functions used as atomic orbitals in the linear combination of atomic orbitals molecular orbital method. [e]
  • Spherical harmonics [r]: A series of harmonic basis functions that can be used to describe the boundary of objects with spherical topology. [e]