
Right Web is a website that "that monitors organizations and individuals -- both in and out of government" involved in what it terms "militarist U.S. foreign and defense policies, with a special focus on the “war on terror” and the Middle East."[1] It does not rigorously define "militarist", but appears to be nonpartisan and thorough through its ideological prism.
It was founded by the International Relations Center (IRC) in 2003, as anrevival of an earlier IRC program called GroupWatch (1985-1991), which profiled more than 125 private, quasi-governmental, and religious organizations that were closely associated with the implementation of U.S. foreign policy in the 1980s, especially in Central America. Political Research Associates (PRA) [2], which describes itself as a "progressive think tank", took over Right Web in 2008 after IRC ceased operations.
Michael Flynn is the project manager and Becca Wilson is the editor; both work forPRA.