Master Chief Petty Officer of the United States Coast Guard

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The Master Chief Petty Officer of the United States Coast Guard is the United States Coast Guard's most senior non-commissioned officer.[1][2] All the United States military services recognize their most senior non-commission officer. The individuals appointed to these positions are routinely consulted on policy matters of the highest importance. They often go on to post government careers at firms with ties to the military, where their military experience is of value.[3][4]


  1. Charles W. Bowen: 2006–2010, United States Coast Guard, 2012-01-26. “Master Chief Charles W. "Skip" Bowen was the tenth Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard.”
  2. Master Chief Jason M. Vanderhaden Command Master Chief Deputy Commandant for Missions Support (DCMS). U.S. Coast Guard. Template:PD-notice
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 Bollinger Announces Appointment of FRC Program Manager – Thursday, April 14, 2011, Bollinger Shipyards, 2011-04-14. Retrieved on 2013-02-01. “Lockport, La…., Bollinger Shipyards, Inc. announces the appointment of Charles "Skip" Bowen as Program Manager for the FRC "Sentinel” Class Patrol Boat building program at Bollinger’s Lockport facility.”
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 The Christening and Launch of U.S. Coast Guard Offshore Patrol Cutter ARGUS (video), Eastern Shipbuilding Group, October 27, 2023. Retrieved on 2023-11-08.