Ludwig Fulda

Ludwig Anton Salomon Fulda (Frankfurt am Main, 15 July, 1862 – Berlin, 30 March, 1939) was a German poet, playwright and translator.
Fulda studied German literature at Heidelberg, Berlin, and Leipzig universities, obtaining his doctorate in Heidelberg (1883) for a thesis on Christian Weise. He began writing plays in his twenties. He lived mainly in Berlin, and in 1928 became deputy president of the Sektion für Dichtung (literature section) of the Preußischen Akademie der Künste (Prussian Academy of Arts). Fulda, who was of Jewish descent, took his own life in 1939 at the age of seventy-six, after he had heard that he would not get a residence permit for the USA where his son lived. Fulda was one of the main composers of the Manifesto of the 93.