Jon Van Til/Bibliography

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A current Google Scholar search of Jon Van Til's publications can be found here.
His twelve books include Van Til, Jon (2008). Breaching Derry's Walls. Growing Civil Society (2008, 2000), Mapping the Third Sector: Voluntarism in a Changing Social Economy; (1988), and Living With Energy Shortfall (1982).
Edited books
The Hungarian Patient co-edited with Peter Krasztev. Budapest and New York: Central European University Press. 2015.
Tarka Ellenallas. (The Colors Revolution), co-edited with Peter Krasztev. Budapest: Napvilag Kiadonal, 2013.
Resolving Community Conflicts and Problems: Public Deliberation and Sustained Dialogue. Columbia University Press, 2011 (co-edited with Roger A. Lohmann).
Gabor Hegyesi ’60—A Festschrift (co-edited with Andras Kelen). Budapest College of Management Press, 2008
Nonprofit Boards of Directors. co-edited with Robert Herman (Transaction Press, 1988)
Shifting the Debate: Public/Private Sector Relations in the Modern Welfare State. co-edited with Susan Ostrander and Stuart Langton (Transaction Press, 1987)
Leaders and Followers: Challenges for the Future., co-edited with Trudy Heller and Louis Zurcher (JAI Press, 1986.)
International Perspectives on Voluntary Action Research, co-edited with David Horton Smith. (University Press of America, 1982).
Encyclopedia and major handbook articles
“Grassroots Social Movements and the Shaping of History”, with Gabor Hegyesi and Jennifer Eschweiler. Ch. 23 in Ram Cnaan and Carl Milofsky, eds., Handbook of Community Movements and Local Organizations. New York: Springer. pp. 362–377. 2006.
"Civil Society", with Timothy Peterson. In Philanthropy in America: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia, Dwight F. Burlingame, Editor. ABC-Clio. 2004.
"Utopian Thought in Philanthropy." In Philanthropy in America: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia, Dwight F. Burlingame, Editor. ABC-Clio.
"Nonprofit Organizations and Social Institutions." Ch. 2 in Robert Herman, ed., The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management. second edition (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass). pp. 39–62.2002
"Voluntary Associations", with Arthur P. Williamson. In International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier Science Ltd. 2001
“Change Leadership or Change Management?” With David A. Pettrone Swalve. Ch. 3 in Tracy Daniel Connors, ed., The Nonprofit Management Handbook: Management. Third edition (New York: Wiley). pp. 65–83.
"Metaphors and Visions for the Voluntary Sector." Ch. 1 in Tracy Daniel Connors, ed., The Volunteer Management Handbook. (New York: Wiley). 1995. pp. 3–11.
"National Service: Twenty Questions and Some Answers." Ch. 18 in Tracy Daniel Connors, ed., The Volunteer Management Handbook. (New York: Wiley). pp. 361–378. 1994
"Nonprofit Organizations and Social Institutions." Ch. 2 in Robert Herman, ed., The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass). pp. 44–64.
Who's Who in America. 2015. 69th Edition (pub. 2014)
Who's Who in American Education - 2004-2005, 6th Edition (pub. 2003)
Who's Who in the East - 1989-1990, 22nd Edition (pub. 1988)