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This is a Citizendium help page
This help page is meant for help and guidance only. It can be edited by any Citizen and, whilst we try to ensure it is accurate, it may not fully represent current policy.
Further guidance can be found at the Article Mechanics Complete page.

Section titles should be descriptive, lowercase, and necessary. A new section is rarely needed for fewer than three paragraphs; but a single section could be suitable for considerably more than that.

Many and frequent section headings are sometimes used to structure an otherwise disconnected collection of data. A plethora of headings are really not necessary in a well-organized narrative, as this "Biology" article demonstrates.

Top-level headings are created with two equals signs, like this (but flush left):

== Differences in style, approach and tone ==

Subsection headings (necessary only for very long sections) are created using three equals signs. We avoid headings surrounded on both sides by just one equals sign, because that will produce the same font size as the article title. It is not necessary to bold section titles.

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These help pages are a work in progress and need developing. Some topics are not written at all yet. Feel free to edit this page, or any other within the help system, and contribute towards making this a useful tool to all.