Gershon Baskin

Gershon Baskin [r]: Israeli Co-Director and founder of the Israel-Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI) - a joint Israeli-Palestinian public policy think; founded in 1988 following ten years of work in the field of Jewish-Arab relations within Israel, in Interns for Peace, the Ministry of Education and as Executive Director of the Institute for Education for Jewish-Arab Coexistence (established by the Israeli Ministry of Education and the Prime Minister's Office). ; member of the Jerusalem Experts Committee established by the Israeli Prime Minister's Office during the Final Status Negotiations in 2000-2001; member of the Israeli Council for Peace and Security; he is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of MAKOM, the Israeli Center for Environment Mediation and he was a founding chairman of Kehilat Kol Haneshama in Jerusalem where he served as Chairman for three years; contributor to Ameinu website [e]