CZ:Referenda (Citizen-Initiated)/Managing Editor sysop powers, December 2011

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Only the proposer of the referendum and Election Committee members may modify this page. Substantive modifications by the proposer after the referendum has been formally proposed at Referenda (Citizen-Initiated) will invalidate the signatures of any current supporters, and require them to sign again. Comments should be placed on the Talk page.

Under Article 37, section 2 of the Citizendium Charter, any Citizen in good standing may propose or support a referendum on the articles of the Charter or other matters. The number of Citizens required for a referendum vote to be held is equal to 20% of the valid votes in the previous round of elections. For December 2011, 3 Citizens must propose and support a referendum for its contents to be put to a community vote.

This page contains a proposed referendum question and proposed rules.

Managing Editor sysop powers, December 2011

Proposed by John Stephenson

A proposed referendum on offering sysop rights to the Citizendium Managing Editor follows. If it is voted on, Citizens could support or oppose the question by indicating 'Yes' or 'No'.

To support the establishment of a referendum on this issue, sign here.

Text in square brackets is not part of the referendum question.

Proposed referendum

Should the Citizendium Managing Editor be considered for sysop rights on the main wiki according to the procedure, restrictions and responsibilities set out at 'Managing Editor sysop powers'? [This page.]

Rules of procedure

Awarding of sysop rights

1. The Management Council shall hold a vote on whether to formally offer sysop rights on the main Citizendium wiki to the Citizendium Managing Editor not more than 90 days after that person enters office following election.

2. The Management Council's deliberations and reasons for their votes shall be restricted to whether the activities and background of the new Managing Editor qualify that person to accept the responsibility of sysop powers.

3. The Managing Editor shall be automatically entitled to claim sysop rights only if more than 90 days have elapsed since election or re-election and any of the following conditions are satisfied:

a) the Management Council has not held a vote; or
b) the vote did not satisfy the Management Council quorum; or
c) the Management Council has voted against the award but it is clear that at least one vote against the award was due to reasons related to any issue other than the suitability of the office-holder to exercise sysop rights. In such a case, the Ombudsman shall adjudicate.

4. If the Managing Editor has been re-elected and already holds sysop rights by virtue of that office, no vote shall take place.

5. If the Managing Editor already holds sysop rights by virtue of holding any other status, the vote shall be held to extend the legitimate use of those powers to official activities as Managing Editor.

Removal of sysop rights

6. Managing Editor sysop powers awarded shall only be removed:

a) on or after a Managing Editor's final day in office; or
b) if the officer-holder ceases to be a project member in good standing; or
c) by a majority vote of the Combined Councils at any time; or
d) at the office-holder's request.

Use of sysop powers

7. The Managing Editor's use of sysop powers is authorised only for official activities within that office, in accordance with Article 36 of the Citizendium Charter.

8. 'Official activities' may include the inspection of deleted pages or media.

9. The Managing Editor is prohibited from making any use of Citizens' private information gained via sysop privileges, including but not limited to registered email addresses and internet protocol (IP) information.

10. The Managing Editor may block accounts and delete pages or media in clear cases of vandalism or other obvious violations as listed under 'offenses that will result in an immediate ban'.

11. The Managing Editor may block or unblock accounts and delete or republish pages or media on an interim basis only where no other officials have taken up the issue concerned within 30 days of it coming to the attention of the community or that of relevant parties.

12. Following the Managing Editor's official use of sysop powers, any subsequent ruling, vote or decision by the appropriate official(s) may overturn or modify the Managing Editor's action.

13. Any Citizen may refer any use or suspected use of sysop powers by the Managing Editor to the Management Council and/or Constabulary for investigation and/or appeal.

14. Any individual whose account has been blocked by the Managing Editor may appeal the block to the Management Council and/or Constabulary.

15. Use of sysop powers may be revised but not revoked altogether at any time by vote of the Management Council.
